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I Want To See This Become Reallity


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I'm sick and tired of these asshole doing their level best to destroy humanity...  But we have idiots like Woody,Neo and Ccunt who keep voting for these treasonous bastards... As far as I'm concerned.. They belong in prison with these two idiots.. They are all guilty by association for voting against America..  I hope all of you bastards burn in hell someday... Liberals are nothing but cowards!




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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Quit drinking and go to bed

I rarely drink you dumb asshole... And If I have a drink.. its only one or two you dumb numbskull... I have kidney cancer you stupid fuck..

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1 hour ago, Jax said:

Why do you feel the need to trigger the dumbass cult Nickers?

You even made them break out memes LOL

Because I love watching them make idiots of themselves... They're like the Keystone cops...

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

It's weird you don't understand what a meme is. What are you like 80?


Hahaha, I thought my mislabeling it would bring out the nerd in woody to correct me.  You all fall for everything, dumbass cult. Like I even give a shit what a meme is.

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30 minutes ago, Jax said:

Hahaha, I thought my mislabeling it would bring out the nerd in woody to correct me.  You all fall for everything, dumbass cult. Like I even give a shit what a meme is.

It's so funny that you cult members mirror your lord and savior so often. Sure, sure you did it on purpose. Just like Cheetos mistake Halley for Pelosi on purpose. 😉


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2 hours ago, Jax said:

You are slow dumbass aren't you?

Notice where I said I don't give a shit what a meme is, so even if I didn't do it on purpose, it doesn't matter unless you're a dumbass.

Didn't your mom tell you if you don't know anything about a subject you should stay quiet about it? I could have sworn she said she did tell you.


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