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10 hours ago, Axe said:


“I said the sanctions were going to grind the Venezuelan economy into dust and have huge human consequences, one of which would be out-migration,” Thomas Shannon told the Washington Post.

Trump May Demonize Migration From Venezuela, But He Helped Fuel It – Mother Jones

That’s not how it played out. When Trump took office in January 2017, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office was projecting that federal budget deficits would be 2% to 3% of our gross domestic product during Trump’s term. Instead, the deficit reached nearly 4% of gross domestic product in 2018 and 4.6% in 2019.

There were multiple culprits. Trump’s tax cuts, especially the sharp reduction in the corporate tax rate to 21% from 35%, took a big bite out of federal revenue. The CBO estimated in 2018 that the tax cut would increase deficits by about $1.9 trillion over 11 years....

By early 2019, the national debt had climbed to $22 trillion. (from 17). Trump had the third-biggest primary deficit growth, 5.2% of GDP, behind only George W. Bush (11.7%) and Abraham Lincoln (9.4%). Bush, of course, not only passed a big tax cut, as Trump has, but also launched two wars, which greatly inflated the defense budget. Lincoln had to pay for the Civil War. By contrast, Trump’s wars have been almost entirely of the political variety.


Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years — ProPublica

One analysis concluded that U.S. exporters had to pay higher prices for components imported from China. Tariffs on imported washing machines raised prices for washers by almost 12% — and on dryers as well, researchers at the Federal Reserve and the University of Chicago found.
Costs that weren’t passed on to consumers were absorbed by importers, Moody’s Investor Service reported.

Trump’s Tariffs Did, In Fact, Hurt U.S. Importers - UCLA Anderson Review


Nothing like facts smacking you in the face. These numbers are before Cheetos spent another 3 trillion for his Covid giveaways. 

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54 minutes ago, Jax said:

What a shameless bunch.

The best though is when they campaign on fixing things they broke, you've got to be stupid as hell to vote for her.

Are you unfamiliar with influencers? They are generally individuals who have put great effort in to building up a following on online platforms, typically focusing on a subject matter whether it be traveling, video games, “what to do this weekend” stuff, politics, etc.

It created a new dynamic in marketing for those of us who concern ourselves with marketing. Their word has some pull for plenty of people, and their goal is to parlay that word for compensation. It’s basically the business model. 

Heck, l work with influencers in my line of work. And yes, depending on what l’m asking of them, l have to pay money. So the fact that they offered money to this guy, who l gather is an influencer, is perfectly normal. Like l said, it literally is the business model and l would hope the Trump campaign has the foresight to do the same. 

Good for this guy taking the opportunity to make a point though. That’s classy and rings a little louder. 

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harris is so corrupt, and the left wants total permanent control so badly, they love her ability to lie and steal Pres Trump's stances to win the election by deceit.

then, like obamao and biden, they will do the opposite if they damn well feel like it, because it will be too late, unless the Supreme Court stops them.


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23 minutes ago, Vambo said:


He's a great man who really loves people... Is he perfect?.. Hell no... no one is.. But he does right by his countrymen and women.. But he's got my vote...

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