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Anyone can talk bad about Trump for certain things, but compared to everything we have, including what's in the wings, he is our best choice.

Will he actually do most of the things he talks about and correct some of his mistakes from the first time? Probably not.

Still, if Biden is his opponent, and we concede RFK won't get anywhere near enough votes, Trump is light years better than someone that seems to actually purposely make everything worse from economics, world policy, freedom and unity in the States.

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I've never had much use for Pres Trump until he ran for president. I came to realize he really does care, and wants

to do right for America.

It's history. ObaMao had a pedophile communist as a mentor in Hawaii.

Biden had a pedophile mentor in ObaMao.

Then Bill Clinton had.....a mentor.......

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  • 1 month later...

I’ll admit it, l lent an email address to his campaign and l’m getting ambushed with emails. One of his latest spelled out his platform. I’ll paste the pertinent parts here. I’m on board with most of it. Paste job:


I am a “classic liberal” in the sense that I believe in the values of JFK and my father RFK. Those were the days when Democrats championed free speech, peace, civil liberties, and (though it may surprise you) a strong border.

First, Restoring Liberty: My presidency will dismantle the surveillance state that both parties have supported, restoring and protecting constitutional freedoms eroded under the guise of national security.
Second, End the Chronic Disease Epidemic:The CDC admits 60% of Americans suffer from chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimers, and cancer. I will redirect federal resources toward finding out the causes and enacting the solutions to this terrible crisis that affects nearly every American family.
Third, Supporting the Underserved: My administration will prioritize reversing the marginalization of the 'little guy,' ensuring inclusivity and support for those often overlooked by government policies.

Fourth, Managing Immigration: Advocating for strong borders to protect American labor from being undermined by unregulated, cheap workforce influx, ensuring fair wages and conditions for all workers.

Fifth, Committing to Peace: Unlike my competitors, I will cease America’s involvement in costly foreign conflicts that have drained our resources and compromised our national values. No more regime change wars!
Sixth, Nurturing the Future: I will focus on policies that enhance the health and economic opportunities for young Americans, making it easier for them to own homes and live prosperously.
Seventh, Protecting the Environment: True to the traditional values of environmentalism, my presidency will focus on conserving our natural resources, eliminating pollutants, and safeguarding our ecosystems.
Eighth, Strengthening Democracy:Understanding that a healthy democracy relies on a robust middle class, I will end the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies that drains America of our resources for the enrichment of a few and the impoverishment of the many.
Finally, Ensuring Fairness: Addressing economic polarization, I will advocate for higher wages, support stronger labor protections, reduce housing costs, and enhance social safety nets to ensure that all Americans can thrive.

Make of it what you will. 

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On 4/2/2024 at 7:17 PM, calfoxwc said:

I've never had much use for Pres Trump until he ran for president. I came to realize he really does care, and wants

to do right for America.

It's history. ObaMao had a pedophile communist as a mentor in Hawaii.

Biden had a pedophile mentor in ObaMao.

Then Bill Clinton had.....a mentor.......

And Bill got a BJ in the Oval office too!

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I don’t exactly know how this will work but RFK Jr. wasn’t invited to the debate (big surprise) so he’s going to do some sort of live stream thing during it. If anyone’s interested l think this is the link for it.


I'm on the air (thank god) but I'd watch that before I'd watch the shitstorm debate..

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

I'm on the air (thank god) but I'd watch that before I'd watch the shitstorm debate..

I popped in to watch a few different times, spent maybe 20 min total viewing. The idea was to hold Kennedy to the same time standard on answers with a separate moderator. His moderator was interestingly pretty hard on him. 

They showed the CNN clip, paused it after the 2 main candidates, then Kennedy got his chance. He’s tough to listen to, has a voice impediment. 

I’m sure it’ll be out there on youtube. His reactions when the main candidates were speaking was the best part. 

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Fucking hilarious you believe that

(And then the pizza gate reference, Christ)

you laugh at fake stuff all the time. Pres Trump was a terrific president. Have you ever said any of the names of women and young ladies who have been raped and murdered by your illegal people?

ever? or you just laugh about that?

and I never said anything about pizza gate. Go back and actually read posts.

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7 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

you laugh at fake stuff all the time. Pres Trump was a terrific president. Have you ever said any of the names of women and young ladies who have been raped and murdered by your illegal people?

ever? or you just laugh about that?

and I never said anything about pizza gate. Go back and actually read posts.

He thinks he's cool being the little snarky asshole that he is...

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53 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

This guy really held a debate with a television? I'm sorry but that's hilarious. 

It's absolute bullshit that the DNC didn't agree to having him on stage with Biden and Trump. I expect that he will be getting more votes than any 3rd party candidate since Ross Perot.  

‘Where is RFK Jr?’ fans cry after presidential hopeful hosts ‘rival ...

A television, and a separate moderator and a separate audience. It was kind of hilarious. But also endearing. 

I appreciate his efforts. And l think you’re right, most 3rd party votes since Ross Perot, who WAS permitted to join the debate at least once. 

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When I was a kid, my family loved JFK and RFK. Everybody did. I was in the sixth grade, and when they announced JFK was murdered, a lot of the kids in class cried - most of the girls did. That is true.

They both were great men.

Jr is so much more like Ted Kennedy.

NOT great men.

Sadly, Jr. fell apart into drugs after RFK was murdered. He has never

been the same person after that. Voting for him is like buying a pig in a poke.

Pig in a poke


A pig in a poke is a thing that is bought without first being inspected, and thus of unknown authenticity or quality. The idiom is attested in 1555: A "poke" is a sack, so the image is of a concealed item being sold. Starting in the 19th century, this idiom was explained as a confidence trick where a farmer would substitute a cat for a suckling pig when bringing it to market.

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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:


When I was a kid, my family loved JFK and RFK. Everybody did. I was in the sixth grade, and when they announced JFK was murdered, a lot of the kids in class cried - most of the girls did. That is true.

They both were great men.

Jr is so much more like Ted Kennedy.

NOT great men.

Sadly, Jr. fell apart into drugs after RFK was murdered. He has never

been the same person after that. Voting for him is like buying a pig in a poke.

Pig in a poke


A pig in a poke is a thing that is bought without first being inspected, and thus of unknown authenticity or quality. The idiom is attested in 1555: A "poke" is a sack, so the image is of a concealed item being sold. Starting in the 19th century, this idiom was explained as a confidence trick where a farmer would substitute a cat for a suckling pig when bringing it to market.

I’m likely buying a pig in a poke. That’s a super weird reference.

Suckling pig. Mmm yeah… 

This thread now has unlimited directional kinky possibilities. Are we looking to go there? 

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8 hours ago, Ibleedbrown said:

I don’t know who these people are. Please explain.

The two overgrown midgets happen to be Ed & Brian Krassenstein.

Twin brothers who are social justice warriors on Twitter (or X if you prefer).

They are on social media pushing their communist agenda, and usually a pain in the ass for Elon Musk.

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44 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

The two overgrown midgets happen to be Ed & Brian Krassenstein.

Twin brothers who are social justice warriors on Twitter (or X if you prefer).

They are on social media pushing their communist agenda, and usually a pain in the ass for Elon Musk.

Thanks Canton. I don’t know anything about them. On the surface “social justice warriors” seems like a good thing. This is honestly the first l’ve heard about them.

I don’t fault commies for putting it out there. I’m all in for the free speech stuff, it’s the cross l’m happy to die on. 

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1 minute ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

Hell no.

At this point. Almost ANYONE is better then the 2 bumbling, lying, incompetent, incoherent sexual deviants that are running now 

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15 minutes ago, Jax said:

A lot of people thought Biden would be better than Trump and look at how much we're paying for it.

And now people will think Trump will be better.  And it won’t be any different 

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