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Happy first day of Cheeto's first (of many) criminal trials.

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2 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Yougov poll 🤣😂🤡

Trump verdict makes significant number of Republicans less likely to support him: poll | Fox News

One in 10 registered GOP voters said Trump's felony conviction for falsifying business records would make them less likely to support him for president, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll that closed on Friday. The two-day poll was conducted hours after a jury in Manhattan on Thursday found Trump guilty on all counts brought against him by District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Half of Americans think Trump's guilty verdict was correct, should end campaign: POLL - ABC News (go.com)

A plurality of Americans, 50%, think former President Donald Trump's guilty verdict on all 34 counts in his hush money trial was correct, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds, and almost as many, 49%, think he should end his 2024 presidential campaign over the result.


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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Have you ever gotten a pedicure? They're very nice. 

I suppose. but it's probably a waste of time for ya:


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44 minutes ago, Axe said:

On this, we will agree..

Hey, one other guy comfortable enough in his masculinity to not immediately resort to jokes and insults. Love to see it. 

But damn a mani pedi is expensive. Especially if I'm paying for my gf

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2 hours ago, JAFBF said:


More so :




Riiggghhhttt....  Just like his (supposed) Bronx rally attendance was inflated by 700%..   :D Lets see what the REAL numbers are- whien he has to report them. 

FWIW, I trust anything coming out of Trump's pathologically lying fat mouth as far as I could throw him.  Didya hear his latest JB?  I never said "LOCK HER UP"? Now that's a real hoot.  Anyone who wants to spend 5 minutes fact checking him can post at least a 1\2 dozen videos saying otherwise. 

PT Barnum was indeed right. The poorly educated to the rescue. Please send your rent money to a billionaire convicted felon.  

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Hey, one other guy comfortable enough in his masculinity to not immediately resort to jokes and insults. Love to see it. 

But damn a mani pedi is expensive. Especially if I'm paying for my gf

LOL, get diabetes, and get old... Medicare will pay for a toenail trim.  :)  

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On 5/31/2024 at 10:52 PM, Canton Dawg said:

Keep importing those Libtard voters from the southern border.

Dementia Joe loves him some illegals.

well since my last response got lost in the Internet ether, here's the cliff notes reply.  Yeah, it's SO f**king easy to get registered to vote if you can't prove American citicenship, much less a permanent addres. 

You Cult 45 exenophobes found the latest boogeymen trying to get into America. Cheetos is spoon feeding you with bullshit that they're predominantly criminals, rapists and drug dealers. Round up a million people and deport them? At least he's (yet)  not saying he's going to send them to Nazi style concentration death camps for trying to poison the blood of America.  🙄

FWIW, speaking of- last Saturday I had an (obvious) Mexican dude and his assistant do the best rug cleaning I've ever had. And to digress a bit- ever wonder why a LOT of roofing crews in Ohio are predominintly hispanic?  I'd suggest you go sit out on your roof on a nice 90+ degree day when the heat coming off of the roof is approaching 120.  

On 6/2/2024 at 4:11 PM, Canton Dawg said:

Inflation is one thing the Biden Nut Swingers won’t talk about.

Inflation? Sure, lets talk about that.  Starting with- maybe you can enlighten me exactly HOW a president can effect a change in inflation.  Um, he can't.  FWIW, latest I could dig up is US inflation at 2.9%  is pretty much in line with the rest of the developed world.  You guys are living in the Orange Kool-aid alternate reality that get Donny back in the White House, happy days are here again.  No inflation, no wars, complete fantasy- dream on. Trump is an economic Dunning Kreuger dunce. Just like he is regarding medicine or the military. He's clueless on how tarriffs really work- for starters.  

Still pining for that $2 buck a gallon gas when no one was driving?  Buy a clue, not happening, short of another pandemic. Or you miss the memo that US crude production is at record highs?  

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Typical kind of white person that cries about white supremacy, just what you'd expect.

Nothing wrong with a guy getting one but just the way he talks about it and other subjects. I'll explain that now because woody can't think past the little stuff.

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11 hours ago, hoorta said:

Inflation? Sure, let’s talk about that.  Starting with- maybe you can enlighten me exactly HOW a president can effect a change in inflation.  Um, he can't.

Since you’re absolutely clueless in the economics I’ll give you some pointers. Let’s start with government spending. I’m going to guess that you don’t know the facts about having too much currency in circulation? Your boy Dementia Joe had the U.S. Mint printing presses running around the clock spitting out $20 billion in currency every week. I’ll simplify it for you, the more money in circulation the less value it has. And when it comes to inflation, I don’t know what shit you’re reading but it’s been a hell of lot higher than 2.9% under Dementia Joe’s tenure.


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18 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

Since you’re absolutely clueless in the economics I’ll give you some pointers. Let’s start with government spending. I’m going to guess that you don’t know the facts about having too much currency in circulation? Your boy Dementia Joe had the U.S. Mint printing presses running around the clock spitting out $20 billion in currency every week. I’ll simplify it for you, the more money in circulation the less value it has. And when it comes to inflation, I don’t know what shit you’re reading but it’s been a hell of lot higher than 2.9% under Dementia Joe’s tenure.



So when Cheetos the signed the two bills one for 2.3 trillion and another for 900 billion he helped cause inflation?

Trump signs $2.3T relief, spending package (thehill.com)

Trump Signs Coronavirus Relief And Spending Bill : NPR

And it is more than just currency in circulation.

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Biden left out that the debt under his watch is on pace to exceed Trump’s one-term debt accumulation by the end of his current term, Jan. 20, 2025. During his first three years, Biden already accumulated $6.32 trillion in debt. For his final year, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has projected a deficit of $1.582 trillion. Add those two figures together and you get $7.902 trillion as Biden’s four-year total.

Treasury Department data shows the gross federal debt rose by about $7.8 trillion on Trump’s watch. 

President Barack Obama during his two presidential terms oversaw a debt increase of more than $9.5 trillion, which exceeds Trump’s total. 

But the White House told PolitiFact that Biden used "any presidential term" to refer to single, four-year terms, and the figure during Trump’s four-year term was higher than any previous four-year presidential term.

Trump’s biggest single federal debt spikes came from the initial rounds of coronavirus relief legislation in 2020. Trump signed them, but they passed with broad bipartisan support.

"Everyone, including me, said it was worth it, and without it, things would have been worse," Douglas Holtz-Eakin, president of the center-right American Action Forum, told PolitiFact in 2023. "So, (it’s) not fair to blame Trump exclusively for something everyone thought was needed."


I have work, no time to post all the useless debt Biden accrued.

I seen an article of a man thanking Biden for paying off his college debt. He makes $175000/year. He should be thanking all the hard working people below him for supporting his dumb grifting ass.

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13 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

Whoreta posted:

more dunken monkey bs


Says the lost cause poster.  :D :D  :D Did I hurt your feelings playing in your political sandbox?  

Gee, once again... You act just like your Orange Messiah- when you don't have anything intelligent to respond with, well insult and call people names.   

FWIW, the convicted felon you're probably going to vote for is sinking farther and deeper into dementia. Deal with it. The guy doesn't need to go to the RNC Convention, he needs an interevention- badly.  Latest? Starting to lose the gaurd rails. Just tossed up a profanity laden post on Truth Social. Guy shoud spend more time reading that Bible he's grifting, insted of insulting people he doesn't like. BTW, it's getting easier and easier for the anti Trump Fan Club to dig up sound bites  and clips of incoherent garbage he's spewing at his rallies. 

Quote the Donald?  "That trial was a disgrace".  Sorry Mango- you're the National Disgrace. About everything you're saying anymore is projection. So by all means- go ahead and vote for this scumbag, and don't forget to sent him some of your money too.  

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7 minutes ago, hoorta said:


I post a lot of intelligent stuff. A few things might be goofy, but, I was born a goofy comedian child.

   When you booze up, you are worse than a maladjusted, abused 3rd grader.

   If I was the only one who had little if any respect for you - that would be an exception.

   However, you have earned widespread derision by reason of your hatred for not being able to dominate and control.

   Here's your sign:


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3 hours ago, cccjwh said:


So when Cheetos the signed the two bills one for 2.3 trillion and another for 900 billion he helped cause inflation?

Trump signs $2.3T relief, spending package (thehill.com)

Trump Signs Coronavirus Relief And Spending Bill : NPR

And it is more than just currency in circulation.

The Dems in Congress passed it BEFORE Trump signed it.

You might want to look up the definition of “bipartisan” and get back to me.

Fucking Biden Nut Swingers. 🤣

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26 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

The Dems in Congress passed it BEFORE Trump signed it.

You might want to look up the definition of “bipartisan” and get back to me.

Fucking Biden Nut Swingers. 🤣


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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:



Were you born this stupid or did you have to work at it?

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6 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:


Were you born this stupid or did you have to work at it?

It is beyond hilarious how he gets owned by his own feckless material... LOL

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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

I post a lot of intelligent stuff. A few things might be goofy, but, I was born a goofy comedian child.

   When you booze up, you are worse than a maladjusted, abused 3rd grader.

   If I was the only one who had little if any respect for you - that would be an exception.

   However, you have earned widespread derision by reason of your hatred for not being able to dominate and control.

   Here's your sign:


Shows you're about as accurate as a drunk monkey.  That Orange Kool-Aid has rotted what's left of your brain. Maybe if you'd come out of your alternate reality rabbit hole you'd understand. More insults? You just keep getting progressively more desperate trying to piss me off.  :D   Grade school garbage.  People in need of psychiatric help are the last ones to admit it... BTW, most of the rest of us know you need an intervention...   

Aw, I post a few things you don't agree with- and I'm a drunk monkey- well...  You happen to be Grade A Psychotic. FWIW, that's not name calling- it happens to be a thing called reality that you seem to have a pretty poor grasp of.  Posting hundreds of threads that no one responds to. As my Mom, RIP would say- "that's what crazy people do, talk to themselves".  Posting shit that no one reads. Me? You're one of the original board hogs- it took me 15 seconds to verify your 58,000+ posts of you trying to dominate conversations,  so stuff your insults up your ass.   

Is this you?  I could post something more far more insulting right back at you - But please go back to your basement and check out the latest on Red State, why don't you?  



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30 minutes ago, nickers said:

It is beyond hilarious how he gets owned by his own feckless material... LOL

OK, see you guys later, much later.... I've had more than enough of the crap that masqurades as news around here for the time being.  Not withstanding grade school name calling, and a few psychotics runnning their mouths.  

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