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◆ Trump received MILLION$ AND BILLION$ of dollars from foreign governments while president ..... I'M SURE.

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~        Trump illegaliy 

Trump received millions ($7.8M+) from foreign governments (China, Saudi, Qatar...) while president, House Democrats allege ....

.... but he's probabilababity got even more from his MAGA followers buying  his  DJT  ash trays and coffee table books  - and -  other DJT authenic signed junk.    I've seen a few really good ones !  Really, all to help pay his lawyer's huge bills.   ;-0

by Ken Tran, USA TODAY
1/4/2024 · 12:20 PM EST

WASHINGTON – Former President Donald Trump unconstitutionally profited from the presidency during his tenure in the White House, reaping millions of dollars for his business empire from foreign governments, House Democrats allege in an extensive report.

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released a 156-page report Thursday morning accusing Trump of exploiting the presidency to financially benefit himself and members of his family. Trump’s businesses, according to the report, received at least $7.8 million from corrupt and authoritarian governments including China, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The report is the culmination of a nearly seven-year investigation. It says records and documents obtained by House Oversight Democrats reveal "a stunning web of millions of dollars in payments made by foreign governments and their agents directly to Trump-owned businesses, while President Trump was in the White House.”  

Among the report’s findings and records available to the committee, China made the most payments to Trump’s businesses during his tenure, spending more than $5.5 million at Trump Tower in New York and two of Trump’s hotels in Washington and Las Vegas. 

House Oversight Democrats specifically accuse Trump of violating the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause, which prohibits the president from profiting from foreign governments without the approval of Congress. 

The report notes that its findings are incomplete after House Republicans took control of the committee last year and halted the investigation, which the late Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., started in 2016 when he was the top Democrat on the committee. 

"It is true that $7.8 million is almost certainly only a fraction of Trump’s harvest of unlawful foreign state money, but this figure in itself is a scandal and a decisive spur to action," Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, wrote in the report's.      |●--> continued in USA TODAY -->

●-->  continued  in USA TODAY ●-->  [ NOTE :  .....  this is a  DJT  story  NOT a Biden or any other person(s)  story for a change  ]  ......   PLEASE  try to keep to keep it  there for a change.    ♥️     Thank you very much.

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1 minute ago, mjp28 said:

~        Trump illegaliy 

Trump received millions ($7.8M+) from foreign governments (China, Saudi, Qatar...) while president, House Democrats allege ...

by Ken Tran, USA TODAY
1/4/2024 · 12:20 PM EST

WASHINGTON – Former President Donald Trump unconstitutionally profited from the presidency during his tenure in the White House, reaping millions of dollars for his business empire from foreign governments, House Democrats allege in an extensive report.

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released a 156-page report Thursday morning accusing Trump of exploiting the presidency to financially benefit himself and members of his family. Trump’s businesses, according to the report, received at least $7.8 million from corrupt and authoritarian governments including China, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The report is the culmination of a nearly seven-year investigation. It says records and documents obtained by House Oversight Democrats reveal "a stunning web of millions of dollars in payments made by foreign governments and their agents directly to Trump-owned businesses, while President Trump was in the White House.”  

Among the report’s findings and records available to the committee, China made the most payments to Trump’s businesses during his tenure, spending more than $5.5 million at Trump Tower in New York and two of Trump’s hotels in Washington and Las Vegas. 

House Oversight Democrats specifically accuse Trump of violating the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause, which prohibits the president from profiting from foreign governments without the approval of Congress. 

The report notes that its findings are incomplete after House Republicans took control of the committee last year and halted the investigation, which the late Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., started in 2016 when he was the top Democrat on the committee. 

"It is true that $7.8 million is almost certainly only a fraction of Trump’s harvest of unlawful foreign state money, but this figure in itself is a scandal and a decisive spur to action," Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, wrote in the report's.      |●--> continued in USA TODAY -->

●-->  continued  in USA TODAY ●-->  [ NOTE :  .....  this is a  DJT  story  NOT a Biden or any other person(s)  story for a change  ]  ......   PLEASE  try to keep to keep it  there for a change.    ♥️     Thank you very much.


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7 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:


Maybe,  maybe not ......

Donald Trump
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Trump received millions of dollars from foreign governments while president, House Democrats allege

8d24d269-9ede-440b-90e3-5b821741ed63-710Ken Tran

WASHINGTON – Former President Donald Trump unconstitutionally profited from the presidency during his tenure in the White House, reaping millions of dollars for his business empire from foreign governments, House Democrats allege in an extensive report.

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released a 156-page report Thursday morning accusing Trump of exploiting the presidency to financially benefit himself and members of his family. Trump’s businesses, according to the report, received at least $7.8 million from corrupt and authoritarian governments including China, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. ......  

......   AND THEN.   ......

"It is true that $7.8 million is almost certainly only a fraction of Trump’s harvest of unlawful foreign state money, but this figure in itself is a scandal and a decisive spur to action," Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, wrote in the report's foreword.

....... AND MUCH, MUCH MORE LIKE  .......

Among its other findings, the report estimated that Saudi Arabia spent at least $615,422 at Trump Tower and Trump’s hotel in Washington during Trump’s tenure, basing the estimate on Mazar’s limited records that documented payments only for 2018 for Trump Tower and a weeklong stay in Trump’s Washington hotel.  ......  ????????   ............  that's odd. .........

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And every penny was donated to a gov agency but the libs wont tell you that. The man didn't even take a salary for putting up with the libs bullshit..


The man lost $1.2 BILLION while in office serving you pathetic pc o shit libs like the OP of this thread.




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lost all respect for mjp before, now this?

his business was signed over to his kids, per the requirements.

And yes, he did NOT TAKE A SALARY - but donated it.

Pres Trump was plenty rich enough to not need it, unlike horrorta's hero biden and his entire family, who PERSONALLY GOT MILLIONS DIRECTLY TO THEM ......

the leftie nutties don't respect themselves, and never? respect the truth about matters.

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5 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

What's odd is this comes out on January 4, 2024 of an election year.  Typical Democratic Bullshit.

And what's the odds just days since the    JANUARY  6th, 2001  ATTACK ON   "OUR"  U.S. of A.  CAPITOL !    When Donald J. Trump and his close friends  - and -  partners thought they could have pulled off the  biggest coup against the American Democracy since the  CIVIL WAR .....  BUT THEY FAILED !

▪︎  Just three years and a few days from ....  "7 hours, 700 arrests, (with 25% GUILTY pleas) in  just 1 year later ..... ask the defence lawyers !" ..... The Jan. 6 Capitol attack, by the numbers" .... a horrible dark stain  on Donald J. Trump and his fellow  MAGA idiots  for all time.

A  "Typical  MAGA & DJT miscalcuation bullshit"  now (3) years old  this time.  I wonder what they will try next ..... in this latest desperate Trump election attempt.   :lol:.    ▪︎-->  Try  TrUmp Wun !   That never gets old, lmao.

Oh well, maybe file a few more court cases, what is he  1-62  or  1-65  going for even more losses ?  Can't blame him he knows he's looking at more fines and jail time  and  these desperate presidental tries are his  only ways  to delay the  bigger fines and obvious jail times  Donnie boy.

January 6 ...  Donald Trump's  legacy as a joke between his ......   "The president"  and  "The Apprentice"  lol.   ( NO REALLY .... just read... --> )


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Do these people that have a Trump fetish actually have anything of value to add? They randomly post biased links and pics then say a bunch of silly things.

If Jan 6th was half of what you say it was, why isn't Trump already in prison?

With all these lawsuits you pointed out, why isn't he in jail?

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10 hours ago, Axe said:

Found a video of MJP being interviewed


Axe, is that the best you can find of mjp ?   (I didn't click it  BTW ..... maybe later,  maybe not.   :lol: .)

I'm sure I will find something better to click on  of mjp's  BEST OF FILE  lol.

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9 hours ago, mjp28 said:

And what's the odds just days since the    JANUARY  6th, 2001  ATTACK ON   "OUR"  U.S. of A.  CAPITOL !    When Donald J. Trump and his close friends  - and -  partners thought they could have pulled off the  biggest coup against the American Democracy since the  CIVIL WAR .....  BUT THEY FAILED !

▪︎  Just three years and a few days from ....  "7 hours, 700 arrests, (with 25% GUILTY pleas) in  just 1 year later ..... ask the defence lawyers !" ..... The Jan. 6 Capitol attack, by the numbers" .... a horrible dark stain  on Donald J. Trump and his fellow  MAGA idiots  for all time.

A  "Typical  MAGA & DJT miscalcuation bullshit"  now (3) years old  this time.  I wonder what they will try next ..... in this latest desperate Trump election attempt.   :lol:.    ▪︎-->  Try  TrUmp Wun !   That never gets old, lmao.

Oh well, maybe file a few more court cases, what is he  1-62  or  1-65  going for even more losses ?  Can't blame him he knows he's looking at more fines and jail time  and  these desperate presidental tries are his  only ways  to delay the  bigger fines and obvious jail times  Donnie boy.

January 6 ...  Donald Trump's  legacy as a joke between his ......   "The president"  and  "The Apprentice"  lol.   ( NO REALLY .... just read... --> )


You're delusional.

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  • mjp28 changed the title to ◆ Trump received MILLION$ AND BILLION$ of dollars from foreign governments while president ..... I'M SURE.
3 minutes ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

You're delusional.

Oooops, gotta' run ..... another doctor appointment.     :o

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3 hours ago, mjp28 said:

   (I didn't click it  BTW ..... maybe later,  maybe not.   :lol: .)


Of course you didn't because unlike the bullshit you've spewed in this thread, the content contained in the video came from credible news outlets.

 Do a little research, you do realize a lot of that came from a 10 yr lease signed before he ran for POTUS and you do realize his business interests were handled by a trust while he was president right? You are  pathetic.

I don't like the man's personality and I don't want him as president again but this thread is total horseshit


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55 minutes ago, mjp28 said:

Oooops, gotta' run ..... another doctor appointment.     :o

Have that dr examine your honesty - it's not working at all.

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

Of course you didn't because unlike the bullshit you've spewed in this thread, the content contained in the video came from credible news outlets.

 Do a little research, you do realize a lot of that came from a 10 yr lease signed before he ran for POTUS right and you do realize his business interests were handled by a trust while he was president right? You are  pathetic.

I don't like the man's personality and I don't want him as president again but this thread is total horseshit

▪︎ 34217 ▪︎  - ( Just doing a little research here.)  Nice location Axe, the wife & I have been there and also Sanibel, Ft. Myers, Tampa and Zombo Island-ville area  and the general area in years past..  Yes, nice area all right.   Now I've been real busy today but will get back to you later.   SO,  where is your original area in the  NE OHIO or OH-IO area ...... being a BROWNS fan ?

I'm originally from Niles,  graduated from  NILES McKinley in  1968  .....  and  YSU in 1975 and 1985.    Just a brief summary.

Catch you later, mjp  "the total horseshit guy",  lol.

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19 hours ago, mjp28 said:

~        Trump illegaliy 

Trump received millions ($7.8M+) from foreign governments (China, Saudi, Qatar...) while president, House Democrats allege ....

.... but he's probabilababity got even more from his MAGA followers buying  his  DJT  ash trays and coffee table books  - and -  other DJT authenic signed junk.    I've seen a few really good ones !  Really, all to help pay his lawyer's huge bills.   ;-0

by Ken Tran, USA TODAY
1/4/2024 · 12:20 PM EST

WASHINGTON – Former President Donald Trump unconstitutionally profited from the presidency during his tenure in the White House, reaping millions of dollars for his business empire from foreign governments, House Democrats allege in an extensive report.

Democrats on the House Oversight Committee released a 156-page report Thursday morning accusing Trump of exploiting the presidency to financially benefit himself and members of his family. Trump’s businesses, according to the report, received at least $7.8 million from corrupt and authoritarian governments including China, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

The report is the culmination of a nearly seven-year investigation. It says records and documents obtained by House Oversight Democrats reveal "a stunning web of millions of dollars in payments made by foreign governments and their agents directly to Trump-owned businesses, while President Trump was in the White House.”  

Among the report’s findings and records available to the committee, China made the most payments to Trump’s businesses during his tenure, spending more than $5.5 million at Trump Tower in New York and two of Trump’s hotels in Washington and Las Vegas. 

House Oversight Democrats specifically accuse Trump of violating the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause, which prohibits the president from profiting from foreign governments without the approval of Congress. 

The report notes that its findings are incomplete after House Republicans took control of the committee last year and halted the investigation, which the late Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., started in 2016 when he was the top Democrat on the committee. 

"It is true that $7.8 million is almost certainly only a fraction of Trump’s harvest of unlawful foreign state money, but this figure in itself is a scandal and a decisive spur to action," Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee, wrote in the report's.      |●--> continued in USA TODAY -->

●-->  continued  in USA TODAY ●-->  [ NOTE :  .....  this is a  DJT  story  NOT a Biden or any other person(s)  story for a change  ]  ......   PLEASE  try to keep to keep it  there for a change.    ♥️     Thank you very much.

 Yeah you're sure. All liberals think they're sure.

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41 minutes ago, mjp28 said:

▪︎ 34217 ▪︎  - ( Just doing a little research here.)  Nice location Axe, the wife & I have been there and also Sanibel, Ft. Myers, Tampa and Zombo Island-ville area  and the general area in years past..  Yes, nice area all right.   Now I've been real busy today but will get back to you later.   SO,  where is your original area in the  NE OHIO or OH-IO area ...... being a BROWNS fan ?

I'm originally from Niles,  graduated from  NILES McKinley in  1968  .....  and  YSU in 1975 and 1985.    Just a brief summary.


I haven't updated, we just bought another place in the 34203 on the Braden River. I was born in Cleveland, grew up right on the lake in Perry until the nuclear power plant was built. I'm old enough to have seen Jim Brown play in person at Municipal stadium.


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5 hours ago, FY56 said:

 Yeah you're sure. All liberals think they're sure.

Who said .... that I was a liberal ?.?  I'm just  flexible you know ....

.....  adjective   1. capable of bending easily without breaking.   2.  able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances or conditions.  "flexible forms of retirement" 

- or - able to sway with how the various political winds are swaying.  :)   .... "it takes some political experience to successfully  pull this one off."     ;-》》 .

Get it  FY ?    ....  I figured that  you  of all people on this forum  would get it  !        😉

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3 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

And all at the same time! 😂

And a  proven master  of this and many other political trickery that takes   decades   to get right.

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1 hour ago, mjp28 said:

And a  proven master  of this and many other political trickery that takes   decades   to get right.

He’s a career politician, it’s in his jeans…and shorts too!

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31 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

He’s a career politician, it’s in his jeans…and shorts too!

Look up   career politican  or  politican career  either way it comes up ......  "what is a Joe Biden ? " .......  wow.     ✔️

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5 hours ago, mjp28 said:

Who said .... that I was a liberal ?.?  I'm just  flexible you know ....

.....  adjective   1. capable of bending easily without breaking.   2.  able to be easily modified to respond to altered circumstances or conditions.  "flexible forms of retirement" 

- or - able to sway with how the various political winds are swaying.  :)   .... "it takes some political experience to successfully  pull this one off."     ;-》》 .

Get it  FY ?    ....  I figured that  you  of all people on this forum  would get it  !        😉

We heard that from cccjwh...he was quite impressed with you.

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On 1/5/2024 at 10:55 PM, Vambo said:

We heard that from cccjwh...he was quite impressed with you.

Why  thank you .....  i think.

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On 1/5/2024 at 10:53 PM, Vambo said:

Dr. Ruth?

Oh yeah ...... that's funny.  (especially with the doctors that i  have  actually seen this year.)

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