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Wonderful. Our first player of the year to be arrested


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17 minutes ago, Flugel said:

Very true... So where we at?   "He loves me.  He loves me not.  He loves me."    

said she thumped him on the head with a glass bottle at the Columbus airport. Sounds like a match made in Heaven.

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One thing l believe is that the qualities it takes to be good at football are not necessarily the same qualities it takes to be good at life. Let’s be honest, the job of 80% of a football team is to destroy other dudes. Aggression, tenacity, a little violence, and the ability to withstand head injuries are all good qualities for football. Not necessarily for life. 

The human brain isn’t even fully formed until around age 25, so if you combine these factors with newly found fame and wealth and maybe booze and women? l am not surprised stuff like this happens. And it’s sad. It really is.

I am a believer in second chances. Sometimes thirds or more, depending on the circumstances. Domestic abuse is a clear sign that one or both of them are not dealing well with something in their life. Now that that’s been uncovered, do what it takes to learn to deal better. That’s not an excuse, that’s the goal. Therapy, boundaries, dump the girl, whatever it takes. 

I don’t fault the Browns for whatever they do. They presumably have more intimate details about what happened and should be well suited to help him get help. 


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On 8/15/2024 at 5:22 AM, Orange_Ranger said:

I'm sorry I need to chime in one this again and I need to try to limit the "as a new fan" thing it will get old fast.... That being said...

I've seen more content on this from various podcasts and such and, I'm frankly disturbed. This is a really miserable thing to walk into just trying to get into a sport and at least I'm in my thirties and get the life experince to contextualize it but I feel real crappy about Clevalnd football fans who are 7...8..9...10...11 years old and discovering what should be a life long passion for a game. What has me so messed up is just some of the attitudes on these podcasts. Not here on this board everyone seems really sensible here. But there are all these guys on these podcasts that seem to think they are being sensible and maybe from the inside when you've been exposed to jock mentality as normal your whole life they seem that way. But they aren't. They sound like psychopaths.

The worst example was this guy speaking from the hypothetical that its all true, so we can't say innocent till proven guilty because his whole perspective was a "what if". And he was saying stuff like "he went a little too far" and "I'm not saying the relationship is over, love conquers all." ....Ok so love conquers having a gun pressed against your head threatening to smear your brains all over the concrete apparently. I work in a public service field and make like 30k a year, I'm poor. And I don't play a game on tv. If I pressed a gun to someone's head and threatened to kill them, no one would be making excuses for me saying I went a little too far, love conquers all, just get him some help, or trying to explain how she could have escalated it. You'd have me crucifed. Without question. I might be safer in jail because the mob would be right outside my door.

This isn't me saying crucify Hall - I too beleive in evidence based justice and due process of the law, not just reacting to hearsay. But if he is guilty or not the attitude of making excuses for this behavior if it is real that I've heard on several podcasts is beyond all manner of distrubing and depressing. I'm in genuine shock over it, because its not the way it is anywhere else nobody would be ok with making excuses for this if your job wasn't throwing a ball around.

The world is so littered with podcasts that the podcasters have to try and out podcast all the other podcasters. You’re bound to find some that are trying to be edgy and push the boundaries on what would seem appropriate. Plus, the NFL has a pretty solid history of inconsistent outcomes when one of their players does something awful.

The lower tiered players usually get cut and are never heard from again, but the better players somehow find a way to bear the shame and carry on.

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48 minutes ago, Orion said:

Well, we're awaiting the suspension from Roger GoToHell.  

But he didn't do anything.. isn't he cleared?



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3 hours ago, nickers said:

But he didn't do anything.. isn't he cleared?

Oh no, no, no.  The all mighty Roger GoToHell is the only law in town.  And if he's got a chance to suspend a Cleveland Brown...he's gonna do it!

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