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Jobs Report Revised DOWNWARD by 818,000 Jobs (LARGEST Negative Jobs Report Revision in FIFTEEN YEARS)

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all the left demands to put lipstick on the economic pig:



Jobs Report Revised DOWNWARD by 818,000 Jobs (LARGEST Negative Jobs Report Revision in FIFTEEN YEARS)

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4 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Government got caught lying about Job growth.  What a surprise.

this gov is so corrupt, we don't get any kind of truth from it. Just delays, obstruction, lies, and

the harrassment/prosecution of Americans who are politically opposed to them.

like the IRS going after conservative groups. like the fbi going after anyone who went to that Jan 6th rally.

like federal agents at that rally. doj, irs, fbi, intel, etc etc etc.

It won't get fixed with dems in the wh and if dems control Congress.


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31 minutes ago, Axe said:

The economy is so great!! So many killer jobs created..

This man drove his Mercedes E350 to work as a flagman.. ;)



And he was at Circle K.. Thats one big polar pop lol...

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15 hours ago, Axe said:

The economy is so great!! So many killer jobs created..

This man drove his Mercedes E350 to work as a flagman.. ;)



He probably lives in his mom’s basement, and takes her car to work.

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