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Wolverine Deadpool Resurrection review

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Wolverine Deadpool Resurrection

Marvel Disney

R.              127 min

Every time I review a superhero movie I go through the same disclaimer how Superman, meaning DC Comics, versus Marvel fans blah blah blah. And I always admit that while Stan Lee is brilliant his claim to fame is imitating characters created from other sources but that the changes he makes often make his characters better than the ones that have been cloned. This time it's just a little bit different. Deadpool was a DC Comic standout and was seen as such a cash cow by Sony / Disney / Marvel/dc/ whoever the hell has money riding on the franchise that it was purchased lock stock and barrel so it is now part of the Marvel Universe. Got it? Yeah me neither. Still along with Wolverine it could be my favorite Marvel franchise of all time. When the antihero movement got underway back in the 60s, or even the late 50s, maybe before, pure of heart Heroes like Superman became a little less interesting than the ones who bent the rules had had a dark side. Deadpool is probably the first R rated superhero not because of the ubiquitous violence that they all involved themselves in but because he has no fear of dropping the occasional F-bomb. And drop them he does. I didn't bother to count but I know there's a particular number that a movie cannot exceed without garnering and NC-17 rating. They don't want that because they want the older brothers or friends to bring the kids in to see DEADPOOL.

 Makes sense? Yep. In this episode we have another great Marvel hero, namely Wolverine, who has risen above his X-Men cohorts to be a star all on his own. Recently LOGAN, the actual name of Wolverine , spelled the end of the franchise as Hugh Jackman vowed never to come back. Like they say promises are made to be broken and maybe it's just the fun or maybe it's the checkbook but the Australian actor decided to saddle up one more time. The term RESURRECTION comes into play because here both DEADPOOL/WOLVERINE are indestructible in their own way, their super bodies regenerating after huge amounts of trauma. You might recall the plot derivative nonsense and in a way you'd be correct but it's very clever derivative nonsense and spends a great deal time making fun of itself just for that. They've also broken the fourth wall which is a movie hook in which characters on screen actually talk to the audience. And that's fun here. For example earlier in the film Wolverine and Deadpool are about to have a superhero battle smashing the hell out of each other as well as buildings and surrounding vehicles. Right before that scene Deadpool tells the audience that it's obligatory and that he knows they expect it. One interesting aspect of the plot here is that Wolverine, Logan, wants out of the X-Men. Deadpool on the other hand feels terrible because he can't be accepted into the Avengers. Oh, did I mention that the Metaverse gets thrown in here as well? Yes while the Metaverse can be an interesting concept it can also end up with some silly woke crap like Spideyverse. Don't worry it's actually kind of cool here. It makes for some humorous scenes as the search for the new Wolverine goes on everywhere. Short, tall, male, female, animal, gay, straight you name it. The search ends when Deadpool finds the real Wolverine drunk and a bar and has to convince him come back for one more rodeo. Oh sure there's the required bad guy who wants to either rule or destroy the universe or possibly even both. Wolverine doesn't really care except that he doesn't like the bad guy and Deadpool wouldn't care except that he wants to save a handful of people who were his family in better days gone by. This goal is achieved by a lot of fighting swearing and smashing stuff up, as usual. Still it's good quality fight choreography and very clever repartee. Among some other places the film finds hooks to borrow include MAD  MAX THUNDERDOME and that episode of Star Trek  in which Spock gives his life for his friends. And then later the one that they bring him back with The Genesis Project. Anyway it's a lot easier to say I loved it than to try to explain any of the silliness in the plot. Great action great dialogue and even a kind of heartwarming ending. And plenty of other stuff to keep you from getting bored. I didn't love it for the first 15 minutes but let me tell you it creeps up on you.



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