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This was my chosen mindless action flick of the evening last night. It actually wasn’t bad. Don’t expect intriguing dialogue or an out of the ordinary plot line, but some of the action scenes were actually pretty good and there’s some “so bad it’s good” moments too.

Clocking in at 1.5 hours, it’s not a big time commitment as far as movies go. 

The basic plot line is that the hottest Army Ranger you’ll ever see and her Atlanta cop husband decide to vacation in the inbred south, for whatever reason. 

Once there, they stumble upon a hillbilly mafia’s operation, and the hillbillies promptly kill her husband and thought they killed her too… but she lives. Dun dun dunnnn….

And the rest of the movie is pretty much her exacting vengeance on said hillbillies. 

Like l said, not the most unpredictable plot line. You could probably miss half the movie and still not miss a beat when you come back to it. It’s sort of Rambo meets Deliverance.

There are weird unintentionally funny scenes. The one that comes to mind (spoiler alert) is when Earl dies, because of course there’s a dude named Earl and of course he dies, and they have this bizarre campfire wake scene afterwards that is super weird. 

I’ll give it a solid C.

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