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Resurrection of the board

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Thanks to some offers of assistance from a few of our members it looks like the Browns board will live on for at least another year. I want to remind everybody that I would like it to be fair across the board which means if you hate somebody don't bother the administrators to punish your enemies, just don't read their shit. And try not to be an asshole if you can help it.

One of my new team members will be working to keep the bronze page a little more focused on football, hope that works for everybody. Keep the politics off the Browns page, if you need to talk politics you know where to do it and if you don't want to then just STFU. I recently gave a couple of spammers the boot, if you noticed that make sure to let one of us know.

We'll try to encourage new members to post and have a good time. If anybody has suggestions or questions let me know and they will be discussed with the other members of the new team. Thanks to everybody who offered their support they know who they are. And they probably know if they aren't.

Thank you all for being a part of this for so long.

Stay tuned


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Awesome to hear! We just hosted my daughter's wedding in our backyard so I've been a bit preoccupied, but just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who helped keep the lights on for a little while longer. 

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As we loyal fans  - figured -  our fearless leader.  ■  SUPER  WESTSIDE STEVE   ■     would come through !   On behalf of everyone. .....  Thanks, Steve !    mjp.  

AND AS ALWAYS       - GO BROWNS ! -     :)     The gang.   

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Just noticed this.  THANK YOU!

It's a special type of fan that posts and reads regularly.  We're die-hard Browns fans.  We're fans for life.  It's an unexplainable form of love that we have for the Browns.  We enjoy talking Browns...in September...as well as in June.  Many of us live far away from Cleveland.  We can't talk with our neighbors about the Browns.  Nobody gives a rats ass.  Here we engage with like minded people....even though we don't agree on many aspects of the goings on with the team, we know that we're brothers in our love for the team.

There's certainly other Browns message boards....one of which is run like a school principal from the 1960's is in charge.  This place is orders of magnitude better...

You all know who many of us die-hards are.  Please PM us.  Let us know how we can help.  Perhaps all some of us can do is chip in with some $$.  But DON'T be afraid to contact us and ask if we'd be willing to chip in somehow.  

Thank you to Steve and all who are, and have been, working behind the scenes!


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Always the champion of Browns camaraderie. I have no Earthly idea why I decided to try logging in again.

I still cannot fathom how a grown man can get upset about words on a message board.

Good luck with your suggestion of scrolling past what you don't like. You still have an infestation of pussies who whine and report each other.

I think the guys who should get banned are the ones who report people. THAT has always been the Browns Board cancer.

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3 hours ago, Ghoolie Always Ghoolie said:

Always the champion of Browns camaraderie. I have no Earthly idea why I decided to try logging in again.

I still cannot fathom how a grown man can get upset about words on a message board.

Good luck with your suggestion of scrolling past what you don't like. You still have an infestation of pussies who whine and report each other.

I think the guys who should get banned are the ones who report people. THAT has always been the Browns Board cancer.

Are you whining about whining pussies again?👍🏆😂

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