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What do leprosy, polio, tb, and malaria have in common??? ILLEGAL ALIENS


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3 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

You nut jobs still pretending you care about the border. Sad.

Awww your pussy is still sore...

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18 hours ago, cccjwh said:

You nut jobs still pretending you care about the border. Sad.

Please explain to me why a Guatemalan who illegally crosses the border yesterday is more deserving of citizenship than a Moroccan who has gone through the legal process and been on the waiting list for 3 years.  

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10 hours ago, Jax said:


still no retraction for woodpecker's "they just want a better life" ?

Of course not. Being a leftwing/liberal/progressive sombeitch means never having to apologize for saying stupid bs.

I mean, look at every ccc post. and whoreta's......

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seems like whoreta is pickling, woodpecker is molting, and ccc is revolting.

Meanwhile, not only do a percentage of the illegals rape, murder, torture, steal, be involved with sex and drug trafficking, and join viicious gangs....and bring health risks/diseases here.....

some are now qualified to get......


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Hey look they are trying to do something about the GOP border problem. Looks like MAGA will block it again. The have to have something to run on. You may continue to pretend you care about the border. 

House GOP says revived border bill "dead on arrival" as Senate plans vote - CBS News

Washington — House Republican leadership said Monday that a Senate effort to revive a once-failed border security measure is "dead on arrival" in the lower chamber. But the legislation may not make it out of the Senate. 

        Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Sunday in a letter to colleagues that the chamber this week would again take up the border legislation negotiated by a bipartisan group of senators earlier this year. The bill, which came as part of a broader foreign aid package, was quickly rejected by Republicans after former President Donald Trump expressed his opposition. 

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34 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Hey look they are trying to do something about the GOP border problem. Looks like MAGA will block it again. The have to have something to run on. You may continue to pretend you care about the border. 

House GOP says revived border bill "dead on arrival" as Senate plans vote - CBS News

Washington — House Republican leadership said Monday that a Senate effort to revive a once-failed border security measure is "dead on arrival" in the lower chamber. But the legislation may not make it out of the Senate. 

        Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Sunday in a letter to colleagues that the chamber this week would again take up the border legislation negotiated by a bipartisan group of senators earlier this year. The bill, which came as part of a broader foreign aid package, was quickly rejected by Republicans after former President Donald Trump expressed his opposition. 

I’m sure once a decent bill gets presented, they will approve it.

In the meantime quit crying about it.

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2 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I’m sure once a decent bill gets presented, they will approve it.

In the meantime quit crying about it.

Yes please quit crying about the border. Again, Border Patrol supports the bill and wants it passed. Only your cult does not want it passed. Because you would have nothing to run on but your culture wars. 

MAGA the stupidest cult in modern history.


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2 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

either ccc is always stoned, or is just naturally that stupid -

the bill would have enabled 5,000 to come here, every month, I think it was.....which would be an improvement, except America has too many of them already, and it would be a "limited open border", which means little or nothing.

    The illegal open border garbage must STOP.

and you watch - they will try to get them voting in the election later this year, because all the cards on on the table, and they will be permanent if they can continue for another four years.


Let's see max 5000 per day vs unlimited per day. Which is better for you baby cow? Since you're MAGA, it's probably the second one. Because MAGA is the stupidest cult in modern history.


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either ccc is always stoned, or is just naturally that stupid -

the bill would have enabled 5,000 to come here, every month, I think it was.....which would be an improvement, except America has too many of them already, and it would be a "limited open border", which means little or nothing.

    The illegal open border garbage must STOP.

and you watch - they will try to get them voting in the election later this year, because all the cards on on the table, and they will be permanent if they can continue for another four years.

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On 5/20/2024 at 2:12 PM, cccjwh said:

Let's see max 5000 per day vs unlimited per day. 

This is a perfect example of gaslighting. "If you don't do it our way and refuse to shoot your party/ideology/constituency in the foot, then you must be for more illegal immigration."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Newsome wasted $53 million on healthcare for illegals and wants the gov't to reimburse him. States are prohibited from getting reimbursed for such so let's see if he must give the money back.

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  • 2 weeks later...


woodpecker hasn't grown a pair to admit he was really wrong to claim "they just want a better life". Hasn't grown a pair of anything.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We are in trouble, you thought the BLM riots were bad?

All these illegal invaders don't want to assimilate, they don't care about our culture, they don't care about our laws.

They are not only moving from their shit hole countries to get away, but they are coming here because of open borders and to abuse our system and our people.

I feel bad for wherever else these inavders infested. Hopefully it's not too late here.

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 and if anyone thinks other countries aren't emptying out their jails and mental institutions and ghettos etc to rid themselves of the cost, and drug cartels, gangs etc haven't expanded into more affluent territories,....

why not?

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  • 2 weeks later...

For you cult members that are still pretending that the border is important to you.

Unlawful border crossings drop for 5th straight month, reaching lowest level since September 2020 - CBS News

Sasabe, Arizona — Unlawful crossings by migrants along the U.S. southern border dropped for the fifth consecutive month in July, plunging to the lowest level since the fall of 2020, internal government figures obtained by CBS News show.

U.S. Border Patrol agents made roughly 56,000 migrant apprehensions between official points of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border in July, the lowest number since September 2020, when the agency reported nearly 55,000 apprehensions, according to the preliminary Customs and Border Protection data.

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