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Who would you like to see replace Biden?

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Question here for those not completely up trump's ass. 

Hopefully no Clinton. 

Hopefully no Newsome. Given the imagine a huge portion of the country has in their minds for what California is Trump can just run on "Don't make the country California". Reality won't matter here and we'll just get political ads non stop showing the worst parts of LA


maybe Whitmer? Better home state to win an election 


I can't imagine then going with anyone too progressive 

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Who would I like to see replace Biden?




Not up his ass..


Personally I wish he'd not say a LOT of things but his policies spot on..


Things were way better under his watch until the dems and Chinese released the kracken

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If I'm in the DNC war room, I am getting ready to bite the pillow for this election cycle.

  • It's too late for Biden to be replaced on the ballot in a couple of swing states. 
  • Biden (or his wife) is saying he's going to stay in the race, getting him to resign will probably be messy
  • If they somehow convince him to bow out at the convention, this gives the new nominee 10 weeks to run a campaign
  • Early voting starts 3 weeks earlier than the convention in some swing states
  • Trump will not debate any of Biden's replacements

Short-term, of all the choices, I think Newsom gives them the best chance to win this cycle. Nonetheless, I think his chances of winning are pretty damn low because of all the above points. 

Personally, I'd plan on keeping him as governor for now since he's one of the top candidates for 2028 and I wouldn't want to have him lose a head-to-head with Trump. That might give the public a similar opinion of him as they have of Desantis. 

You can run Whitmer, which may buy you Michigan, but I think she has zero chance of ever winning the presidency now or in 2028. If you had a gun to my head and made me pick someone else to run this year, it'd probably be her for that reason. 

Running any of the above will piss off Kamala Harris. If she's angry enough, she could go for the gold and try to get Biden's cabinet to yank him out of office via the 25th amendment before the election. She has even worse chances of winning a general election than Gavin or Gretch. 

Therefore, I think the best long term move for the DNC as a whole is to go Ridin with Biden one last time. I don't envy their situation, but I also have a very hard time garnering an ounce of sympathy for them. They made their bed, and now they have to sleep in it. 

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1 hour ago, VaporTrail said:

If I'm in the DNC war room, I am getting ready to bite the pillow for this election cycle.

  • It's too late for Biden to be replaced on the ballot in a couple of swing states. 
  • Biden (or his wife) is saying he's going to stay in the race, getting him to resign will probably be messy
  • If they somehow convince him to bow out at the convention, this gives the new nominee 10 weeks to run a campaign
  • Early voting starts 3 weeks earlier than the convention in some swing states
  • Trump will not debate any of Biden's replacements

Short-term, of all the choices, I think Newsom gives them the best chance to win this cycle. Nonetheless, I think his chances of winning are pretty damn low because of all the above points. 

Personally, I'd plan on keeping him as governor for now since he's one of the top candidates for 2028 and I wouldn't want to have him lose a head-to-head with Trump. That might give the public a similar opinion of him as they have of Desantis. 

You can run Whitmer, which may buy you Michigan, but I think she has zero chance of ever winning the presidency now or in 2028. If you had a gun to my head and made me pick someone else to run this year, it'd probably be her for that reason. 

Running any of the above will piss off Kamala Harris. If she's angry enough, she could go for the gold and try to get Biden's cabinet to yank him out of office via the 25th amendment before the election. She has even worse chances of winning a general election than Gavin or Gretch. 

Therefore, I think the best long term move for the DNC as a whole is to go Ridin with Biden one last time. I don't envy their situation, but I also have a very hard time garnering an ounce of sympathy for them. They made their bed, and now they have to sleep in it. 

It definitely wouldn't be easy, but it doesn't seem like it's completely too late yet. 

I think there's an undecided middle in the country that are concerned with Trump but don't want to vote for a corpse. 

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50 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I think there's an undecided middle in the country that are concerned with Trump but don't want to vote for a corpse. 

You, the media, and political class are understating how unpopular Democrat policies have been under Biden. At the same time, you are overvaluing how Biden's age and Harris' unpopularity will be weighed against a mythical generic Democrat candidate. You can find a video of nearly every currently elected Democrat being asked about Biden's age and mental capacity, and pretty much all of them are on record, in 2024, saying it's no big deal. 

This does not engender trust with an undecided voter. 

If another Democrat candidate somehow manages to get the party and the people to rally around him, then they will truly deserve to be president, and I'll eat my crow. But that would be one tall task. 

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Trump.... There's no other candidate worthy... And no... I don't worship the guy... Trump has his warts. but we did well under his stewardship... Biden and all of the other commies have been a collossal failure of epic proportions.. and have sold America out... It's time to take America back... Put God and religion back in the schools.. Bring discipline back to the family unit.. And take all DEI and Woke policies out of the mainstream workforce and school systems.. While instilling safe schools.. Safe work enviornments.. Incentive laden jobs.. A focus on American goods and American craftmanship.. Less dependency on foreign products and energy sources.. More education in self reliance and sciences that will benefit all of humanity.. Not just a select few.. Deport all illegals and instill proper channels of emmigration . It can be done!

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Well, since the president Biden now has immunity, I wouldn't send SEAL team 6, I would send the C.I.A. They could do the job quietly and won't attract too much attention. USE THE POWER NOW while you have it, Biden!

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36 minutes ago, Neo said:

Well, since the president Biden now has immunity, I wouldn't send SEAL team 6, I would send the C.I.A. They could do the job quietly and won't attract too much attention. USE THE POWER NOW while you have it, Biden!


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46 minutes ago, Neo said:

Well, since the president Biden now has immunity, I wouldn't send SEAL team 6, I would send the C.I.A. They could do the job quietly and won't attract too much attention. USE THE POWER NOW while you have it, Biden!

Fuck you , you commie traitor!

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2 hours ago, Neo said:

Well, since the president Biden now has immunity, I wouldn't send SEAL team 6, I would send the C.I.A. They could do the job quietly and won't attract too much attention. USE THE POWER NOW while you have it, Biden!

The tds crowd actually believe Trump will do these kinds of things.

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15 minutes ago, Jax said:

The tds crowd actually believe Trump will do these kinds of things.

And you're fucking stupid and gullible if you think he hasn't talked about it already. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

Hold on to your shit, boys. We may be gearing up for the rematch that no one asked for!


Source: https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000190-94cd-d9a9-a3b3-96dfd90d0000

Part of me is surprised Clinton has a lead over Trump, given how it went last time. 

Then again I think that just speaks to how unpopular Trump really is. Not just on the "far left", but for a lot of folks in the middle as well. 

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1 hour ago, VaporTrail said:

The Atlantic is calling Biden a narcissist today. If he still hasn't resigned, I give it two weeks before they start outright calling him a pedophile or a racist. Expect more negative coverage of his wife and son, too. 

That kind of coverage seems familiar, now which President was it?

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On 6/30/2024 at 10:20 PM, MLD Woody said:

Question here for those not completely up trump's ass. 

Hopefully no Clinton. 

Hopefully no Newsome. Given the imagine a huge portion of the country has in their minds for what California is Trump can just run on "Don't make the country California". Reality won't matter here and we'll just get political ads non stop showing the worst parts of LA


maybe Whitmer? Better home state to win an election 


I can't imagine then going with anyone too progressive 

I think it would be quite a smart plan on the democrats part to run Joe Kennedy III

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2 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

I think it would be quite a smart plan on the democrats part to run Joe Kennedy III

Can someone explain to me why the DNC never tapped Sherrod Brown to run for POTUS? The guy is holding down his Senate seat in an increasingly red state. Hell, I like the guy. Was he needed in the Senate?

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54 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

Can someone explain to me why the DNC never tapped Sherrod Brown to run for POTUS? The guy is holding down his Senate seat in an increasingly red state. Hell, I like the guy. Was he needed in the Senate?

Because they're dumb?

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Just now, The Cysko Kid said:

Because they're dumb?


54 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

Can someone explain to me why the DNC never tapped Sherrod Brown to run for POTUS? The guy is holding down his Senate seat in an increasingly red state. Hell, I like the guy. Was he needed in the Senate?

Fwiw I like sherrod brown as well

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2 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

Can someone explain to me why the DNC never tapped Sherrod Brown to run for POTUS? The guy is holding down his Senate seat in an increasingly red state. Hell, I like the guy. Was he needed in the Senate?

There’s been allegations of domestic abuse towards his ex wife.

Sherrod Brown is also another career politician, who got his first political seat when Gerald Ford was President.

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