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Why do so many not understand the situation in Rafah?

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I've said it before - an emotional lie takes a complicated truth to resolve it.

The trouble is, liberals tend to react to everything emotionally.

"Palestinians" who support hamas, and hamas forcing other "palestinians" to be human shields

are the responsible parties for civilian deaths. really good article on it:


Why The World Still Can't Understand the Rafah Situation

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Sweden is upset with the russians messing with their country, the russians

took out the navigation markers in the river that borders russia, etc etc, Poland has just

squelched a lot of free activity by the russian embassy "employees" over plots to launch attacks within their country, other NATO countries KNOW that Pres Trump

was absolutely correct for them to put more effort into their defenses. Poland is now buying a lot of missiles, I think it was, from America to defend against the russians.

etc etc etc.

and tens of thousands of young chinese men are coming illegally across our border. Russia has launched a satellite that apparently is going to get close to our satellite, and probably is a satellite killer....

while scumbag cowards are in our WH.

It's going to get a lot worse, follks. That is what I think.

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Same reason no one understands J6.


Same reason no one understands the Election was stolen.


.   .   .   on so on   .   .   .



Short story, the MSM lies.



There's like 5 conglomerations that own like 95%+ of all Media (and that even boils down to only two - who own each other)   .   .   .   they alone decide what the peasants get to hear   .   .   .  

If that's all you hear, then what else are you (most folk) to believe?


The real truth of what's going on in the ME is a whisper   .   .   .  


One reason I've not posted a whole lot about it (ME), we have the same distortion of facts here (worse even) than do many other Countries.

Why'd all think I posted "Blood on the Rooftops" ?


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