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VP Harris vows to raise taxes if elected president

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Just now, Vambo said:

As they should...  You think reducing the National annual deficit is somehow magically going to happen by NOT raising taxes on someone? I believe Regan proclaimed "no new taxes" The Republican mantra, while the national debt rose to the stratospheric height that it's never going to be repaid, short of hyperinflating the us currency.  

"FY2025 Biden-Harris budget proposal, which found that raising the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28% would bring in $1.425 trillion in tax revenue over 2024-2034."

FWIW, the top 1% has been riding the gravy train with Don-Old.  We can start by getting Social Security solvent by raising the cap on earnings over $160,000- double it- triple it.  That's a pittance to our professional athlete crowd.  I'm not going so far as to completely take the cap off SS earnings, as is already the case on Medicare. Make it 3% on earnings over $1,000,000... You have a problem with that?   

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5 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

but only on those who vote republican....that is how they roll.


You mean the Country Club Republican Crowd that's done amazingly well- after Trump cut their taxes?  Go ahead, you like digging up stats- how many more billionaires are there in the last decade or so, as opposed to those living in poverty. The rich just get richer Cal...  

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

As they should...  You think reducing the National annual deficit is somehow magically going to happen by NOT raising taxes on someone?

Here’s a novel idea, how about cutting spending?

I know that’s a new idea to most of you, but I believe it would work. 🤔

The D.C. swamp rats don’t have a taxing problem, they have a spending problem.

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4 hours ago, hoorta said:

As they should...  You think reducing the National annual deficit is somehow magically going to happen by NOT raising taxes on someone? I believe Regan proclaimed "no new taxes" The Republican mantra, while the national debt rose to the stratospheric height that it's never going to be repaid, short of hyperinflating the us currency.  

"FY2025 Biden-Harris budget proposal, which found that raising the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28% would bring in $1.425 trillion in tax revenue over 2024-2034."

FWIW, the top 1% has been riding the gravy train with Don-Old.  We can start by getting Social Security solvent by raising the cap on earnings over $160,000- double it- triple it.  That's a pittance to our professional athlete crowd.  I'm not going so far as to completely take the cap off SS earnings, as is already the case on Medicare. Make it 3% on earnings over $1,000,000... You have a problem with that?   

Since January 2021, legislation signed by President Biden has set in motion a record $3.37 trillion in new spending.


The more they raise taxes they double the spending...only a drunk would see this as a good idea by heels up Harris!


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5 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Here’s a novel idea, how about cutting spending?

I know that’s a new idea to most of you, but I believe it would work. 🤔

The D.C. swamp rats don’t have a taxing problem, they have a spending problem.

Can we start with the military?

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Can we start with the military?

I would prefer shutting off the free shit train.

That’s the catalyst for the millions of illegals entering this country.

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Can we start with the military?

Our Military has been weakened enough with cuts and letting Trannys and queers run the asylum and you want more cuts... Yes... You are insane... All setup for the easy take over by your Chinese comrades and illegals who are crashing the border... You use very little in the way of logic... The needle jabs has infected your entire body...

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Just now, Canton Dawg said:

I would prefer shutting off the free shit train.

That’s the catalyst for the millions of illegals entering this country.

Nothing at all to do with the situations in their own country, some level of which causes by us? Alright 

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Just now, MLD Woody said:

Nothing at all to do with the situations in their own country, some level of which causes by us? Alright 

Their own country?

Which countries are you referring to? China? Vietnam? Syria? 

Please explain what the U.S. is doing in those Asian countries?

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4 minutes ago, nickers said:

Our Military has been weakened enough with cuts and letting Trannys and queers run the asylum and you want more cuts... Yes... You are insane... All setup for the easy take over by your Chinese comrades and illegals who are crashing the border... You use very little in the way of logic... The needle jabs has infected your entire body...

This would be sad if you weren't such an insufferable piece of shit

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5 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

This would be sad if you weren't such an insufferable piece of shit

Ah yeah... When you can't win the debate,... Do what cowards do and start with name calling... You are bush league Bubba...


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11 hours ago, hoorta said:

"FY2025 Biden-Harris budget proposal, which found that raising the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28% would bring in $1.425 trillion in tax revenue over 2024-2034."

Money for Ukraine?

Raise the corporate tax, guess who will still pay for those increases?

Gov't has to stop spending first and foremost.

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Can we start with the military?

Probably not a good idea with the global unrest.

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15 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:
18 hours ago, hoorta said:

As they should...  You think reducing the National annual deficit is somehow magically going to happen by NOT raising taxes on someone?

Here’s a novel idea, how about cutting spending?

I know that’s a new idea to most of you, but I believe it would work. 🤔

The D.C. swamp rats don’t have a taxing problem, they have a spending problem.

whoreta makes a stupid argument. Raise taxes, and companies will cut back on R&D and hiring, etc.

it's like raising the minimum wage - it sounds superficial and utopian.

then the small companies, especially, either go under, lay off workers, raise prices.

The idea that any company with money should lose it because whoreta, woodpecker etc want free stuff...

is just soviet/ommunist china style garbage.

   You cut corportae taxes, they get wealthier and pay more taxes.

But the leftwing bigotry rolls on - because they want to keep power in our gov.

Lefties can NOT see the forest, because of the trees at the front edge.

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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

whoreta makes a stupid argument. Raise taxes, and companies will cut back on R&D and hiring, etc.

it's like raising the minimum wage - it sounds superficial and utopian.

then the small companies, especially, either go under, lay off workers, raise prices.

The idea that any company with money should lose it because whoreta, woodpecker etc want free stuff...

is just soviet/ommunist china style garbage.

   You cut corportae taxes, they get wealthier and pay more taxes.

But the leftwing bigotry rolls on - because they want to keep power in our gov.

Lefties can NOT see the forest, because of the trees at the front edge.

I don't want free stuff delusional one.  Parroting Orangie's Communist dog whistle. Compared to some European nations we're on the low end of the socialism scale. Go back to your rabbit hole.  

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12 minutes ago, hoorta said:

I don't want free stuff delusional one.  Parroting Orangie's Communist dog whistle. Compared to some European nations we're on the low end of the socialism scale. Go back to your rabbit hole.  


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12 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Trump’s Plan to Raise Your Taxes - The Atlantic

Tariff: a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.


Correct, Tariff Meister Don-Old the economic genius (his Dunning Kreuger syndrome fancies himself better at that than Milton Friedman) thinks people are going to be stupid enough to fall for his tariff gambit again. MAGAs in general aren't very bright however.  WE pay those 10% tariffs, not China, Mexico, or Europe.  Put some midwest farmers out of business the last time. Could I afford to pay more for my Bordeaux? Sure, but the peons at the grocery store aren't going to like paying more for Mexican produce, or seasonal stuff from Chile. I may be off on this- but we import well over a trillion dollars of goods every year. I'll use that as a baseline 10% of a trillion is $100 billion that US consumers would be footing the bill for the economic genius' bullshit.  Not to mention the trade war that would ensue- sure as shit. 

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12 hours ago, Jax said:

Money for Ukraine?

Raise the corporate tax, guess who will still pay for those increases?

Gov't has to stop spending first and foremost.

Cut governmental spending? Easier said than done Jax.... 55% of the budget is spent on "entitlements" there's the ox waiting to be gored by a republican administration. Surprising that Don-Old wants to eliminate Obamacare?  I think not.     

Let's see how happy Cal would be if his Social Security was cut 15%, and his Medicare bills went up by the same amount.  Or cut SNAP, better know as Food Stamps? As Marie Antionette said "Let them eat cake".  FWIW, the line at the Food Bank here is getting ever longer. Sure, some could be waiting in line for a free handout- but I'd be willing to bet they're in the minority. 

You know what is worrisome?  That 24% interest on the national debt- which eventually isn't going to be sustainable. Short of devaluing the US currency- which would put us in third world status. China already holds an ungodly amount of IOUs from Uncle Sam, and in the famous phrase from the movie Network...  "They're going to come back and buy us out with our own money".  



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I'll give you a C- for effort Larry but too much is just simply incorrect or blatant fear mongering.


 Who are you voting for Larry? And to use you're own question. What are you going to do if she wins?



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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

I don't want free stuff delusional one.  Parroting Orangie's Communist dog whistle. Compared to some European nations we're on the low end of the socialism scale. Go back to your rabbit hole.  

you want the free stuff to be able to screw with folks on this board and get away with it.

you thrive on it.

that is why you have lost most of the respect you ordinarily would have around here.

But haters like you swim in Egypt.

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

Cut governmental spending? Easier said than done Jax.... 55% of the budget is spent on "entitlements" there's the ox waiting to be gored by a republican administration. Surprising that Don-Old wants to eliminate Obamacare?  I think not.     

Let's see how happy Cal would be if his Social Security was cut 15%, and his Medicare bills went up by the same amount.  Or cut SNAP, better know as Food Stamps? As Marie Antionette said "Let them eat cake".  FWIW, the line at the Food Bank here is getting ever longer. Sure, some could be waiting in line for a free handout- but I'd be willing to bet they're in the minority. 

You know what is worrisome?  That 24% interest on the national debt- which eventually isn't going to be sustainable. Short of devaluing the US currency- which would put us in third world status. China already holds an ungodly amount of IOUs from Uncle Sam, and in the famous phrase from the movie Network...  "They're going to come back and buy us out with our own money".  



RFK Jr's running mate suggests campaign considering 'joining forces' with Trump - Fox News
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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

Let's see how happy Cal would be if his Social Security was cut 15%, and his Medicare bills went up by the same amount. 

Let's not, because America needs Pres Trump to be president again, or your harris/stolen valor slug will give medicare to all - including illegals. which will require Americans' medicare to be slashed.

and whining about our national debt - others and I have warned about it for years - except now, your dems in office

have really aggravated it in completely asinine ways.

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excuses, and then silence when lefties repeatedly fail and make asses of themselves.

they just emotionally run to another false narrative.

and, it's all related to free stuff, in one fashion or another.


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