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1 in 3 Democrats believe Trump faked assassination attempt

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3 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Imagine the balls it would take to stand there and let someone shoot within an inch of your brain. I can't imagine trump or anyone is that confident. 

That's just being logical 🤪 

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1 hour ago, Reality said:

Another example that the far left and the far right are two sides of the same coin.  

baloney. "both the same" is just an ignorant defense of leftism and corruption in our gov.

russian collusion - FAKE. LIE by the swamp see james lietocongress clapper.

laptop russian disinformation - LIE by the swamp

open borders - dangerous, traitorous move to steal elections with illegals voting - move by the SWAMP/LEFT

weak leadership spawning wars in the middle east and the Ukraine - just wait til they get another four years of destruction - BY THE LEFTIST SWAMP.

giving illegals hotel rooms, meal cards, etc etc etc - and we have VETERANS LIVING HOMELESS... all due to the swampy left.

The list is long.

"both the same? two sides of a non-existent coin?

how stupid.


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5 hours ago, Reality said:

Another example that the far left and the far right are two sides of the same coin.  

No they're really not. In many ways.

For 1 out of 3 demonrats to believe Trump staged this shooting is out of pure hatred for the guy. Hate overwhelms the little reasoning ability they have.

The left has made it their mission be rid of Trump since he took the Oath of Office. For those on the right to suspect that there may some sort of government conspiracy, even though not likely, is a normal reaction because it reeks of one.

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Not saying it isn't true, but where's the link to the study?

have someone teach you how to use your browser to find stuff on the internet. please. and what is funny about our homeless veterans, troll bird?

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