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Breaking News: Biden Steps Down

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21 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

If conservatives start filing lawsuits to keep potential Dem candidates off the ballot, or just to slow down the whole process, I think it'll backfire on them. Not a good look if you need to result to legal hail marys just cuz you're (seemingly) afraid of a new candidate. 

They could have every legal right to do so, I just think it'll make them look weak

Agreed. Not a good idea to disenfranchise the voting public. It'd be the same as getting Trump removed from Colorado's ballot or Ohio trying to raise the vote threshold to 60%.  I bring it up because it's something that will require effort from the campaign. 

20 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:


Remember when you said Musk's tweet about Cheatle wasn't a DEI thing....

... Lol

I do remember. I also remember you saying that running security for Pepsi is adequate preparation for running the secret service. lmao

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14 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:


I do remember. I also remember you saying that running security for Pepsi is adequate preparation for running the secret service. lmao

Or, you know, her working for the secret service for 25 years before that point, including as deputy assistant director. 


But a lot easier to make a Cheetos joke and have your millions of always online borderline incel followers have something to laugh at I guess.

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4 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Or, you know, her working for the secret service for 25 years before that point, including as deputy assistant director. 

Seniority =/= Merit

Having worked in both the Air Force and the VA, this is a major problem for all aspects of the federal government. The Secret Service has a no-failure mission. She failed. 

I am not sure why you are so hung up on this. 

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15 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Or, you know, her working for the secret service for 25 years before that point, including as deputy assistant director. 


But a lot easier to make a Cheetos joke and have your millions of always online borderline incel followers have something to laugh at I guess.

She's a DEI hire, just admit it and quit filling this section with your usual bullshit.

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43 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

Seniority =/= Merit

Having worked in both the Air Force and the VA, this is a major problem for all aspects of the federal government. The Secret Service has a no-failure mission. She failed. 

I am not sure why you are so hung up on this. 

Because I think the immediate desperate lunging to make this a DEI issue is stupid. I think all of the right's attempts at wedge issues, to scare their base with issues that don't exist, only serve to distract us from solving actual problems. This situation is only the latest attempt. 

She could have failed. It could have not been her fault at all but she's at the top and ultimately in charge. Whatever. That doesn't mean we have any of the "DEI" issues every conservative is falling over themselves to scream about (great distraction from guns too). 

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22 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

New reports this morning
Gov Whitmer has said she won't be leaving Michigan in response to questions about being potential VP for Harris
Pelosi has endorsed Harris
Sen. Manchin has ruled out running for the Dem nomination

I think Harris would need to grab the most boring white guy possible for her VP. 

This is still America

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1 hour ago, VaporTrail said:

Biden only lasted one month under the same scrutiny Trump was under for 8 years. 

WTF, i love kamala harris now

I would vote for a bag of dead cats over your favorite rapist. Dems aren't a cult of stupidity that follow their orange messiah.


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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Because I think the immediate desperate lunging to make this a DEI issue is stupid. I think all of the right's attempts at wedge issues, to scare their base with issues that don't exist, only serve to distract us from solving actual problems. This situation is only the latest attempt. 

She could have failed. It could have not been her fault at all but she's at the top and ultimately in charge. Whatever. That doesn't mean we have any of the "DEI" issues every conservative is falling over themselves to scream about (great distraction from guns too). 

This is not a made-up issue. She went on national news and bragged about making a USSS quota of 30% female agents years ago. Fast forward to this month and the female agents assigned to Trump were unable to physically shield his head. That is a failure directly tied to DEI. Once again, by saying that this issue doesn't exist, you are gaslighting. 

It's clearly a component of the failure. But for you to say it's completely unrelated is no different than someone saying "oh she failed because she's a woman," or "guns have nothing to do with it."

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10 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Because I think the immediate desperate lunging to make this a DEI issue is stupid. I think all of the right's attempts at wedge issues, to scare their base with issues that don't exist, only serve to distract us from solving actual problems. This situation is only the latest attempt. 

She could have failed. It could have not been her fault at all but she's at the top and ultimately in charge. Whatever. That doesn't mean we have any of the "DEI" issues every conservative is falling over themselves to scream about (great distraction from guns too). 

Damn, now I want her to pick Buttigieg just for maximum crying from the cult. But PA governor may be the "smart" pick.

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50 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

New reports this morning
Gov Whitmer has said she won't be leaving Michigan in response to questions about being potential VP for Harris
Pelosi has endorsed Harris
Sen. Manchin has ruled out running for the Dem nomination

Just stopping by to say hi.  :)  Biden finally realized the obvious- "image is everything", and knew the shouts of he's too old and looks senile sunk him deeper than the Titanic after a horrendous debate non-performance.  

Too bad about Whitmer, I'd pick her over Harris in a heartbeat...  But as has been said around here- she has her eyes on 2028. and her poll numbers currently as a presidential candidate are in single digits. Newsom isn't interested either. 

So who?  Names out there...   Andy Beshear?  Roy Cooper?  Josh Shapiro? Mark Kelly?  Forget about Peety Buttigieg , America isn't ready for an openly gay candidate. Or making the ticket "too black" Picking a guy like Raphael Warnock. My choice is Kelly, followed closely by Shapiro.  

Yes, right now DJT's in the lead, but a LOT can change in three months. MHO? Our current endless election cycle has gotten beyond ridiculous. Votes have hardly been counted, and political parties are already gearing up for the next election. Plenty of other countries run their elections in a few months- or even weeks.  


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6 minutes ago, hoorta said:

 MHO? Our current endless election cycle has gotten beyond ridiculous. Votes have hardly been counted, and political parties are already gearing up for the next election. Plenty of other countries run their elections in a few months- or even weeks.  


On that, we'll agree

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And a final thought about GOP political hypocrisy.  

Anyone notice how fast Trump's buddy Mike Johnson changed his tune Sunday?  Sunday morning... "Biden should stay in the race"..   Sunday afternoon "Biden should resign immediately"...   Sure Mike, did you think that one through- that if Joe did resign- you'd be talking to President Harris six months early? Of course, that would suddenly make you next in line for the presidency.  (You'd probably like that a lot) 

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17 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Biden finally realized the obvious

Did he though? His campaign made statements that morning saying he wasn't dropping out and then they found out by tweet. You would expect a public appearance for an announcement of that magnitude. All we have is a post from his twitter account. 


I'm taking bets on when his next public appearance will be. When do you think? How long does it take for the conspiracy theory rabbit hole to open up?

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9 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I believe Trump will have to choose his words wisely (which he rarely does) if he debates Kamaltoe.

If he says the wrong thing, he will quickly be labeled a “racist”, “misogynist”, “sexist”, or whatever the Libtards can come up with.

I don’t think Trump winning this is a slam dunk, I think if he pulls back the name calling he can win this.

The election is his to lose.

How is that different than what they already call him? Trump should try throwing them for a loop and being...not bombastic for a change. 

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5 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

This is not a made-up issue. She went on national news and bragged about making a USSS quota of 30% female agents years ago. Fast forward to this month and the female agents assigned to Trump were unable to physically shield his head. That is a failure directly tied to DEI. Once again, by saying that this issue doesn't exist, you are gaslighting. 

It's clearly a component of the failure. But for you to say it's completely unrelated is no different than someone saying "oh she failed because she's a woman," or "guns have nothing to do with it."

What?  Someone in charge of something patting themselves on the back for meeting a goal they set or was set for them?   Say it ain't so.


There was 1 female agent on the stage and all photos show her in the position of shielding Trumps body.  Or are we saying she was responsible for keeping Trump from rising up, showing his head, and raising his fist.


Look, there was likely either outright failures with the entire setup or woulda/coulda/shoulda lessons learned out of it.  But I'll bet money anyone's sexual orientation or hiring because of sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.

And no, I am not in favor of DEI or quotas in general.  I also realize these type of things end up having to become mandates by governments or shareholders because there are still to many racist/sexist/general d-bags in positions of power/decision making position who F up for everyone.  If they weren't off doing the exact polar opposite of DEI types of initiatives (ie. hiring/promoting less qualified white males over more qualified any other race/sex) we wouldn't have the DEI/quota nonsense.   

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52 minutes ago, Reality said:

What?  Someone in charge of something patting themselves on the back for meeting a goal they set or was set for them?   Say it ain't so.


There was 1 female agent on the stage and all photos show her in the position of shielding Trumps body.  Or are we saying she was responsible for keeping Trump from rising up, showing his head, and raising his fist.


Look, there was likely either outright failures with the entire setup or woulda/coulda/shoulda lessons learned out of it.  But I'll bet money anyone's sexual orientation or hiring because of sexual orientation has nothing to do with it.

And no, I am not in favor of DEI or quotas in general.  I also realize these type of things end up having to become mandates by governments or shareholders because there are still to many racist/sexist/general d-bags in positions of power/decision making position who F up for everyone.  If they weren't off doing the exact polar opposite of DEI types of initiatives (ie. hiring/promoting less qualified white males over more qualified any other race/sex) we wouldn't have the DEI/quota nonsense.   

There were three females, and one was about 4 ft tall.

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14 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

There were three females, and one was about 4 ft tall.

Every photo i have seen or can find shows one female agent on him when they are getting him up to move him.  Shall we ignore the video where no agent, male or female gets on the president until he ducks on his own after getting hit in the ear...


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25 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

You're fucking tripping.

Do you know the sheer number of lawsuits won and settled out of court with payment over this type of discriminatory hiring practices?  That draws attention from the public and shareholders.  That results in over course correction (ie. DEI initiatives).

Let's dumb it down.   This type of nonsense has to get enacted for the same reason a company's travel policy has to get tighted.  Some bad apples, typically in higher level positions ruin it for everyone else because of dumb ass behavior/decision making.  It's just at a larger scale.

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