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Niki Haley voting for Trump! MAGA!

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That should tick off the "independents"

...she'd be a great rep at the "UN",

except we should leave it/stop funding it.

So should Israel, too.

It's time.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

That should tick off the "independents"

...she'd be a great rep at the "UN",

except we should leave it/stop funding it.

So should Israel, too.

It's time.

I think it's just a stunt by her to get on the ticket or.. His cabinet...

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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

That should tick off the "independents"

...she'd be a great rep at the "UN",

except we should leave it/stop funding it.

So should Israel, too.

It's time.

Why do you think it would tick off independents? I consider myself an independent. My initial thought was “fuck yeah Haley, way to be decisive.” She’s a republican right? This is the expected move. 

Without linking me to death, what’s your beef with the UN? I get that it’s imperfect, but it stands to reason that the existence of a worldwide collaboration like it should exist. It’s pretty much inevitable. 

Keeping in mind that it’s a worldwide organizations consisting of member nations looking out for their best own best interests, what do you think the USA should do there?

Not being a part of it puts us in isolationism mode. We saw the results of that lead to WW2. 

Right now we’re a big dick in the UN. It really sucks because everyone wants to get a piece of it. But at the end of the day, don’t you wanna have a big dick?

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1 hour ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Why do you think it would tick off independents? I consider myself an independent. My initial thought was “fuck yeah Haley, way to be decisive.” She’s a republican right? This is the expected move. 

Without linking me to death, what’s your beef with the UN? I get that it’s imperfect, but it stands to reason that the existence of a worldwide collaboration like it should exist. It’s pretty much inevitable. 

Keeping in mind that it’s a worldwide organizations consisting of member nations looking out for their best own best interests, what do you think the USA should do there?

Not being a part of it puts us in isolationism mode. We saw the results of that lead to WW2. 

Right now we’re a big dick in the UN. It really sucks because everyone wants to get a piece of it. But at the end of the day, don’t you wanna have a big dick?

A. I said that because there were independents who wanted Haley to run and they would vote for her.


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C. The UN runs on countries money.

As in, OUR $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. It has never stopped a war.

It seems it is only good for spreading our wealth to poor countries.

That is their motive to try so desperately to foster man made global warming nonsense on us.

The UN is worthless. except for poor countries who get billions and billions from us.

Like the Palestinians.

Read up on the corruption in the UN if you want more of an answer.


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1 hour ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

UN should be dissolved.   Worthless.

And the protocols they have are beyond ridiculous to say the least...

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On 5/23/2024 at 12:14 AM, calfoxwc said:

C. The UN runs on countries money.

As in, OUR $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. It has never stopped a war.

It seems it is only good for spreading our wealth to poor countries.

That is their motive to try so desperately to foster man made global warming nonsense on us.

The UN is worthless. except for poor countries who get billions and billions from us.

Like the Palestinians.

Read up on the corruption in the UN if you want more of an answer.


Well ok, but what do you think the USA should do with regard to the UN? Clearly there’s demand for such an organization. If you recall after WW1 the League of Nations was created, a similar entity, which the USA was NOT a part of, and if l recall from history class, that was seen as a contributing factor to the lead up to WW2. I kinda thought we all learned a lesson there that isolationism maybe wasn’t the best move.

We’re now a good 100+ years in having the UN or something like it. Do you think we should leave and repeat the same mistake after WW1? Let the rest of the world steer themselves and hope they don’t screw things up again? Or try to abolish the UN and create something similar? Or abolish it and not create something similar? Just let everyone figure it out on their own, us included, without any formalized forum to sort out the world’s problems?

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9 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

I thought Japan bombing Pearl Harbor and Hitler declaring war right after was the reason.  Must have been different teachers.....

Maybe. A key phrase was “contributing factor.” I’ll attach a link detailing what l’m referring to. The theory is that had the US been more involved in world affairs in the 30s, we could have exerted enough influence to avoid the rise in strength of the Axis powers, or at least be in a better position to see it coming. Think ounce of prevention/pound of cure. 

https://history.state.gov/milestones/1937-1945/american-isolationism#:~:text=During the 1930s%2C the combination,non-entanglement in international politics.

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1 hour ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Maybe. A key phrase was “contributing factor.” I’ll attach a link detailing what l’m referring to. The theory is that had the US been more involved in world affairs in the 30s, we could have exerted enough influence to avoid the rise in strength of the Axis powers, or at least be in a better position to see it coming. Think ounce of prevention/pound of cure. 

https://history.state.gov/milestones/1937-1945/american-isolationism#:~:text=During the 1930s%2C the combination,non-entanglement in international politics.

did everybody in your class get a big pink ribbon for passing the class with no test?

No mention of "league of nations". Unless I missed it. Read it and let me know if I did.......

Have a nice day.


World War II


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yeah.... kinda like:

"League of Nations" :  "well, we took a vote, and we want to you know, that in our collective opinion, you and your nazi murderers are terrible, mean, wicked, bad and nasty, so we want you to be nice and not try to nazi the entire earth. Want a cookie?"

and WWII wouldn't have happened.

Twisted History.


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9 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

did everybody in your class get a big pink ribbon for passing the class with no test?

No mention of "league of nations". Unless I missed it. Read it and let me know if I did.......

Have a nice day.


World War II


I’m not sure l follow your response. The article l linked mentioned the League of Nations. I don’t recall ribbons, but l gather that was just a goofy potshot anyway. Golf clap if so, and moving on…

Regardless, do you think we should leave the UN and head into isolation mode like we did after WW1? Let the rest of the world steer themselves and hope they don’t screw things up again? Or, try to abolish the UN and create something similar? Or, abolish it and not create something similar? Just let everyone figure it out on their own, us included, without any formalized forum to sort out the world’s problems?

I would argue that such an organization has existed for over a hundred years, and if it’s going to continue to exist, the US should have a seat at the table. 

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2 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

Regardless, do you think we should leave the UN and head into isolation mode like we did after WW1? Let the rest of the world steer themselves and hope they don’t screw things up again? Or, try to abolish the UN and create something similar? Or, abolish it and not create something similar? Just let everyone figure it out on their own, us included, without any formalized forum to sort out the world’s problems?

I would argue that such an organization has existed for over a hundred years, and if it’s going to continue to exist, the US should have a seat at the table. 

Sorry, I just was referring to your education. "the league of nations" had nothing to do with initiating WWII.

With russia and china having a veto, and them being corrupt warring enemies, our veto is important.

Outside of that, the united nations is hopelessly corrupt. I can't find the book I was going to refer you to - but it detailed

the rampant corruption in the UN. There isn't any fixing it, imho.

My contention is, with the un being worthless, why the heck are we  the major funder of it? by far, ...nearly twice what china gives to the UN.

So, I say we quit funding it until it gets it's act together.

and the ICC ? did they put out a determination to arrest the head of hamas after Oct. 7th? NO.

Months later, they are after them AND the head of Israel. Then they can give the head of hamas a "pass", and ....

Israel isn't a part of the ICC. Neither is America. and Russia, I think it was.

Corruption seems to be a real problem throughout the United Nations. Cover-ups are being reported at all levels from an institution which seems hell-bent on not making itself accountable. Patrick Henningsen, editor of 21st Century Wire, who has seen the UN's operations around the world firsthand,



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one more:

Aug 12, 2022Finland has reportedly taken the extraordinary step to freeze all funding to the United Nations (UN) following corruption scandals at the international organisation, specifically highlighting the need for a review of whistleblowing mechanisms to ensure the effective protection of those speaking
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12 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Sorry, I just was referring to your education. "the league of nations" had nothing to do with initiating WWII.

With russia and china having a veto, and them being corrupt warring enemies, our veto is important.

Outside of that, the united nations is hopelessly corrupt. I can't find the book I was going to refer you to - but it detailed

the rampant corruption in the UN. There isn't any fixing it, imho.

My contention is, with the un being worthless, why the heck are we  the major funder of it? by far, ...nearly twice what china gives to the UN.

So, I say we quit funding it until it gets it's act together.


Understandable. That’s all l was looking for was your opinion there. It sounds like we’re in agreement that if the UN is going to exist, we should be a part of it. No one else is going to look out for our own interests in it otherwise. 

I wasn’t aware of how much funding we provided to the UN, but after a furious 5 minutes of google searching, yeah, it’s a lot. That’s an understandable position to want other nations to carry more of the load. Can’t argue with that. 

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