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No Conspiracy theory to see here ! (can't wait for the investigations to turn up some serious crap though

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But let's talk facts.

Blackrock does work for the CIA.

Blackwater's work for the CIA was the result of meetings in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 between Prince and Alvin "Buzzy" Krongard, then-executive director of the CIA, the agency's number-three ...
   The shooter of Pres Trump was pictured in a blackrock video, which they have now deleted. So, is it fair to say Blackrock co. knew of the shooter? about the shooter?
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Now, lets consider who Thomas E. Donilon is...

Thomas Edward Donilon (born May 14, 1955) is an American lawyer, business executive, and former government official who served as the 22nd National Security Advisor in the Obama administration from 2010 to 2013. Donilon also worked in the Carter and Clinton administrations, including as chief of
and....Thomas E. Donilon ....
Feb 9, 2024Thomas E. Donilon is Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute. He served as National Security Advisor to President Barack Obama. In that capacity Mr. Donilon oversaw the U.S. National Security Council staff, chaired the cabinet level National Security Principals Committee,
Interesting, yes?
SO - Thomas Donilon, CHAIRMAN of BLACKROCK who had the shooter in some video....
was the National Security Director for Buttock ObaMao commie.
and ...
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So, 22 Secret Service agents were at that rally, yet Homeland Security agents were surrounding Trump? do I have that right?

So, anyone who has watched any movie with some crazed assassinator - knows they always pick a high clear line of sight for their perch.

and yet, the Secret Service and Homeland Security both left that rooftop 144 yards away vacant. Consider that every Marine in basic training knows to nail that distance about the 4th week of training.

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now consider - ms Cheatle, a DEI hire, lied and said the rooftop was vacant because it was sloped.

Is she that stupid? or that dishonest? My guess is the latter. She lied. Then the SS tried to put the blame on the local Butler police dept - which ticked the local police off because they were only in charge of directing traffic etc.

So, btw, Cheatle has been with the agency for many years. What did she do? get coffee and donuts for the agents who KNOW HOW TO PROTECT PEOPLE ???

also, she's 51 years old. Not married. So, if we find out that she's gay, a another DEI excuse for putting her in charge of the Secret Service - that is another black eye about DEI that means it must stop.

Then, she ATTENDS THE RNC CONVENTION to have drinks with her security people there.

The republicans did NOT know she would attend.

Consider this - law enforcement was alerted at least 20 minutes BEFORE TRUMP TOOK THE STAGE that there was indications of an eminent threat.

Why in the hell did they let him go on?


Before I go on, consider this fact - and yes, it is true:

Oswald, alleged sole murdered of JFK - was on a secret CIA team developed to go

into cuba with the cia. But, JFK stopped their plan.

Anyone not see the movie "Shooter" ???


Consider this - many retired Secret Service agents, and retired FBI agents have flat out said Cheatle must resign.

but she won't.

Too much to hide? Afraid to have someone else be director that will get to the bottom of it all from the inside?

That is my guess.

Is Cheatle THAT dishonest and/or STUPID ?

or something more sinister? who knows?

but ...



Attempted assassination of a U.S. presidential candidate

On July 13, 2024, during the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, Cheatle was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where the 2024 Republican National Convention was to be held in 2 days. In the wake of the shooting and criticism of her leadership, Cheatle acknowledged the failure of the Secret Service, calling it "unacceptable". However, Cheatle told ABC News that she would not resign from her position,[18] and defended herself by saying that local law enforcement was responsible for the building the shooter was on.[3][19]"


Local law enforcement has said that is bs - they were on traffic control. and cheatle said the roof was unprotected because it was sloped.

Maybe she is extremely stupid - anyone can see the pictures of Secret Service snipers on the other sloped roofs.

But, maybe when you are a DEI appointee - you are allowed to lie and be completely incompetent and are allowed to stonewall answering members of Congress.

Cheatle MUST step on - or be fired...but she's DEI, you see. that makes her special. Competency has nothing to do with it.

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So, let's not jump to conclusions and stupid conspiracy theories, folks.

Just because Blackrock does work for the CIA, and the head of blackrock worked for the ObaMao/biden regime as National Security Director, and biden reportedly was thinking of making the head of blackrock as..what was it? cia director?

and just because blackrock KNEW the shooter a few years ago, had him in a commercial, and just because the shooter had maybe 3 encrypted OVERSEAS ACCOUNTS the fbi is trying to break into...... and the school wouldn't let him be on their shooting team because he wasn't accurate, and just said strange stuff and was too weird.

and just because the shooter nutjob apparently knew that rooftop would NOT BE GUARDED by the secret service, we should not guess that the CIA had no idea about the shooter. OF course not.

Just because our DOJ, IRS, FBI, HS, CIA, NSA, ABA (just kidding about the ABA) = have corruption swampy people at the top stinking up our gov.....

doesn't mean there is any "there" there for any stupid conspiracy theory to be contemplated by anyone.

But watch the movie "shooter" , or the series. Those are pretty good.

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Keep in mind - Dan Bongino used to be a Secret Service agent and has plenty of current contacts there.


It Just Keeps Getting Worse: Secret Service Reportedly Denied Trump Team's Requests for More Security

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Those are valid conspiracy theories.

I mean allowing that 'kid' to get on top of a big, almost flat wide open white roof within kill range, which many would say is an easy target from 150 yards with any type of rifle could be considered gross negligence from SS and even Barney Fife security. You can just here the Benny Hill music kick on when he showed up with a drone, then range finder, then climb up and army crawl where everyone sees him....to even spot him and ask for clearance while allowing Trump to get on stage, the only logical answer is Trump set it up. "Here kid, the moment I turn my head, just graze my ear and it won't look obvious that you missed on purpose."

I still believe the kid was a nut and acted alone. However, I don't rule out the conspiracy theories. Just because 150 yards isn't a difficult shot, you still have to have some training to make a head shot on 1st try and if Trump didn't turn his head in that instant, he's dead. Someone with little to no experience would have went center mass, especially as he knew he had time for follow up shots. I guess it's obvious he had training or the range finder wouldn't tell him much. Though, if it was set up, he would have known the range already and wouldn't need to compromise himself by scouting. Yeah, I still think it's just a dumbass nut and the SS and all security there was terribly negligent and incompetent. Which is the main reason the director needed to resign or get fired, being a woman has nothing to do with that. She's just not qualified and we should get answers from those that hired her.

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29 minutes ago, Jax said:

Those are valid conspiracy theories.

I mean allowing that 'kid' to get on top of a big, almost flat wide open white roof within kill range, which many would say is an easy target from 150 yards with any type of rifle could be considered gross negligence from SS and even Barney Fife security. You can just here the Benny Hill music kick on when he showed up with a drone, then range finder, then climb up and army crawl where everyone sees him....to even spot him and ask for clearance while allowing Trump to get on stage, the only logical answer is Trump set it up. "Here kid, the moment I turn my head, just graze my ear and it won't look obvious that you missed on purpose."

I still believe the kid was a nut and acted alone. However, I don't rule out the conspiracy theories. Just because 150 yards isn't a difficult shot, you still have to have some training to make a head shot on 1st try and if Trump didn't turn his head in that instant, he's dead. Someone with little to no experience would have went center mass, especially as he knew he had time for follow up shots. I guess it's obvious he had training or the range finder wouldn't tell him much. Though, if it was set up, he would have known the range already and wouldn't need to compromise himself by scouting. Yeah, I still think it's just a dumbass nut and the SS and all security there was terribly negligent and incompetent. Which is the main reason the director needed to resign or get fired, being a woman has nothing to do with that. She's just not qualified and we should get answers from those that hired her.

I still think he had help and they still botched it up... As it turns out Blackrock owned the building.. Then I remember the Biden camp saying they would.. "Wait to see what happens over the weekend" To make whatever moves they were gonna make concerning biden running.. Then turns out a suspicious looking woman behind Trump is none other the FBI Asst Director Janeen DiGuiseppe taking pictures of the entire incident and acting out of sorts.. I have no doubt the Democrats planned this attempt..... And they failed miserably while getting one man shot to death and two others injured.. Something stinks to high hell about the whole thing...

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6 hours ago, LogicIsForSquares said:


Trump wants an out to the conflict in Ukraine. Military industrial complex, banks, god knows who else, greatly benefit by keeping it going. 

Ukraine is bleeding us.  The EU (especially Germany and France) should be footing 99 percent of the bill.  They are close to fighting.  Every time that little comedian Zelinski comes here he has his hand out for more billions.   From what I could gather we have given approximately $75,000,000,000 in aid to the EU total of $95,000,000,000.

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The whole asinine controversy is begging for answers, and the director of the Secret Service, avoids answers, while having a cocktail party with friends AT THE RNC CONVENTION?


Something is really, seriously wrong with all this. We just don't know what the explanations are.

Things I think:

   I won't be surprised if the shooter's 3 encrypted overseas communication? accounts get deleted.

The intel hacks wrote a bogus letter right before the election, saying the laptop was "russian disinformation" - very serious LIE.

but who was it? clapper or brennan? said it was an "act of patriotism" ?


that letter was an obaMao commie initiative - via his cia director.


If this shooter had been trained, I've heard an expert say - he would have been trained to take a central upper torso shot.

Beats me. I don't remember how far it was when we shot our rifles in AF basic. 

If Cheatle shows up in front of Congress - you watch. I'll bet she is evasive, lies, and covers up. Maybe she'll say "at this point, what difference will it make?"


    So this shooter was a young kid, socially a lonesome loser, bullied pretty much every day. Parents were social workers, didn't have much involvement with their son's life. Shooter was on medication.

   Doesn't that sound like the two colorado shooters? bullied? medication? social outcasts? On medication?

The same seems to apply to the other couple of shooters.

with social media - there are some young people who are lost, and want to be noticed, be famous, be somebody.


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9 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Ukraine is bleeding us.  The EU (especially Germany and France) should be footing 99 percent of the bill.  They are close to fighting.  Every time that little comedian Zelinski comes here he has his hand out for more billions.   From what I could gather we have given approximately $75,000,000,000 in aid to the EU total of $95,000,000,000.

I think it's russia that is bleeding us. If they dominate and own the Ukraine, they will go on to

one of the Baltic countries, or a NATO country. It isn't the Ukraine's fault russia invaded.

Pres Trump - if he was president the last 3+ years, russia would never have invaded. Iran would be on the economic skids and not funding hamas/hezbollah/houthis etc. IT would have been prevented with strength.

Some folks complain about our military spending, but the costs, financially and otherwise, are seriously high.

China has 5 months to start hostilities vs Japan, the Philippines and Taiwan.

The multi-fronts are meant to drain us, spread us out thin, along with NATO.

russia will open up another front in Europe before the Ukraine is done one way or another.

Trump was absolutely right when he warned NATO countries they needed to buck up and strengthen their defenses.

They are now. NATO has relied on American troops for a long time.

Several countries are adopting the draft and boosting their military spending.

So many innocent Ukrainian men, women and children have been tortured/murdered/raped etc by russia -

it isn't have to happen.

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3 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Ukraine is bleeding us.  The EU (especially Germany and France) should be footing 99 percent of the bill.  They are close to fighting.  Every time that little comedian Zelinski comes here he has his hand out for more billions.   From what I could gather we have given approximately $75,000,000,000 in aid to the EU total of $95,000,000,000.

That’s a lot of laundered money and the tap will get cut off.

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11 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Yes, but why are we funding them?  Let Europe do 99 percent of the bill.  China would never attack Japan.  Taiwan maybe.   Russia's military has proven to be poorly trained and poorly equipped.  

well, I hate it, but we fund everything. the UN. climate change "treaties", so much of NATO (although the other countries finally see the danger and are trying to catch up.

We need to stop funding the corrupt, worthless UN and use that money elsewhere.

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now how the hell is this possible?

They didn't warn Trump at all.


NEW INTERVIEW: Trump Says He Was Not Warned Before Taking the Stage Despite Obvious Security Concerns

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

It's really amazing Cal didn't fall into Q stuff during COVID (at least the craziest parts of it). I imagine that's cuz he had an actual hobby or something. 

which means nothing. I'm surprised you haven't moved to cuba to peck on all the trees over there. such a lonesome loser, you are.

What IS amazing, is that you haven't but rarely? positively contributed to any thread on this forum for years.

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He claims to despise this place yet he's here all the time.

It would be so easy for him to give up his moderator status, walk out the door and never be bothered by it again.. But he wont.

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

He claims to despise this place yet he's here all the time.

It would be so easy for him to give up his moderator status, walk out the door and never be bothered by it again.. But he wont.

lol. can't believe he's a mod, but he is a leftie. Like zombo. and mjp. and hoorta.

hey....wait a minute here.............

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so the shooter had different phones? different phones traveled here and there?

to where the fbi had a floor?

getting deeper and stranger every day.

One phone pinged near fbi dc offices in 2023 ?


Phone associated with would-be assassin pinged near FBI DC offices in 2023, report says

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