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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Trump debated a corpse. If he didn't look amazing by comparison it would have been massive failure. 


I've seen Trump as a president. I'll take the corpse 

You have to be smart enough to know his debate was good without comparing it to Biden.

I wouldn't expect you to know the difference.

Debates aren't just about looking good over the other person, they are talking to the American public for votes and support.

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7 hours ago, Jax said:

You have to be smart enough to know his debate was good without comparing it to Biden.

I wouldn't expect you to know the difference.

Debates aren't just about looking good over the other person, they are talking to the American public for votes and support.

Dude, your head is so far up trump's ass I don't expect you to have any objective view here. "I didn't have sex with a porn star" isn't exact debate highlight material. Trump also still lies constantly. If you like hearing those lies then I guess it won't bother you much. It also gets old listening to Trump's second grade style if speech where everything is "the best ever" "the worst in history" "the biggest" etc. It's a child like way to talk but damn if it doesn't resonate with a huge part of this country. 

Trump didn't win anyone over with his "debate performance". If anything Bidens lack of performance just lost him supporters. 

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58 minutes ago, Axe said:

Yes, and Trump wins all of these tourneys, hits holes in one constantly, and is as skilled as Kim Jong Un....


The two of them going back and forth bickering about golf was a great lowlight for our country 

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25 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Dude, your head is so far up trump's ass I don't expect you to have any objective view here. "I didn't have sex with a porn star" isn't exact debate highlight material. Trump also still lies constantly. If you like hearing those lies then I guess it won't bother you much. It also gets old listening to Trump's second grade style if speech where everything is "the best ever" "the worst in history" "the biggest" etc. It's a child like way to talk but damn if it doesn't resonate with a huge part of this country. 

Trump didn't win anyone over with his "debate performance". If anything Bidens lack of performance just lost him supporters. 

I'd reply if you knew half of what you were talking about.

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On 6/28/2024 at 1:28 PM, Canton Dawg said:

Congratulations on finally figuring out what the rest of the non Biden Nut Swingers already knew.

I certainly hope future Presidential Elections will have better candidates.

Well, if Joe is this bad now, I hate to think what he's going to be like in another four years, if not dead.   

I've said it before, I'd vote for a Republican who wasn't a MAGA, and would disavow Project 2025. & sorry anyone who still thinks Trump will be a great President again is nuts. "I'll be a dictator on day one".  Believe it pal. And day two, and three...  He's going to go after anyone who he imagines wronged him & he already did- Liz Cheney for starters. Guy was unstable before, and you'd have to be blind to not see he's got serious mental problems. For instance, his pathological lying, or did you miss him saying in the debate he never had sex with Stormy? Well, Stormy, Cohen, and a jury seem to disagree.  Oh there's so much more, like his malignant narcissism, and a few other things that make him as unfit as Joe to sit in the White House come 2025.   

Voting "None of the Above" is starting to look real attractive.   

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7 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Trump will be a great President again is nuts. "I'll be a dictator on day one".  Believe it pal.

He wasn't his 1st 4 years, that's just crazy talk.

8 minutes ago, hoorta said:

He's going to go after anyone who he imagines wronged him & he already did- Liz Cheney for starters.

He might go after people that are corrupt but not for personal vendettas. Which by the way just about the entire democrat base has done to him and his supporters. But now you're worried about that sort of thing?


11 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Guy was unstable before, and you'd have to be blind to not see he's got serious mental problems. For instance, his pathological lying, or did you miss him saying in the debate he never had sex with Stormy?

You just described Joe, and no one gives a shit about who Trump slept with.

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24 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Well, if Joe is this bad now, I hate to think what he's going to be like in another four years, if not dead.   

I've said it before, I'd vote for a Republican who wasn't a MAGA, and would disavow Project 2025. & sorry anyone who still thinks Trump will be a great President again is nuts. "I'll be a dictator on day one".  Believe it pal. And day two, and three...  He's going to go after anyone who he imagines wronged him & he already did- Liz Cheney for starters. Guy was unstable before, and you'd have to be blind to not see he's got serious mental problems. For instance, his pathological lying, or did you miss him saying in the debate he never had sex with Stormy? Well, Stormy, Cohen, and a jury seem to disagree.  Oh there's so much more, like his malignant narcissism, and a few other things that make him as unfit as Joe to sit in the White House come 2025.   

Voting "None of the Above" is starting to look real attractive.   

You selectively quote things that aren't even true.  Stormy, the whore X rated movie maker.  Cohen, the convicted liar and a Jury of liberal democrats.  Wow, what a strong case!

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5 hours ago, Jax said:

He's just grumpy cause his dumbass cult leader Biden got whooped while Trump looked great.

I think he's a closet Trump supporter now.

It's funny because every time you speak it's clear you know less and less about what you're talking about. 

Hard to shout about a Biden cult from inside of Trump's giant ass. 

No one likes Biden man. Idk why you keep trying to make that a thing. I mean I do, you're defecting. But it's still sad

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6 hours ago, nickers said:

You haven't offered anything better so STFU you retard!


5 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Can you dig up some AI generated videos of a sharp as a tack Joe Biden on Tik-Tok for us old timers. 

Asking for a friend in a nursing home.

You know what I'm realizing, all the hostility towards Biden and his decline... It's because you're basically looking into a mirror a few years into the future. Shit that has to be frightening. To know you're not that far away from being just as hopeless

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45 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

It's funny because every time you speak it's clear you know less and less about what you're talking about. 

Hard to shout about a Biden cult from inside of Trump's giant ass. 

No one likes Biden man. Idk why you keep trying to make that a thing. I mean I do, you're defecting. But it's still sad

Jumping off the Biden bandwagon now? How convenient.

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I'll assume you're just trolling because you oh so desperately want a conversation. 

If you genuinely thought I was ever on a Biden bandwagon you're even dumber than I thought. 

It's ok woody, we all know you're much too smart to have voted biden...🙄

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On 6/28/2024 at 10:41 AM, calfoxwc said:

true - but when you have a mumbly mentally-locked-in-to telling lies opponent - it puts you on the path to defend against the lies. I don't believe anyone thinks biden won for one second.

Trump won early in the debate, he seemed poised and prepared. Then he slipped back into rambling.

Biden- to me and probably a lot of people, we wanted to see how his mental state is. Well, it's not good.

I've said this before....the Rs probably blew the opportunity to take back the White House, time will tell. 

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:


You know what I'm realizing, all the hostility towards Biden and his decline... It's because you're basically looking into a mirror a few years into the future. Shit that has to be frightening. To know you're not that far away from being just as hopeless

You are even dumber and more wrong than I thought you were.. I'm not afraid of growing old or even afraid of dying.. I'm not a coward like you... I'm not frightened in the least... Everyone has an end time...I don't sit here worrying about dying.. I'm too busy having a good time living and enjoying  life.. Grow up you twat!

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