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How corrupt is the fbi execs?

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some FBI officials were very concerned about.... the goal of the DOJ

of course is was corrupt wh/doj political hackery.

that is how serious this gov's "deep swamp" has gotten.


The Battle Over Raiding Mar-a-Lago: Some FBI Officials Were Concerned About the DOJ's Ultimate Goal

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so, some FBI officials noted that the CHANGE in the SEARCH WARRANT added a possible prosecution of Pres Trump, ....which was actually bogus....so he could NOT run for President?

talk about election interference.

this garbage is dangerous to all of us. and the biden/harris WH radicals' own AG merrick garland is worthless, a coward and is totally corrupt, it seems.


Here's Where FBI Officials Realized What Could Be the DOJ's Goal in Raiding Mar-a-Lago

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