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Can it happen here? Think about it..... hamas type terrorists


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8 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

The quiet part getting louder and louder....

Great to see Cal FEELS this is correct. With his not emotional "be afraid" take ......

He's not wrong. Bin Laden used the US-approved Israeli bombing of Lebanese civilians in the 80s as justification and inspiration for 9/11. Looking at the footage the IDF is publishing this week, it's hard to believe that they didn't create a Bin Laden for another generation. But cal is absolutely right. Major cities in most Western nations are experiencing pro-Hamas rallies from second and third generation immigrants who were cheering on the murder of civilians high off their mind at a music festival. If you hate each other this much, then by all means, please go back to the Middle East, grab a gun, and don't come back. 


The dual-citizen Zionists are no better. For decades now, I have had to hear them preach diversity is the strength of western nations every time a truck of peace plows through a crowd of Europeans or an illegal who crossed the southern border kill/rape an American. Yet, when the same bullshit happens to Israel, they're immediately calling for ethnic cleansing. 

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worse: It really could happen - here is how:


Tens of Thousands of 'Special Interest Aliens' Arrested at Border Since 2021—but How Many Got Away?

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Happening in France:


WATCH: Things Get Spicy in France as Police Battle Pro-Hamas Protesters

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I'd like to trust our national intelligence, but it seems much of this stuff is hard to prevent (school shootings, for example). 

I worked 30 years in the fire service. The last 2 years we were issued combat gear & vests, had to train with police/FBI. Absolutely crazy but sadly necessary.

I hate getting cynical but I'm truly worried about the USA's future. 

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10 minutes ago, Bob806 said:

I'd like to trust our national intelligence, but it seems much of this stuff is hard to prevent (school shootings, for example). 

I worked 30 years in the fire service. The last 2 years we were issued combat gear & vests, had to train with police/FBI. Absolutely crazy but sadly necessary.

I hate getting cynical but I'm truly worried about the USA's future. 

It's going down, and fast.  I don't see a way out of it.  Our education system is trash.  Race relations are trash, worse than even in the 70's, and we are divided politically worse than ever.

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...the left has worked to pervert America's kids wherever they can, our health care system has been damaged by obaMaocare (which demanded all dependent on the gov over dirty politics), our military is being woked as much as they can for the next year, our borders have been wide open - they just caught two suspicious lebanese men, ....

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52 minutes ago, The Cysko Kid said:

What do you mean? It's already happened. The pulse nightclub shooting, Boston Marathon bombing and at least one semi recent California massacre were Islamic rage outs

Isolated incidents - I fear a mass killiing like they are doing in Israel - 260 murdered at a music concert.


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open borders hell: Arm up more, America......


Horowitz: Our enemy Hezbollah is already in the Western Hemisphere


In the wake of the Hamas massacres in Israel, Hamas' Lebanon-based Shiite ally Hezbollah warned the United States that if we side with Israel, “there will be no red line” to prevent attacks on American assets anywhere in the world. If we enjoyed a modicum of real leadership, such threats would ring hollow. After all, Hezbollah should not have the capabilities to strike us. The trouble is, we left our front door and our back door wide open — particularly in Latin America. That makes Hezbollah’s threat far more serious.

It isn’t simply the fact that we have let so many people into the country directly from Lebanon, Syria, and Iran — the countries that finance, train, and host Hezbollah and its global terror network. In the past 20 years, the United States has admitted around 230,000 Iranians, 70,000 Syrians, and 63,000 Lebanese. Some of them were ethnic minorities, but the overwhelming majority were Muslims. Now add immigrants from Iraq, which, thanks to our idiotic war, is now a safe haven for Hezbollah as well. We’ve brought in more than 200,000 Iraqis, half of whom are Shiite. You might have seen some of them waving Palestinian flags at a celebration of Hamas in Dearborn, Michigan, this week."



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3 hours ago, DieHardBrownsFan1 said:

It's going down, and fast.  I don't see a way out of it.  Our education system is trash.  Race relations are trash, worse than even in the 70's, and we are divided politically worse than ever.

I think the media creates a lot of race baiting. Most folks get along no matter what race they are. I bowl a lot of tournaments locally in Cleveland, many are run by black folks. I just see people getting along- if you're an ____hole, you just are, no matter what race.

Politically, yes it's awful division. I recently read an article, maybe it was a link on here, that said over 75% of the USA didn't trust either party, and it didn't matter if it was a D or R answering. Trust in politicians is at an all time low. 

Just my opinion, Biden & Harris, Trump, the Clinton's, & Obama need to go away for good. Maybe that would help, certainly can't hurt.

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not good. Hope the hell it never happens here.


Maps and Documents Recovered From Hamas Bodies Show Plans to Attack Elementary Schools, Take Hostages

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Just this week - CBP has caught 19 iranians and 17 syrians trying to sneak into our country.

So.... "big serious trouble" - far worse than I thought.

So...."there's goin to be a war" - there are two wars now.


Israel is not making hamas use human shields. They can't surrender to not have collateral human shield deaths.

That is pretty much the horrendous choice forced upon Israeli troops.

All these students etc who are supporting the beheadings and burnings alive of babies in front of their parents, and then they shoot the parents.....this nazi like true war criminal terrorizing - everyone of them should be deported.

It isn't "free speech" -

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On 10/13/2023 at 6:24 PM, calfoxwc said:

Isolated incidents - I fear a mass killing like they are doing in Israel - 260 murdered at a music concert.


Isolated? You mean it's got to be 100+ dead before it counts? 🙄  Look, I'm not about to get into an argument with you about your precious Second Amendment rights. Music Concert? Lots of people in an enclosed area? Check. Put on your thinking cap for a 1\2 second and envision (I can) like a coordinated AR-15 buying spree by HAMAS, or a similar terrorist organization. Then get 10-12 guys with automatic weapons shooting up a concert.  

Can't happen? It already did. 2017 Las Vegas. ONE guy with a bump stock took out 60 people and injured hundreds of others. Pulse Nightclub- 49 dead. Multiply that by a factor of 10 and chew on that for a few minutes. 

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9 hours ago, hoorta said:

Isolated? You mean it's got to be 100+ dead before it counts? 🙄  Look, I'm not about to get into an argument with you about your precious Second Amendment rights. Music Concert? Lots of people in an enclosed area? Check. Put on your thinking cap for a 1\2 second and envision (I can) like a coordinated AR-15 buying spree by HAMAS, or a similar terrorist organization. Then get 10-12 guys with automatic weapons shooting up a concert.  

Can't happen? It already did. 2017 Las Vegas. ONE guy with a bump stock took out 60 people and injured hundreds of others. Pulse Nightclub- 49 dead. Multiply that by a factor of 10 and chew on that for a few minutes. 

Look we know you hate Cal but making excuses or rationalizing hamas because of that.. that's kind of crazy. (You're not saying that you believe that Hamas is the equivalent of one lunatic with a bump stock right?)


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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

Isolated? You mean it's got to be 100+ dead before it counts? 🙄  Look, I'm not about to get into an argument with you about your precious Second Amendment rights. Music Concert? Lots of people in an enclosed area? Check. Put on your thinking cap for a 1\2 second and envision (I can) like a coordinated AR-15 buying spree by HAMAS, or a similar terrorist organization. Then get 10-12 guys with automatic weapons shooting up a concert.  

Can't happen? It already did. 2017 Las Vegas. ONE guy with a bump stock took out 60 people and injured hundreds of others. Pulse Nightclub- 49 dead. Multiply that by a factor of 10 and chew on that for a few minutes. 

A. I meant "isolated incidents" in America.

B. Yes, you have referred to hamas here, but you have never criticized the biden./obaMao open border garbage.

C. Yes, that happened in Los Vegas. Killed 60 people. No American babies were beheaded, burned alive in their cribs, no women raped and murdered, no one burned alive, no genocide. One extremely mentally ill person had several guns.

D. AGAIN - the AR-15 is just a customizable rifle like any other semi-auto rifle.

E. Hamas had hand grenades and explosives. They threw hand grenades into safe rooms after blowing the locked doors open. Hand grenades into familes' homes. HINT: hand grenades are extremely illegal.

F. Iran has been arming hamas ever since Israel gove up control of the Gaza Strip FOR PEACE. Several of us said at the time, it was a grave mistake - it would just be an inevitable launching pad for war. Now you see it, if you watch much of the coverage at all.

G. The Israeli gov frantically rolled back their restrictive gun ownership policy. Way too late - lesson learned, sadly, too late.

The guns will be prioritized for towns near Israel's borders, cities with mixed populations of Jews and Arabs, and West Bank settlements. About 4,000 of what Ben Gvir called assault rifles have ...
Jack Guez/AFP The Hamas attack on Israel has prompted debate among Americans about the right to bear arms, with gun rights activists arguing that civilians in Israel could have fought back...
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5 hours ago, hammertime said:

TDS is like what a meth head deals with….


stop taking sides and realize both are wrong 

ill take the side of our Lord.

What did the Jews do to have babies burned to death alive? whole familys gunned down, blown up by hand grenades and explosives?

Who started the war? hamas.

Who created Israel ? the UN.

Who refused to have their own state out of cutlural hatred?

I don't know of any history that says any Jewish tribes murdered entire muslim settlements. But there are plenty of stories about Mohammed having an entire large settlement totally murdered, men women and children. All of them.

Hell yes, I'll take sides. Israel wants to live in peace. Radical palestinians, hamas, hezbollah, want war and the total gencide of all Jews and Israel off the map.

btw, way over one million palestinians work in Israel, and many live in Israel very peacefully.

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A lot of Superfluous information there but yes the United Nations is probably responsible for most of the unrest in the middle east. But of course you can always go back in history and change things back to whichever borders at whatever time. He wish. I don't think that's the solution. I suppose we could go back to pre-roman borders?


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and I'm not fbi -


FBI warns of Hamas copycat terror attacks on US soil and urges public to watch out for 'lone actors' amid a 'heightened environment' of fear following deaths of 1,200 Israelis

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On 10/14/2023 at 7:26 PM, Westside Steve said:

Look we know you hate Cal but making excuses or rationalizing hamas because of that.. that's kind of crazy. (You're not saying that you believe that Hamas is the equivalent of one lunatic with a bump stock right?)


Gawd- you totally missed my point Steve. I'm NOT rationalizing hamas. Just pointing out to Cal that he minimalized the slaughter that's happening right here in America. Sorry that the body count here hasn't reached the 100+ level YET.  Pointing out that with an intelligence lapse- it sure as hell could. 

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3 hours ago, hoorta said:

Gawd- you totally missed my point Steve. I'm NOT rationalizing hamas. Just pointing out to Cal that he minimalized the slaughter that's happening right here in America. Sorry that the body count here hasn't reached the 100+ level YET.  Pointing out that with an intelligence lapse- it sure as hell could. 

which was a dumb invalid point - we are talking intended, deliberate GENOCIDE.

There is NO genocide going on in America.  Most all of us cringe every time some mental case uses a gun. But going after maybe 200 million gun owners is not the answer. IT's just a belligerent attack on "those conservatives we hate".

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17 hours ago, hoorta said:

Gawd- you totally missed my point Steve. I'm NOT rationalizing hamas. Just pointing out to Cal that he minimalized the slaughter that's happening right here in America. Sorry that the body count here hasn't reached the 100+ level YET.  Pointing out that with an intelligence lapse- it sure as hell could. 

Can't imagine how that would be taken any differently. Talking about Hamas and a terrorist attack and comparing it with a crackpot and a bump stock as if the two were related in any way. Just because you've made a decision to support everything the left wing stands for because you hate Trump and you hate Cal doesn't lend moral equivalency to these two situations.


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