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What do leprosy, polio, tb, and malaria have in common??? ILLEGAL ALIENS


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5 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Ahhh, don't get mad. I sure there will be something new for you to be outraged about soon. 

I’m not mad princess, I just find it perplexing that someone who doesn’t give a shit about the border posts about it all the time. 🤔

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1 hour ago, Canton Dawg said:

I’m not mad princess, I just find it perplexing that someone who doesn’t give a shit about the border posts about it all the time. 🤔


Maybe you should try and re-read my post, Beavis. I'm making fun of your cowards that panic about the border for 3 years, but when the bill finally come for a vote... You morons kill it. 😄

Always fun when I'm shown to be correct. 👍


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25 minutes ago, cccjwh said:


Maybe you should try and re-read my post, Beavis. I'm making fun of your cowards that panic about the border for 3 years, but when the bill finally come for a vote... You morons kill it. 😄

Always fun when I'm shown to be correct. 👍


All you ever post is Cheetos…blah…blah…blah.

Its hard to follow when all you do is marinate in Biden’s semen.

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2 minutes ago, Canton Dawg said:

All you ever post is Cheetos…blah…blah…blah.

Its hard to follow when all you do is marinate in Biden’s semen.

Damn , Now thats a sick visual I can't gt out of my head now... LMFAAOOo.. Hilarious dude!

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Why do liberals believe everything but the truth? Are they just stuck on stupid or too afraid or lazy to research anything on their own? No wonder they are angry and miserable all the time. It must be terrible not being capable of figuring things out for yourself and just bitching all the time. Turn off main stream media,all of it, and get your political news straight from both houses ofcongress  on CSPAN YouTube or any that broadcast debate and see for yourself who's lying to you. You may be amazed to find out that both sides tell half truths sometimes and sometimes they just flat out lie to your face. You won't want to believe most of it but sadly with a little research you can see for yourself who's full of shit. I won't spoil it for you , look for yourself 

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Honestly, they just like playing stupid to try and have fun with us.

I mean, no one can be that much of a dumbass for real right? Oh wait, we are talking about liberals, maybe they can be that dumb.

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8 hours ago, darkside5 said:

Why do liberals believe everything but the truth? Are they just stuck on stupid or too afraid or lazy to research anything on their own? No wonder they are angry and miserable all the time. It must be terrible not being capable of figuring things out for yourself and just bitching all the time. Turn off main stream media,all of it, and get your political news straight from both houses ofcongress  on CSPAN YouTube or any that broadcast debate and see for yourself who's lying to you. You may be amazed to find out that both sides tell half truths sometimes and sometimes they just flat out lie to your face. You won't want to believe most of it but sadly with a little research you can see for yourself who's full of shit. I won't spoil it for you , look for yourself 

Why does MAGA believe only things that confirm their own opinions? Why does MAGA think everything from a blogger living in their mom's basement is the "truth". Why does MAGA make broad truth assertions without giving actual example of what the truth is. 

Straight from CSPAN. Straight from the GOP. 




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15 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

Request you rename this thread to: The Bipartisan Border Bill (Or how I learned to stop worrying and fund the wars of two foreign nations)

request denied - your ideas would let the entire world fall apart into WWIII.

See, there was a WWI and a WWII. We didn't prevent it, we didn't join it - til it was late and so many of our American Veterans died as a result. And your whining about the palestinians can't wipe Israel off the face of the earth is again duly noted, and is still crap.

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9 hours ago, Jax said:

Honestly, they just like playing stupid to try and have fun with us.

I mean, no one can be that much of a dumbass for real right? Oh wait, we are talking about liberals, maybe they can be that dumb.

I think it's worse than that at times. There seems to be this feeling they love to get, when they are in opposition to everything that others respect. They don't respect anything - America, Life, others' religious beliefs, Real Marriage, Honor, military, morality, the Bible.... nothing, not even themselves.

They can't stand that others do, so they fight...everything. But they feel good about themselves in their "fight"....for maybe a little while?

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

I think it's worse than that at times. There seems to be this feeling they love to get, when they are in opposition to everything that others respect. They don't respect anything - America, Life, others' religious beliefs, Real Marriage, Honor, military, morality, the Bible.... nothing, not even themselves.

They can't stand that others do, so they fight...everything. But they feel good about themselves in their "fight"....for maybe a little while?

That's usually what miserable people do.

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6 hours ago, Jax said:

That's usually what miserable people do.

it's sad, and with their blood on their hands from voting against America and Pres Trump.....

they hate themselves more.

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On 2/8/2024 at 6:53 AM, cccjwh said:

Why does MAGA believe only things that confirm their own opinions? Why does MAGA think everything from a blogger living in their mom's basement is the "truth". Why does MAGA make broad truth assertions without giving actual example of what the truth is. 

Straight from CSPAN. Straight from the GOP. 




Well apparently you've got it all figured out so vote for Joe again.

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9 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Going to vote for ByDon. You vote for your rapist again.

You do realize that brain dead pedophile Joe was accused of the same thing . And that women didn't wait thirty years to make the claim and said exactly when and where it occured. Anyone who would even consider voting for that idiot isn't worth my time. Don't bother to respond, you're too stupid.

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3 hours ago, darkside5 said:

You do realize that brain dead pedophile Joe was accused of the same thing . And that women didn't wait thirty years to make the claim and said exactly when and where it occured. Anyone who would even consider voting for that idiot isn't worth my time. Don't bother to respond, you're too stupid.

It still hasn't dawned on him his Pedo in Chief (ByeDon) is a child sniffing , child molestor as accounted by none other than his very own daughter... "facepalms"... Then I have to believe he's just trolling for kicks... I mean 12 year olds do shit like that , right?

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4 hours ago, darkside5 said:

You do realize that brain dead pedophile Joe was accused of the same thing . And that women didn't wait thirty years to make the claim and said exactly when and where it occured. Anyone who would even consider voting for that idiot isn't worth my time. Don't bother to respond, you're too stupid.

You realized Cheetos has been excused 20+ times and jury of his peers found in a court of law that he raped a woman. Let me know when ByDon is in court. MAGA the stupidest cult in modern history.



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37 minutes ago, nickers said:

It still hasn't dawned on him his Pedo in Chief (ByeDon) is a child sniffing , child molestor as accounted by none other than his very own daughter... "facepalms"... Then I have to believe he's just trolling for kicks... I mean 12 year olds do shit like that , right?

Truthfully if you don’t recognize that the election was fixed from the start it’s not worth debating any further.  Everything else is pointless.  

Its in plain daylight and there’s nothing we can do.

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7 minutes ago, hammertime said:

Truthfully if you don’t recognize that the election was fixed from the start it’s not worth debating any further.  Everything else is pointless.  

Its in plain daylight and there’s nothing we can do.

Deep State: The excuse losers use to explain all their losses. 

Your feelings are not evidence. 


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