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The Catastrophic Failure of the Secret Service in Pennsylvania

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1 dead civilian, 2 civilians in the ICU, the person tasked to protect was shot. Their extraction of the VIP was terrible. Trump never should have had time to raise his fist, talk into the mic, or put his shoes back on. He should have been whisked to the car immediately (cue the conspiracy theories).

The USSS sniper teams appeared to know about the potential threat on the building, which according to ABC and USSS Director, that building was being used as a staging center for the local police. Clearly, the snipers knew about the assassin because they were looking his direction before the shot and were able to put him down 5 seconds later. The assassin being on top of the building that the police used for HQ could explain the sniper teams' hesitancy to shoot a guy with a long rifle pointed at their target. They're probably in disbelief that this is actually happening. They're probably worried they're going to kill a local cop if they pull that trigger. 

After being alerted to the potential threat on the roof, local police hoisted one of their guys to climb the roof. Per reports, the shooter turned his gun toward the cop peeking over the top, and the cop fell back down. That seems like a reasonable response when you are in a defenseless position. After this, the shooter fired off a salvo toward Trump and the rest is history. 

In her interview with ABC this week, USSS director said that they didn't put people on the roof the shooter shot from because it was sloped and implied that it was unsafe. Again, here's the roof. 


And here's the roof of the USSS sniper team we know about, which completely invalidates the above argument. 


The Director of the USSS is Kim Cheatle. She has been on the force for 20 years and was previously director of security for PepsiCo. Her CBS interview from years ago, introducing her as the new director of USSS had some suspect ideas. The most egregious of which was touting the goal of 30% female Secret Service in x years. I'm unclear how having more women in the Secret Service helps them better accomplish their mission. Because, as far as I can tell, it's just bureaucratic bloat.


Conspicuously absent from Trump's Secret Service detail at the RNC Convention this week are any female agents. 

To Cheatle's credit, she did assume the responsibility for the failure. However, the reasoning she put forth in her ABC interview reeks of covering up incompetence. I suspect she will be hung out to dry during her Congressional inquiry and will shortly thereafter resign. 

Some thoughts I have 
Does anyone think that a quota of females on the secret service (or any security agency for that matter) is a good idea? 
I want to hear from the overwatch guys what their reasoning was for holding fire so long

Again the swiss cheese model is how we rehash bad outcomes in healthcare. I suspect that this fuck up was much of the same. Too many things slipped through each individual layer of security. 


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Fitness standards: TLE (secretservice.gov)

Go to United States Secret Service home page|tUnited States Secret Service



Fitness Standards

Physical Fitness Evaluation

The below training fitness standards are different from the Applicant Physical Abilities Test (APAT) fitness standards.

This hand-out has been designed to educate the reader on the United States Secret Service Physical Fitness standards and the proper protocols necessary to accomplish those standards. Recruits who will be attending training at the James J. Rowley Training Center (JJRTC) are expected to arrive in good physical condition, ready to begin a functional fitness program.

The fitness evaluation measures strength, endurance, and aerobic capacity in four core elements. The core elements are: push-ups, sit-ups, chin-ups, and the 1.5 mile run. The fitness evaluation will be administered at the beginning, during, and end of training. Secret Service weapon carrying employees are additionally required to participate in the Secret Service Physical Fitness Evaluation quarterly.

The following point system will be applied to the fitness category level achieved by the student in accordance with their age and gender. The point system will be applied to the four (4) core elements of the U.S. Secret Service Individual Fitness Profile Evaluation.


Start in the UP position. Back and legs should be straight. Body should be pushed up with the arms fully extended with the elbows locked. Hands are shoulder width apart. Feet should be side by side with the toes tucked in. Lower your body to the floor until the chest contacts (a fist of the partner or a rolled up towel). Back should be kept straight and in line with the buttocks. Raise the body until the elbows are in a fully locked position. Repeat this sequence as many times as possible for ONE MINUTE.


Push Ups - 1 Minute

Fitness Category Point Value Age Category
Level   20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Excellent 4 55 50 42 39
Very Good 3 50-54 41-49 35-41 29-38
Good 2 46-49 36-40 28-34 21-28
Poor 1 38-45 30-35 22-27 16-20
Very Poor 0 37 29 21 15


Fitness Category Point Value Age Category
Level   20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Excellent 4 40 30 23 23
Very Good 3 30-39 25-29 19-22 19-22
Good 2 26-29 20-24 12-18 12-18
Poor 1 20-25 13-19 8-11 8-11
Very Poor 0 19 12 7 7



1.5 Mile Run


You will cover a 1.5 mile course running at near maximum effort. This run will require a nearly exhaustive effort to attain your best score. You should refrain from eating two hours prior to the test, but drink plenty of water before and after the run. The run should not be done on a tread-mill. To simulate testing conditions during training, the run may be completed on asphalt and over a course that has varying levels of elevation.


Fitness Category Point Value Age Category
Level   20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Excellent 4 10:16 10:47 11:44 12:51
Very Good 3 10:17-11:41 10:48-12:20 11:45-13:14 12:52-14:24
Good 2 11:42-12:51 12:21-13:36 13:15-14:29 14:25-15:26
Poor 1 12:52-14:13 13:37-14:52 14:30-15:41 15:27-16:43
Very Poor 0 14:14 14:53 15:42 16:44


Fitness Category Point Value Age Category
Level   20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
Excellent 4 12:50 13:42 14:30 15:56
Very Good 3 12:51-14:24 13:43-15:08 14:31-15:57 15:57-16:58
Good 2 14:25-15:26 15:09-15:57 15:58-16:58 16:59-17:54
Poor 1 15:27-16:33 15:58-17:14 16:59-18:00 17:55-18:49
Very Poor 0 16:34 17:15 18:01 18:50

FLETC Training:

During the students’ training in the Secret Service introductory course and/or the applicable FLETC course, the students will undertake two individual fitness profile assessments.

  • The Preliminary Fitness Assessment will be administered during their first week at training (in the Secret Service introductory course). This will identify an on-board baseline for the student physical fitness level.
  • The Secret Service FLETC Fitness Assessment will be administered approximately four weeks prior to graduating from the student’s FLETC course (test date is indicative of the FLETC class training schedule).

Upon completion of the Secret Service-FLETC Assessment, the students must score a minimum of six points and at least one point in three of four the core fitness elements. If a student does not meet the Secret Service physical fitness standard, their assessment scores may be presented to the Student Review Board (SRB) for further recommendation.

Note: ONLY certified fitness coordinators assigned to FLETC (at the Glynco & Artesia locations) should conduct the fitness assessments.

Additionally, course coordinators should ensure all basic student certifications are being conducted on the newly created SSF 4425, Basic Trainee Standards of Performance and Student Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form. 3


It looks like the standards are lower for females, so they are not using the best person. 

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Apr 6, 2017The US Secret Service, one of the most elite, selective and discreet law enforcement agencies in the country, is charged with the protection of current or former leaders and their families. In ...
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3 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

I want to hear from the overwatch guys what their reasoning was for holding fire so long

The only reason I can think of is they didn't see a gun and are used to people getting in weird places to take pics or watch??

That's all I can come up with, 'if' they didn't see a gun.

3 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

Does anyone think that a quota of females on the secret service (or any security agency for that matter) is a good idea? 

Any quota not based on qualifications is bad. No problem with women in general if they are capable.

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43 minutes ago, Jax said:

Any quota not based on qualifications is bad. No problem with women in general if they are capable.

Exactly. I think "quota" implies that men who are more qualified get left out, ...very bad.

Those women SS agents would be better size-wise, to be guarding jill biden.

Generally speaking, the female agents do not have the body mass nor height to shield a taller man.

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9 hours ago, Jax said:

The only reason I can think of is they didn't see a gun and are used to people getting in weird places to take pics or watch??

That's all I can come up with, 'if' they didn't see a gun.


I'm thinking that for what ever reason, they didn't have clearance to fire.

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

I'm thinking that for what ever reason, they didn't have clearance to fire.


That one I can't comprehend, if that's the case the director is toast. She can go back to guarding cans.


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 Cheatle was probably attending a DEI conference and had more important stuff going on.

Yes, she is coming off like she's a jerk - no protection because the roof was sloped??????????

Let her guard the cans, you betcha.


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OTH, how can the SS and local police be so "incompetent" ????

Just maybe.....this failed, stupid failure to protect Pres Trump and the crowd...

was what chuckie schumer meant:


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Meanwhile, cheatle not only lied about the "sloped roof" excuse....

she blamed the local police for the failed coverage of that rooftop.

Another lie.


Butler Twp. Commissioner Blasts Claims That Local PD Was Responsible for Building Where Sniper Perched

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cheatle MUST GO:

a solid article on the matter:


Biden’s Disastrous Affirmative Action Administration Has Been an Unparalleled Failure

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On 7/17/2024 at 8:15 AM, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Heads need to roll.  Secret Service director needs to be fired immediately.  A serious independent investigation needs to happen and see why the gate was locked and they had to use a police SUV to knock it down.  This is unbelievable.  

I have no idea how she hasn't resigned yet. I guess her higher ups have too much of their own shit to deal with now lmao. 

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10 hours ago, hammertime said:

It’s an embarrassing situation….

it's worse than that -

the shooter had 3 encrypted accounts the fbi is trying to get access to.


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anybody not see this???

whistleblowers say, Trump's team was not all secret service people, but pulled from homeland security etc.


Hawley: Whistleblowers Reveal Even More Troubling Details About Trump Rally Security Failures


Now, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) has learned from whistleblowers that most of the security detail for Saturday's Trump event were not even Secret Service but rather were drawn from the Department of Homeland Security's Investigations unit, leading to further questions regarding the adequacy of their training and preparedness for a large scale event involving a Secret Service protectee like the former president. 

🚨🚨 Whistleblowers tell me that MOST of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service. DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel 👇 pic.twitter.com/eo4jNmJWFT

— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) July 19, 2024

In a post on X Friday morning, Hawley shared a letter he has directed to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and stated: 

Whistleblowers tell me that MOST of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service. DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel"

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