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Assassination attempt on Trump

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13 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Not even funny.  Guy was almost killed and some punk like you makes fun of it.

The true colors coming out.

Woody always portraying himself to be a civil and righteous liberal. Sigh.

No such thing.

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13 hours ago, Neo said:

Voting for trump is also embarrassing . It's ok, I'll give a pass since trump supporters are illiterate.

Firstly I didn't vote for trump. I voted third party and will do so again. 

Second you shot yourself in the face presumably not on purpose That's the most left gun story I've ever heard. Right up there with some tiktok gangster shooting themselves in the balls trying to look cool on video. 

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19 hours ago, Neo said:

You need Biden to practically be a vegetable to have any chance of trump winning the election. And judging by Biden's last debate performance, trump was well on his way to beating him in the election. So what would either party benefit from this? trump didn't need to stage this. And if even a shred of this gets linked back to Biden or the Democrats, they will lose whatever support they have. So why would you send a 20 year old with a rifle that can't shoot to assassinate trump? If you tried to assassinate your politcal rival, wouldn't you want to, you know, make sure he's dead? And do it in a way they can't trace it back to you?

Oh the kid could shoot. He just wasn't good enough. He grazed the ear, just as Trump turned his head.  

You can't use Bidens poor debate to conclude that Trump wins the election idiot. Trump had an edge on Biden. Thats it.

The conspiracy does not need to be about sending a kid to do a "mans" job I order to make sure Trump was killed.

The conspiracy is letting it happen. Leaving a rooftop unsecure is unprecedented.  Questions need to be answered as to why the Secret Service sniper with his rifle locked in on the liberal demonrat waited unit he took shots at Trump before taking him out.

Would you consider listening to an experienced sniper, a Canadian not belonging to either party?

Dallas Alexander, a 17-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, took to Instagram on Sunday to share his opinion on what really happened at the fateful Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

With approximately 14 years of experience as a sniper — including as protection for major world leaders, such as the Canadian prime minister — Alexander said, “I’m very familiar with the layout of these types of things and what the job should be.”

“And yesterday, what happened, I have no doubts in my mind that the shooter had help from somewhere within an agency, an organization, or the government,”

“The second I saw that aerial photo of what they were saying happened, it immediately made no sense to me,” he continued, referring to the rooftop where Crooks shot at Trump from about 400 feet away. 


Alexander was a member of Joint Task Force 2, which held the world record for the longest confirmed kill at 2.2 miles in Iraq in 2017 until a Ukrainian special forces soldier beat it in 2023.

According to the veteran sniper, even “a seventh-grader” would know the rooftop Crooks climbed onto was “the most fucking obvious” place to check.

“You don’t even need to be a sniper — it’s the most fucking obvious thing. The most obvious place in the whole world,” he said.

“You could be, like, a seventh-grader — like, ‘What do we have to do for security? Well, let’s look at these rooftops that are almost within zeroing range of a rifle,’” he added.

Alexander continued to say that “something happened”:

Something happened. I’m not pointing fingers at anyone — it’s just too obvious that this guy had help getting there. Whether someone turned a blind eye or it was strategically planned. Events like that, security like that … it’s not a small thing, and that is the most obvious place to be.

A Secret Service sniper eventually killed Crooks after he got multiple rounds off toward the


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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

The true colors coming out.

Woody always portraying himself to be a civil and righteous liberal. Sigh.

No such thing.

- MAGAs have posted memes in here already

- MAGAs had plenty of jokes when a deranged one of their own attacked Pelosis husband 

- DH is the most consistent troll on this board. If someone takes him seriously they're a fool. 

- how about other MAGA politicians saying Trump was "saved by the hand of God". Does that mean God was pissed at the guy behind Trump?



Again, the pearl clutching, fainting, "oh heavens me" MAGAs on here, after literally years of the opposite, is so blindingly hypocritical and hilarious 

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20 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

No idea what you're even asking about. 

There is no reaching. There's pointing out hilarious, hypocritical, pearl clutching



Also, I deleted your last post. We don't want actual graphic images on this board. You guys get away with a lot of asinine shit on here, but close ups of a murdered dude is gonna be crossing that line. 

Oh really grahic imagaes.  Oh, the poor sniper.

How about graphic speech, like your counterpart NEO being elated the fire fighter was killed because now there is one less Trump voter.

Someone wishing Trump or anyone being killed not only would get the post deleted but would result in suspension or banning of poster on most boards. Now get to work.


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3 minutes ago, FY56 said:

Oh really grahic imagaes.  Oh, the poor sniper.

How about graphic speech, like your counterpart NEO being elated the fire fighter was killed because now there is one less Trump voter.

Someone wishing Trump had been killed not only would get the post deleted but would result in suspension or banning of poster on most boards. Now get to work.


Graphic images absolutely should be removed. That's a no brainier, on any regular public forum. 

I don't support or condone any of the shit NEO is saying. I'm not advocating for anyone to be killed. 

But comments at a public figure are not the same thing as threatening a board member or threatening some group of people or something. What NEO is doing has been done on this board before by the conservatives as well. 


This place is basically the wild West in terms of speech, with very few exceptions. But graphic images should be an easy one to agree we keep out of here. 

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17 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Graphic images absolutely should be removed. That's a no brainier, on any regular public forum. 

I don't support or condone any of the shit NEO is saying. I'm not advocating for anyone to be killed. 

But comments at a public figure are not the same thing as threatening a board member or threatening some group of people or something. What NEO is doing has been done on this board before by the conservatives as well. 


This place is basically the wild West in terms of speech, with very few exceptions. But graphic images should be an easy one to agree we keep out of here. 

Haha. In your imagination. I'd really like to see some evidence of that.


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53 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

- MAGAs have posted memes in here already

- MAGAs had plenty of jokes when a deranged one of their own attacked Pelosis husband 

- DH is the most consistent troll on this board. If someone takes him seriously they're a fool. 

- how about other MAGA politicians saying Trump was "saved by the hand of God". Does that mean God was pissed at the guy behind Trump?



Again, the pearl clutching, fainting, "oh heavens me" MAGAs on here, after literally years of the opposite, is so blindingly hypocritical and hilarious 

Really? Fuckin really?

Upset about bringing God into this as if were on the same level as making fun of Trumps near death.

How about democrat politicians encouraging confrontation and implying violence toward Trump supporters in public?

I like the thing about God better.

Everyone made fun of Pelosi's husband in his underwear getting bonked in the head with a hammer. Lighten up Francis. 

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These fucking liberals act upon their hate far more than the right does.

It's a sense of entitlement. Left wing privilege.

The rioting, looting, the 2nd attack on Trump, Atifa...

The armed liberal that tried to take out as many republicans as he could at a baseball game, conservatives do all the time. Right Woody?



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Oh my stars

Oh my heavens

Words are violence! Protect us all from this profanity

Mercy me




Hypocrisy. Hilarious. 



Anyone with half a brain that's been paying attention to right wing rhetoric over the last few years knows the MAGA desperate lunge towards the victim card is ridiculous and full of shit. 

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26 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Oh my stars

Oh my heavens

Words are violence! Protect us all from this profanity

Mercy me




Hypocrisy. Hilarious. 



Anyone with half a brain that's been paying attention to right wing rhetoric over the last few years knows the MAGA desperate lunge towards the victim card is ridiculous and full of shit. 

Yeah mercy you alright, and stifle your fake grief.

Are you not paying attention? Your side act upon your words.

Don't forget that also you peoples mantra has been "silence is violence". Silence on the matter of so-called  "racial injustice" gives you the right to be violent.

 Hollywood, late nite talk shows, academia, the media and most troubling is that your political leaders engage in dangerous rhetoric.

Yes, you put words into this kids head to do what he did.

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Woody is really pissed Trump got shot at. I don't think I've ever seen him this deranged and unhinged.

Plus he got his deflector shields up!

Mention lefty media or politicians causing violence with their rhetoric and he goes full tilt, deflect!

Full liberal on display, cry about Trump tweets for 7 years but spins when it's his other lefty nutcases caught blatantly inciting violence.

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4 minutes ago, FY56 said:

Yeah mercy you alright. So stifle your fakery.

Are you not paying attention? Your side act upon your words.

Don't forget that also you peoples mantra has been "silence is violence". Silence on the matter of so-called  "racial injustice" gives you the right to be violent.

 Hollywood, late nite talk shows, academia, the media and most troubling is that your political leaders engage in dangerous rhetoric.

Yes words put into this kids head to do what he did.

Hahaha oh no. Not the political leaders! Conservative political figures would NEVER say anything like this! 

And conservatives would NEVER act out on words. And Jan 6th doesn't count because it was just a picnic. But if it was bad it was actually staged and the liberals fault!



Jesus Christ you're completely blind to this hypocrisy, huh? Remarkable. 


(Fyi, I don't care that conservatives brought God into it. It's what they do. Just kind of wild to say God's hand saved Trump from the bullet, cuz that's implying God's hand caused it to hit and kill the other guy)




And don't worry Jax, I see you too. I know you oh so desperately want a reply. Keep hyperventilating in your little bubble though. 

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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Y'all have been playing that stupid fake Trump head pic victim card for like 6 years now, Christ. 

you seem to be a fake human being.

Show me where MTG, as much as she is a loudmouth fool - did anything like Kathy Griffin - and NO it isn't fake.  Who knew woodpeckers LIE ?

Griffin says she went "way too far," but the photographer defended it as a form of artistic expression. A photo of Kathy Griffin posing with a mock severed head of President Donald Trump sparked intense outrage Tuesday, prompting the comedian to issue an apology hours later. "I am a comic. I crossed the
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woodpecker is just another attention whore.  The truth is, Cheatle was an incompetent DEI hire. She's more interested in dei, apparently, than doing her job, training her people.

"Cheatle stated the Secret Service, which had a 48% departure rate, needed to "attract diverse candidates and give opportunities to everybody in the workforce, particularly women." She said she aims to have 30% women in the agency by 2030.[12]"



In an exclusive interview, former Secret Service Director Julia Pierson told USA TODAY that maintaining such a sniper security perimeter is part of the agency's responsibility for safeguarding "protectees" like Trump from harm. Yet the man identified as the sniper, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, fired off numerous rounds from a building top about 150 yards from Trump's lectern at Saturday's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

“I think 1,000 yards is the sniper capability that we have a concern about for the President. So anything that's within that range, that is a professional, makable shot... and you want to know about it,” Pierson said.

“When you think about it, it's a football field and a half … and that is a makeable shot by an individual.  And obviously an inch would have made a difference in this case and Trump wouldn't be with us,” said Pierson, who spent three decades with the Secret Service, much of that on presidential protective operations, before becoming director in 2013."


Rep. Ruben Gallego, a former Marine and Arizona Democrat, said that those "responsible for the planning, approving and executing of this clearly insufficient security plan need to testify before Congress and be held accountable."

"There should never have been a clear line of sight on the former president. My Marine Corps training taught me that,” said Gallego, an Iraq veteran who is running for Senate in Arizona."

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3 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Firstly I didn't vote for trump. I voted third party and will do so again. 

Second you shot yourself in the face presumably not on purpose That's the most left gun story I've ever heard. Right up there with some tiktok gangster shooting themselves in the balls trying to look cool on video. 

Do you even own a gun? Shot a gun before? 

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@VaporTrail see, they're going to start ranting about DEI. I thought it would star within memes of the incel, alt right, Andrew Tate corners of the Internet but it seems to be making it's way to the more traditional conservative. 

Ignoring the face that Cheatle was in the secret service for over 20 years before going to PepsiCo for a few. 

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Graphic images absolutely should be removed. That's a no brainier, on any regular public forum. 

I don't support or condone any of the shit NEO is saying. I'm not advocating for anyone to be killed. 

But comments at a public figure are not the same thing as threatening a board member or threatening some group of people or something. What NEO is doing has been done on this board before by the conservatives as well. 


This place is basically the wild West in terms of speech, with very few exceptions. But graphic images should be an easy one to agree we keep out of here. 

I don't want anyone to get killed. Just ruffling their feather a little. Like they wouldn't be skipping with joy if it were Biden that nearly got killed. Please, this forum is chock full of Biden hate, liberal hate. Look how pissy they get even if you say the most innocent joke about their dear leader.

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Guys, this is no time for jokes. A political figure almost died! Luckily God loves him so much he curved the bullet (and then the bullet just disappeared after that I think). 

No time for jokes at all. Words are violence!



Weird, who left that here?

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2 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

@VaporTrail see, they're going to start ranting about DEI. I thought it would star within memes of the incel, alt right, Andrew Tate corners of the Internet but it seems to be making it's way to the more traditional conservative. 

Ignoring the face that Cheatle was in the secret service for over 20 years before going to PepsiCo for a few. 

and yet - joe is not in control of himself or America - he's fodder for any handler to get what they want.

btw, I read where only one of Trump's SS team was original - jill biden had the others on HER ss team for an event "at the same time".

DEI, ya know.


Jill Biden Orchestrated Kimberly Cheatle Heading the Secret Service, Now Everyone Is Doubling Down

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Just now, Neo said:

I don't want anyone to get killed. Just ruffling their feather a little. Like they wouldn't be skipping with joy if it were Biden that nearly got killed. Please, this forum is chock full of Biden hate, liberal hate. Look how pissy they get even if you say the most innocent joke about their dear leader.

I'm fairly confident you're just trolling hard. And it looks like you're fishing for Cysko now

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pretty sad screwed up existence when you have to troll and "fish" for negative attention all the time....while thinking it's "funny".

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