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Black Californians warn Newsom of 'direct impact' on Harris after Democrats kill slave reparation bills


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42 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Let me know where I said I'm looking to then to solve all the problems? 

I can actually read bro.  It's your everything answer to the rare questions that you follow through.  

Instead, crazy thought, I'm looking to close loopholes and get them to actually pay a fair share. 

What do you mean?  The bottom 50% have so many "loopholes" they barely pay anything.  Fair to whom?  

To do something to prevent the increasing wealth gap in this country.

It's called Pareto distribution.  It's natural for obvious reasons.  You sound like every "ultra rich" person is some nefarious Mr. Burns.

Maybe you just don't get math. I'm not sure. The shocking part shouldn't be the sum in taxes paid. The shocking part should be the amount of wealth they have. Looking at just an amount of tax dollars and saying "wow! That's so big for so few people! They're paying so much!" without taking any of it as a % or normalizing it in any way is idiotic. 

That's not what I'm doing at all.  

First off, I would never say "heyyy, why don't they pay as much as me???".  I'm more along the lines of "heyyy, why can't I pay as little as them???".

And consumerism works son.  You think/insinuate the government will make it right with a little more money, but those are progressive talking points.  Both sides of government have no idea how to correct this properly.  Zero clue.  Because it's never been done before without imploding the system.  The only result ever from redistribution is government corruption.  No thanks.

Not to mention you breeze by several layers of government to make a bland talking point.  If you specify this redistribution is on a local level, I'd be more willing to listen, to a point.  But again you're not really saying anything other than I suck off the "ultra rich".  Oh well.


Never even crossed my mind that was a gay joke. It was a subservient, good boy, don't question the rich joke. 


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