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Assassination attempt on Trump

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Both sides are going hard into some ridiculous political stuff. Not the actual politicians, mostly, but absolutely randos on Twitter. There's an Elon Musk retweet that's essentially blaming this on the director of the secret service being a female ("DEI bad!" nonsense). 

I don't care what any side says, I'm just going but what I saw. The side of Trump's head that supposedly got "grazed" was turned away from the camera. They showed a close up of his ear and it was bloody but intact. I don't think anybody is going to try to assassinate someone with a .22 a football field and a half distance away, and I don't think he was hit with a high caliber bullet or half of his head would be gone, or at least his ear would be gone. I think he got hit with shrapnal from a ricochet. Either way, how did the shooter manage to crawl up on a fucking roof overlooking the event and take a shot before anyone noticed him up there?

I'm not listening to the news, I'm just going by what I saw and so far, shit doesn't add up.

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37 minutes ago, jbluhm86 said:

This one is definitely going to fuel the conspiracy theorists out there. Looks like a Secret Service sniper had eyes on the suspected shooter, but the shooter got off two or three shots before Secret Service returned fire.

So somebody is filming the guy on the roof trying to kill trump but nobody says anything? He just stands there and films?

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19 minutes ago, Neo said:

So somebody is filming the guy on the roof trying to kill trump but nobody says anything? He just stands there and films?

I believe the rifleman in black in that video was the Secret Service sniper, not the attempted assassin.

The real interesting bit is there are reports from eyewitnesses that saw and pointed out the would-be assassin to law enforcement before he shot at Trump.

Take these eyewitness accounts with a grain of salt for sure, but if they are true, why did the Secret Service wait until the gunman shot before they shot him? Or, at the very least, why did they not escort Trump off stage?

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44 minutes ago, Neo said:

I don't care what any side says, I'm just going but what I saw. The side of Trump's head that supposedly got "grazed" was turned away from the camera. They showed a close up of his ear and it was bloody but intact. I don't think anybody is going to try to assassinate someone with a .22 a football field and a half distance away, and I don't think he was hit with a high caliber bullet or half of his head would be gone, or at least his ear would be gone. I think he got hit with shrapnal from a ricochet. Either way, how did the shooter manage to crawl up on a fucking roof overlooking the event and take a shot before anyone noticed him up there?

I'm not listening to the news, I'm just going by what I saw and so far, shit doesn't add up.

Please stop talking about things you don't understand. 

.22 is not the same thing as .223 or 5.56, but they're just about the same diameter. The left is .22LR. The right is .223. The difference in diameter of the bullet is 0.001 inches. .223 is the most common ammunition for AR-15s, which are the most common long rifle in the country. The .223 round carries a lot more gunpowder, muzzle velocity is 2-3 times as fast, can be accurately fired by a skilled shooter out to 400 yards, but it is not a "high caliber" weapon by any means. 

22LR vs 223 | Ballistics and Common Uses Compared

"High caliber" weapons would be things like .300 blackout, 7.62, .30-06, .45, .50.

Pin on Rifles

Here is the sound of the vegas shooting from the crowd. The majority of his guns were chambered in .223. It sounds like a pop-gun in this too. Sounds similar to the Trump assassination attempt, to me.

Just because bullets are capable of doing a lot of damage, it doesn't mean that they will. Trump was incredibly fortunate it only grazed his ear - he turned his head a split second before the shot. If it touched his skull, he would be in a neuro ICU or morgue right now. 

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3 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

The shot placement, however, does confirm a Democrat shooter, lmao. 

Ok, we've got jokes. So explain this. The wound on trump's ear is at the top, but the so called bullet is level with the bottom of his ear and moving completely horizontal from left to right. And I am aware the camera is looking slighty up at him which mean if you made the camera level, the bullet would be even lower.


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11 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

Please stop talking about things you don't understand. 

.22 is not the same thing as .223 or 5.56, but they're just about the same diameter. The left is .22LR. The right is .223. The difference in diameter of the bullet is 0.001 inches. .223 is the most common ammunition for AR-15s, which are the most common long rifle in the country. The .223 round carries a lot more gunpowder, muzzle velocity is 2-3 times as fast, can be accurately fired by a skilled shooter out to 400 yards, but it is not a "high caliber" weapon by any means. 


.223 and 5.56 travel at supersonic speeds. If you listen to the report of the shot, it sounds quiet and then you hear the crack. If he had a supressor on his gun, if he wasn't using subsonic ammo, it would sound quiet then the bullet would break the sound barrier and you hear the distictinve crack. Something moving faster than the speed of sound going to do damage to soft cartilidge like an ear.

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8 minutes ago, Neo said:

Ok, we've got jokes. So explain this. The wound on trump's ear is at the top, but the so called bullet is level with the bottom of his ear and moving completely horizontal from left to right. And I am aware the camera is looking slighty up at him which mean if you made the camera level, the bullet would be even lower.


1 - Parallax error. The bottom of Trump's right ear isn't necessarily on that yellow line. You can't really gauge the width of Trump's head on any single picture. Would need a second angle of the same point in time. 
2 - Multiple shots were fired by the shooter. No way to tell which one this is.
3 - Your line is just slightly below the trajectory of the bullet

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3 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

1 - Parallax error. The bottom of Trump's right ear isn't necessarily on that yellow line. You can't really gauge the width of Trump's head on any single picture. Would need a second angle of the same point in time. 
2 - Multiple shots were fired by the shooter. No way to tell which one this is.
3 - Your line is just slightly below the trajectory of the bullet

Ok, whatever. But if you ask me, we are all being played for fools. Nobody notices a man climbing onto a building that overlooks the speech? A Secret Service sniper has eyes on the shooter but lets him squeeze of a couple of rounds before he kills him? Why wasn't that building secured? Guards around the building?

I'm not playing into any conspiricies but even a blind man can tell something isn't right here.

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26 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

can be accurately fired by a skilled shooter out to 400 yards,

But the shooter was 144 yards away with an AR style rifle and didn't land a kill shot. This guy was a fucking amateur at best. I guess that rules out a government hit.

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4 hours ago, jbluhm86 said:

Almost sounds like he got shot at with a .22.

Can't wait to see the conspiracy theories on how Trump and his team staged this.

Sad thing is, you wouldn't believe it even if it were true. The shooter had a clear shot at him, trump was looking in his direction. He had every chance to put one right between his eyes but he didn't. This wasn't a professional.

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43 minutes ago, Neo said:

.223 and 5.56 travel at supersonic speeds. If you listen to the report of the shot, it sounds quiet and then you hear the crack. If he had a supressor on his gun, if he wasn't using subsonic ammo, it would sound quiet then the bullet would break the sound barrier and you hear the distictinve crack. Something moving faster than the speed of sound going to do damage to soft cartilidge like an ear.

.22LR is also a supersonic round. Breaking the sound barrier doesn't magically turn bullet impact into a Michael Bay movie. There is clearly damage to Trump's ear. 

35 minutes ago, Neo said:

Ok, whatever. But if you ask me, we are all being played for fools. Nobody notices a man climbing onto a building that overlooks the speech? A Secret Service sniper has eyes on the shooter but lets him squeeze of a couple of rounds before he kills him? Why wasn't that building secured? Guards around the building?

My guess is it's some combination of the following:
1 - Complacency. Trump has done nearly a thousand rallies in the past 8 years. They've had incidents of people rushing the stage on what, two of them? You're out in Trump country and maybe it puts you more at ease than you should be.
2 - Incompetence. There is absolutely no excuse for Secret Service to let that perch go uncovered in the planning for that rally.  
3 - Poor operating procedure. According to the eyewitnesses, the police were notified that an armed man was climbing a building minutes before the shots. Even if you don't shoot the sniper, how do you not get Trump out of there?
4 - Fog of war. I'm guessing there are multiple Secret Service sniper teams in play. You get a bunch of people in the crowd saying there's a guy on the roof with a gun over there. You want to be damn sure you aren't fragging a teammate before you pull the trigger. I also have no idea what their rules of engagement are. Regardless, those counter-snipers are going to have the two other victims of this asshole on their conscience for the rest of their lives. 
5 - Lack of resources/Malice - You've got a sitting House Rep saying that Mayorkas denied Trump additional Secret Service protections. Idk if it's true, but they certainly denied it to RFK, so I wouldn't put it past them.

I doubt there was any single point of failure. We use the swiss cheese model in medicine, and usually, when something goes wrong, it shows that multiple layers of prevention failed. Same concept could probably be applied here.

Swiss Cheese Model - RCEMLearning India

25 minutes ago, Neo said:

But the shooter was 144 yards away with an AR style rifle and didn't land a kill shot. This guy was a fucking amateur at best. I guess that rules out a government hit.

Shooters can and have missed at much shorter range. When I say skilled shooters can hit targets at 400 yards out, that means they can hit center mass. Trying to get a head shot at 150 yards is probably as difficult as a 400 yard body shot, but maybe even more so because of the unpredictability of slight head movements.  Maybe he wasn't a good shooter. Maybe he was. Trump also turned his head immediately prior to the shot, which was incredibly fortunate and probably saved his life. If he doesn't turn his head, that bullet is going through his brain. 

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31 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

My guess is it's some combination of the following:
1 - Complacency. Trump has done nearly a thousand rallies in the past 8 years. They've had incidents of people rushing the stage on what, two of them? You're out in Trump country and maybe it puts you more at ease than you should be.
2 - Incompetence. There is absolutely no excuse for Secret Service to let that perch go uncovered in the planning for that rally.  
3 - Poor operating procedure. According to the eyewitnesses, the police were notified that an armed man was climbing a building minutes before the shots. Even if you don't shoot the sniper, how do you not get Trump out of there? 

4 - Fog of war. I'm guessing there are multiple Secret Service sniper teams in play. You get a bunch of people in the crowd saying there's a guy on the roof with a gun over there. You want to be damn sure you aren't fragging a teammate before you pull the trigger. I also have no idea what their rules of engagement are. Regardless, those counter-snipers are going to have the two other victims of this asshole on their conscience for the rest of their lives. 

Secret Service canvass the area well before an event. They've been known to weld shut manholes covers and such. There is no way they don't know EXACTLY where their teams are. Which is why I'm surprised they didn't already have that building locked down.

5 - Lack of resources/Malice - You've got a sitting House Rep saying that Mayorkas denied Trump additional Secret Service protections. Idk if it's true, but they certainly denied it to RFK, so I wouldn't put it past them.

The Navy SEALS killed terrorists shooting off of a boat that was rocking in the ocean. So the president has the CIA and the Navy Seals at his disposal but the send Joe fuckin' Shmoe with his bushmaster he bought from Walmart to off an ex-president? The guy clearly was not a well trained shooter. Any highly trained CIA black ops operator or Navy SEAL would had him laying on a slab. 

I doubt there was any single point of failure. We use the swiss cheese model in medicine, and usually, when something goes wrong, it shows that multiple layers of prevention failed. Same concept could probably be applied here.


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1 hour ago, htownbrown said:


The one on the right is a troll claiming to be the shooter on social media. The one on the left is the actual shooter.

Preliminary doxxing by the internet detectives at 4chan and twitter have identified him as a registered Republican and ActBlue donor. /edit - this has now been corroborated by NBC

My bet is still on a delusional leftist. 

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8 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

The one on the right is a troll claiming to be the shooter on social media. The one on the left is the actual shooter.

Preliminary doxxing by the internet detectives at 4chan and twitter have identified him as a registered Republican and ActBlue donor. /edit - this has now been corroborated by NBC

My bet is still on a delusional leftist. 

I would be a little suprised if it were more than that.  I can't see a scheme where this guy would be the trigger man.  I'm guessing he's a lonely lone wolf.

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1 hour ago, htownbrown said:


And there are no doubt there are people out there blaming this on the Democrats or Biden. Democrats have a president in office that has some of the most highly trained killers in the world at his fingertips, CIA assassins, Navy seal snipers that killed Somali pirates on a boat in the middle of the fucking ocean, but they send a 20 year to do the job who isn't even old enough to legally buy alcohol.

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JFK still garners conspiracy theories, it's ok to question these things and some conspiracy theories prove to be true.

It's no different than saying Trump will become a dictator because he has immunity.

CNN at 1st was calling it an incident, refusing to say assassination. I'm sure by now they see their error in that everyone knows what it was and they look pathetic downplaying it. At first while other sources called it what it was off the bat.

DEI is the very definition of systemic racism and bigotry. I don't know why a certain someone always has to inject garbage into every topic. (DEI is bad) Create a new topic and we can discuss it there.

Sad to hear the guy behind Trump died in this. However, it wasn't the gun, it was the lefts inciting rhetoric and constant division. In this case, you can also throw in TDS.

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56 minutes ago, Jax said:


Axe posted at 11pm and my reply was immediately thereafter.  At that point I had been watching the CNN coverage and the replays of the assassination attempt for 2 hours.  They never once refrained from calling that an assassination attempt.  

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