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Cashless Society

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Every time l travel l’m reminded of how useless cash is. It honestly kinda pisses me off, and there isn’t much that pisses me off these days. 

I don’t like that legal tender is slowly being replaced by a pyramid scheme, and we are idly allowing it. If any of you run a business you know that taking $100 via credit card, or venmo, or paypal, or whatever, it isn’t REALLY $100. It’s more like $96. Maybe less, maybe more depending on whatever bullshit arrangement you have with whatever company translates your pyramid money into actual dollars. 

The pandemic was a turbo booster for all of this. Sort of a convenient excuse to go “cashless.” I get the convenience factor. I really do. It’s not really that fun to count a bunch of bills to figure out your profit line, but if the trade off is a dollar equals a dollar, l’m all for it.

The budding conspiracy theorist within me also doesn’t like the traceability of it all either. I’m a big civil liberties guy. I want the freedom to buy whatever without a record of it. It’s very big brotherly and it honestly creeps me out. 

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You are very much correct. I went to my daughters soccer game a few years back and I almost couldn't get in because not only did they not accept cash but you had to buy a ticket online. What's the purpose of someone standing in a window that doesn't accept cash?

I don't care too much if they track me, I'm pretty boring if they are looking for anything. But that doesn't excuse it plus maybe I want to set up a side job or two without claiming taxes, then like you said, they can track you. It maybe was too much for people to track but now with AI they can program all kinds of algorithms to track whatever and however they want.

Not to even mention hackers and viruses.

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12 minutes ago, Jax said:

You are very much correct. I went to my daughters soccer game a few years back and I almost couldn't get in because not only did they not accept cash but you had to buy a ticket online. What's the purpose of someone standing in a window that doesn't accept cash?

I don't care too much if they track me, I'm pretty boring if they are looking for anything. But that doesn't excuse it plus maybe I want to set up a side job or two without claiming taxes, then like you said, they can track you. It maybe was too much for people to track but now with AI they can program all kinds of algorithms to track whatever and however they want.

Not to even mention hackers and viruses.

Like I keep telling people.. Bitcoin is a total scam.. If you fall for it.. you deserve it!

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On 7/26/2024 at 6:59 PM, Ibleedbrown said:

Every time l travel l’m reminded of how useless cash is. It honestly kinda pisses me off, and there isn’t much that pisses me off these days. 

I don’t like that legal tender is slowly being replaced by a pyramid scheme, and we are idly allowing it. If any of you run a business you know that taking $100 via credit card, or venmo, or paypal, or whatever, it isn’t REALLY $100. It’s more like $96. Maybe less, maybe more depending on whatever bullshit arrangement you have with whatever company translates your pyramid money into actual dollars. 

The pandemic was a turbo booster for all of this. Sort of a convenient excuse to go “cashless.” I get the convenience factor. I really do. It’s not really that fun to count a bunch of bills to figure out your profit line, but if the trade off is a dollar equals a dollar, l’m all for it.

The budding conspiracy theorist within me also doesn’t like the traceability of it all either. I’m a big civil liberties guy. I want the freedom to buy whatever without a record of it. It’s very big brotherly and it honestly creeps me out. 


You probably weren't affected, but during the last "big outage" (Crowdstrike), only Cash was functional.


On 7/26/2024 at 9:09 PM, Jax said:

You are very much correct. I went to my daughters soccer game a few years back and I almost couldn't get in because not only did they not accept cash but you had to buy a ticket online. What's the purpose of someone standing in a window that doesn't accept cash?

I don't care too much if they track me, I'm pretty boring if they are looking for anything. But that doesn't excuse it plus maybe I want to set up a side job or two without claiming taxes, then like you said, they can track you. It maybe was too much for people to track but now with AI they can program all kinds of algorithms to track whatever and however they want.

Not to even mention hackers and viruses.


You're pretty much highlighting things right here - they want your CC or Digital (ID) currency (tracking, one way or another).


On 7/26/2024 at 9:22 PM, nickers said:

Like I keep telling people.. Bitcoin is a total scam.. If you fall for it.. you deserve it!


DARPA project - Black Market, underground commerce, Trafficking, Drugs, etc   .   .   .  



Oh, but it's secure and private you say ! ! ! ! ! ! !



How then, did the FIB track, identify, and confiscate the Blackmail attempts a few years back on a Power Infrastructure or some such item a few years back ?

They've (Alphabet Agencies) had this info since the beginning - nothing is private or out of their reach.




This is something (Crypto) that has always puzzled me.

Reminds me of all those School Fads way back in the days, whether it be Marbles, Strings, Beads, Cards, etc, or whatever   .   .   .   only of value for a short time.


Yea, again aging myself.


But Crypto.

What value is it really ?

It's only a bunch of digits in the long run.

Cash is only marginally better in that it is backed by the Gov, and at least you can wipe your @$$ with it or burn it for fire if you need too.


Crypto ?

No power = nothing.

Backed by literally nothing - I can poke a random string of Bytes and call it Crypto for all it's worth (more too it, but not any better).



I have yet to find an explanation of the real value of Crypto.

Not saying it won't shoot too the Moon for at least a little while (again, Fads - do people ever outgrow them ?).



I've never promoted Crypto's for this reason, and while I may be wrong on this, I don't believe they have any value.

Gold, Silver, Copper, Commodities, assets you physically hold = these have value in my mind.


Cash is the current standard, at least for a little while longer   .   .   .   I expect it to be replaced soon (as I've stated many times) in the not too distant future.


My belief/understanding is the "current" Dollar will be replaced (Federal Reserve Note for Treasury Note/Dollar) as soon as possibly in the next year.

The details of this I'm not privy too, but I'm pretty sure the new currency is going to be asset backed (as Trump has hinted at many times).



Back to Crypto, there was recently a Crypto conference in Nashville (?) the past week that Trump attended.

Now keep in mind, whatever he said there may be just another spotlight onto things (he was not pro Bitcoin before) to expose them.


A very knowledgable guest to this Symposium said this :




In short, this is all just another step to "Big Brother", which we're already pretty deeply into.



Do ya'll really want to go down this path ?



There's more I could go into here, but do I really need too ?


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37 minutes ago, Axe said:

But they couldn't find a lone white boy with a scoped rifle on an empty 10,000 sq ft roof.

and this corrupt government won't use that tech at the border. "if you aren't on the list, we shall resist, and deport your asses".

that would be good.

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