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Now the corrupt WHO is telling us to stop eating meat. You know..."climate change"

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This weekend, I'll do a whole roast in a dutch oven over the camp fire.


WHO Director Tells Us to Abandon Meat to Fight 'Climate Change' (Guess How That Went on Twitter)

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now, dammit, I used to have two young calves in 4H. A Holstein and Guernsey.

and the climate never changed.

But the mountain lion episode changed me a bit. I started taking my shotgun with me to put them back

in their shed.

Not once did they ever fart or burp.

So that's that.

"man made goober warning" is a crock.

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More than 800m trees have been cut down in the Amazon rainforest in just six years to feed the world’s appetite for Brazilian beef, according to a new investigation, despite dire warnings about the forest’s importance in fighting the climate crisis.

A data-driven investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), the Guardian, Repórter Brasil and Forbidden Stories shows systematic and vast forest loss linked to cattle farming.

More than 800m Amazon trees felled in six years to meet beef demand | Amazon rainforest | The Guardian


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Doesn't mean cattle are tied to climate change, it means they are using the wrong suppliers that are connected to deforestation, but their primary reason for destroying the rain forest isn't for cattle.

In any case, I suppose you don't eat any meat then? Gotta earn your carbon credits like a good boy.

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2 hours ago, Jax said:

Doesn't mean cattle are tied to climate change, it means they are using the wrong suppliers that are connected to deforestation, but their primary reason for destroying the rain forest isn't for cattle.

In any case, I suppose you don't eat any meat then? Gotta earn your carbon credits like a good boy.



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Large deforestation patches indicate the presence of wealthy grabbers, given the cost of clearing land.

Land grabbers benefit by selling the on-site timber and by subdividing what they’ve grabbed for sale in small parcels. Arrest records and research by groups such as Transparency International Brasil show that many of them are involved in criminal enterprises that use the land for money laundering, tax evasion and illegal mining and logging.



Scientists say it has suffered losses at an accelerated rate since Jair Bolsonaro took office in January 2019.

The Brazilian president has encouraged agriculture and mining activities in the world's largest rainforest.


In response to what Cal posted, you thought a quote about deforestation for cattle was the issue when in fact it's the gov't and wealthy land grabbers.

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