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Assassination attempt on Trump

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On 7/13/2024 at 7:49 PM, VaporTrail said:

Here is BBC interviewing the guys who spotted him. This dude probably allowed the counter snipers to respond so quickly

He asks a really great fucking question. Why wasn't secret service on the roof the assassin shot from?

How big is any one person who is not actively the president's secret service detail? I have to imagine there's not that many and they have to lean on local law enforcement 

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11 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

How big is any one person who is not actively the president's secret service detail? I have to imagine there's not that many and they have to lean on local law enforcement 

Democrats have been actively trying to pull Trrump's Secret detail...


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21 hours ago, Neo said:

Ok, whatever. But if you ask me, we are all being played for fools. Nobody notices a man climbing onto a building that overlooks the speech? A Secret Service sniper has eyes on the shooter but lets him squeeze of a couple of rounds before he kills him? Why wasn't that building secured? Guards around the building?

I'm not playing into any conspiricies but even a blind man can tell something isn't right here.

Every last person that had any connection to trumps campaign and the secret service and local law enforcement would have to be in on it. 

The fact of the matter is the simplest solution is usually the right one. 

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18 hours ago, Neo said:

And there are no doubt there are people out there blaming this on the Democrats or Biden. Democrats have a president in office that has some of the most highly trained killers in the world at his fingertips, CIA assassins, Navy seal snipers that killed Somali pirates on a boat in the middle of the fucking ocean, but they send a 20 year to do the job who isn't even old enough to legally buy alcohol.

It's obviously a nut job not a sanctioned hit. Every political assassination or attempted one in this country has been carried out by a nut. Believe it or not neither Democrats or Republicans (the politicians not their freak fanboys) are so far gone as to order a hit on their opponent yet. 

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2 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

The fact of the matter is the simplest solution is usually the right one. 

I agree. You don't send a 20 year old kid who was bullied in high school to kill the ex-president of the United States. I mean, if you really want him dead. This is nothing more than a nut with a gun that wanted his face in the news. I'm so sick of this shit. Yeah, Biden is totally incompetent and declining so much it's all I hear about but somehow can orchestrate the killing of his political rival.

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6 hours ago, Neo said:

It even looks like it's not even politically driven, probably wanted to die and get his face in the news. It's laughable what some people are making this out to be.

Shoots at President Trump, but nothing political, you eat paint chips as a kid or sniffed glue every day?

Let's just pretend the media and most democrats weren't calling him a dictator, fascist, hitler a threat to democracy.

Leftist loonies were registering as Repubs to vote for Halley in the primaries.

You're just as bad as the guy who makes excuses for CNN claiming he fell.

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1 hour ago, The Cysko Kid said:

It's obviously a nut job not a sanctioned hit. Every political assassination or attempted one in this country has been carried out by a nut. Believe it or not neither Democrats or Republicans (the politicians not their freak fanboys) are so far gone as to order a hit on their opponent yet. 

Which of course doesn't mean the democratic tactic of implicitly telling their base that anybody that opposes them is a deplorable wire supremacist Nazi fascist religious fanatic dictator that wants to murder everyone is ok or not to blame. It's very much to blame more than any other factor including the guns. 

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1 hour ago, Jax said:

Shoots at President Trump, but nothing political, you eat paint chips as a kid or sniffed glue every day?

Let's just pretend the media and most democrats weren't calling him a dictator, fascist, hitler a threat to democracy.

Leftist loonies were registering as Repubs to vote for Halley in the primaries.

You're just as bad as the guy who makes excuses for CNN claiming he fell.

Your post is a whole bunch of nothing. There hasn't been a motive established as of yet. Nothing about this says it's politically driven. He was a registered republican.

Why does everything have to be a conspiricy? Why can't it just be a nut with a gun trying to get his face in the news? Bullied at school, gets a gun and shoots into a crowd. Yeah, that's never happened before. People really have no reasoning skills anymore?

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Well, after a couple of weeks on vacation - Yellowstone national Park was fascinating. Our friends and us - we did everything at Yellowstone we wanted to do - which was most of it all.

We walked 13,000 steps per my iphone - the first day - and that was after we met our friends at our deluxe 2 bedroom suite. Very cool.

after five days, we went to a B&B for two days at the Grand Teton mnts.

I'll start a thread over at the barbershop with pics if anyone would like to read it.

    Then, (we drove - had fun) - on the way back home - we knew where our next hotel was, so we turned off the maps app.

and....heard about the attempted assassination.

What i've learned so far:

The sharpshooters on nearby rooftops- were not secret service - they were state/local sharpshooters.

Is this standard???

A retired Army sniper said the shots taken - were standard in training for boot camp.

Dan Bongino - (former SS guy who left because he didn't like what was going on) = said the SS did a great job. The big question is - why wasn't the higher perch used by the attempted assassin not manned by authorities? what the.....?

The conservation about the caliber - I have a video of a friend's friend shooting a .300 blackout ar - with a suppressor - you don't even need hearing protection. That is amazing.

The shooter was 20 yrs old - said to be a total loner, bullied, ridiculed, and wanted to make a rifle team but didn't. AND -

he was on medication. what parents let thieir son have a gun, or not keep them locked up - when he/she ARE ON MEDICATION ?

(btw - we are exhausted - but we have colds - I got it second, and I'm miserable - I know it's past 2 AM. And every time I cough or sneeze, my chest injury hurts like serious hell - I'll explain later).

Yes, apparently the shooter was a registered republican - the dems make a farce out of that - by registering for the opposite party - to screw up their primaries if they can.



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oh, and the shooter donated money to a very progressive group....making being a "registered republican" a complete farce.

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oh, and Dan Bongino did say this:


REPORTS: Trump Requested Heightened Security Resources From Secret Service for Weeks, Was Denied

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14 hours ago, Neo said:

Why is it everytime I come here I feel like I'm walking into a room with caged chimps, yelling, and throwing feces at me?😆

You must be sad the guy missed. Right?

Considering the hatred for both Obama and Biden having a combined 12 years in office combined, no one has ever taken a shot at either of them.

What have you to say about that you little monkey?


Trump staged this right?

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8 hours ago, Neo said:

Your post is a whole bunch of nothing. There hasn't been a motive established as of yet. Nothing about this says it's politically driven. He was a registered republican.

Why does everything have to be a conspiricy? Why can't it just be a nut with a gun trying to get his face in the news? Bullied at school, gets a gun and shoots into a crowd. Yeah, that's never happened before. People really have no reasoning skills anymore?

Many people register the opposite party just to vote for someone or against someone in the primary.  He also gave money to a progressive site.  Oswald was also blamed for the Kennedy assassination, but there are many holes in that theory. 

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8 hours ago, Neo said:

Your post is a whole bunch of nothing. There hasn't been a motive established as of yet. Nothing about this says it's politically driven. He was a registered republican.

Why does everything have to be a conspiricy? Why can't it just be a nut with a gun trying to get his face in the news? Bullied at school, gets a gun and shoots into a crowd. Yeah, that's never happened before. People really have no reasoning skills anymore?

Because it reeks of a conspiracy.

The entire made up Russian Collusion case was a conspiracy in case you forgot.

Why did the SS agent wait until the liberal demonrat took his shots before taking him out? Hmmm?

Explain that and I'll put the conspiracy theory to bed.




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9 hours ago, Neo said:

Your post is a whole bunch of nothing. There hasn't been a motive established as of yet. Nothing about this says it's politically driven. He was a registered republican.

Why does everything have to be a conspiricy? Why can't it just be a nut with a gun trying to get his face in the news? Bullied at school, gets a gun and shoots into a crowd. Yeah, that's never happened before. People really have no reasoning skills anymore?

You're being oblivious to the facts. He was targeting a major political figure leading up to a Presidential election. This political figure, Trump, has already served as President and is a major source of anger and hatred for the left, even some repubs. Of course the first thought is politically driven, you have to be desperate to even suggest otherwise.

Go back and look, I called it from the start, probably bullied. The left media and left politicians all aimed his rage for him and gave him Trump as the target. If you can't or won't draw this conclusion then you're just being disingenuous for no reason. He was a mental case that was also brainwashed by all the hate rhetoric from the left. That's why he chose to shoot at Trump at his conservative rally and not anyone else.

I don't know why anyone wants to pretend this isn't the case. Mental nut cases can be anyone from any party, but what makes this different is all the fear mongering and hate filled speeches the left has continually given finally sent someone into action. I shouldn't say finally, there's tons of cases of violence stemming from the lefts hate rhetoric. But you would think the President of the United States, Biden, would be a hell of a lot more careful and responsible in his speeches. Problem is he has an unhinged leftist staff writing for him as well. This entire administration down to the lefty media is as ignorant and juvenile as you can get.

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20 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Maybe he was aiming for the ear! 


*Borrows tinfoil hat from JAFBF*

lmfao wait til you hear this one. The would-be assassin is featured in a Blackrock promo video for an education program at his high school. And blackrock deleted the video from their youtube. Like, c'mon, really? 


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49 minutes ago, Jax said:

You're being oblivious to the facts. He was targeting a major political figure leading up to a Presidential election. This political figure, Trump, has already served as President and is a major source of anger and hatred for the left, even some repubs. Of course the first thought is politically driven, you have to be desperate to even suggest otherwise.

Go back and look, I called it from the start, probably bullied. The left media and left politicians all aimed his rage for him and gave him Trump as the target. If you can't or won't draw this conclusion then you're just being disingenuous for no reason. He was a mental case that was also brainwashed by all the hate rhetoric from the left. That's why he chose to shoot at Trump at his conservative rally and not anyone else.

I don't know why anyone wants to pretend this isn't the case. Mental nut cases can be anyone from any party, but what makes this different is all the fear mongering and hate filled speeches the left has continually given finally sent someone into action. I shouldn't say finally, there's tons of cases of violence stemming from the lefts hate rhetoric. But you would think the President of the United States, Biden, would be a hell of a lot more careful and responsible in his speeches. Problem is he has an unhinged leftist staff writing for him as well. This entire administration down to the lefty media is as ignorant and juvenile as you can get.

Absolutely excellent.

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This new "words have consequences" arc of the MAGA crowd is a pretty hilarious and ironic turn. 

The group whose politicians run political ads shooting at cars, laws, whatever (or cross hairs over opponents). The group that calls anyone they disagree with a pedo, groomer, etc. The group that would tell you any liberal has blood on their hands and is directly causing scary, evil, military aged migrants to kill your innocent daughters. 

That group. 

Now words matter


Fucking give me a break. 

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3 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

lmfao, and to prove that we are indeed in a simulation, the would-be assassin is featured in a Blackrock promo video for an education program at his high school. And blackrock deleted the video from their youtube. Like, c'mon, really? 


Yeah I saw that. Wild shit. 

But, I mean, obviously they had to delete it. It'll be a shit storm of lunatic conspiracy theorists for a week or so then it'll die down and people will forget. 

Better than keeping up your video that features a failed presidential assassin 

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Just now, MLD Woody said:

This new "words have consequences" arc of the MAGA crowd is a pretty hilarious and ironic turn. 

The group whose politicians run political ads shooting at cars, laws, whatever (or cross hairs over opponents). The group that calls anyone they disagree with a pedo, groomer, etc. The group that would tell you any liberal has blood on their hands and is directly causing scary, evil, military aged migrants to kill your innocent daughters. 

That group. 

Now words matter


Fucking give me a break. 

The difference that you're ignoring is that 95% of the legacy media is blasting one political party's bullshit 24/7. Fox News does the same for the GOP. 

MSNBC took Morning Joe off the air this morning. I guess they're worried he'd say something too inflammatory. lol. 

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