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Republican Debate

MLD Woody

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Come on guys give the Woodpecker a break he's reduced to talking to himself.







 Apparently somebody's attacking some of the woodpeckers favorite things. The bastards.

Next thing you know they will be shit talking economic depression and violent crime!




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3 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Come on guys give the Woodpecker a break he's reduced to talking to himself.







 Apparently somebody's attacking some of the woodpeckers favorite things. The bastards.

Next thing you know they will be shit talking economic depression and violent crime!




I’m glad he’s taking the time to listen in on a bunch of GOP hopefuls that won’t be on the ballot.

 I guess if there’s a bunch of libtards on the stage simultaneously insulting each…I would watch.


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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Nikki is doing well. At least to me. Isn't getting into the petty mud fights. I'd coherent. Etc. 



2/3 of bankruptcy is caused by medical bills and that one governor blamed software from 2008.... WTF. As if THAT'S when our healthcare system started being fucked. 

The Americans Joe Biden Left Behind on the Bankruptcy Bill

In 2005 amendments to the bill, Biden voted against borrowers drowning in medical debt, seniors, servicemembers, union members, and victims of deadbeat dads.

The Americans Joe Biden Left Behind on the Bankruptcy Bill - The American Prospect

As the Prospect detailed Tuesday, BAPCPA made it harder for consumers to file for Chapter 7 by imposing a “means test” for Chapter 7 eligibility, and by substantially increasing the cost of filing for bankruptcy. This caused debtors’ average total out-of-pocket costs for filing for Chapter 7 to rise from $600 to $2,500. The subsequent result was a permanent 50 percent drop in Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings. BAPCPA made bankruptcy too expensive for the most broke households, making financial stress, mortgage defaults, and foreclosures more likely, particularly after the 2008 financial crisis.

Not only did the law discourage bankruptcy filings, but it made it harder to wipe out credit card debt and student loans in bankruptcy. The result was greater profits for consumer lending businesses, many of which are based in Biden’s state of Delaware. Not surprisingly, then, by lowering the risk of bad lending decisions, the Biden bankruptcy bill unleashed a glut of aggressive private student lending, which has contributed to the massive rise in student loan debt.


The bankruptcy bill was perhaps the most anti–middle class piece of legislation in the past century.

It’s hard to reconcile the Biden bankruptcy bill with Biden’s claims of being “Middle-Class Joe.” When it counted, Joe Biden looked out for millionaires and the banks, not the middle class.

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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

When you have no policies, fearmongering is all you have. When your base is full of cowards, afraid the world, it's the best way to get votes.


There were even some attempts to talk policy that quickly devolved into yelling about illegals or whatever 



Though I don't think Desantis went on and on about "woke" at all. His team probably let him know that doesn't hit on a broader scale 

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

There were even some attempts to talk policy that quickly devolved into yelling about illegals or whatever 



Though I don't think Desantis went on and on about "woke" at all. His team probably let him know that doesn't hit on a broader scale 

Fear mongering as in Trump having nuke codes that dumbass mily had to intervene to save the planet?? hahaha

Woke is already being rooted out, do you still defend it?

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21 minutes ago, Jax said:

Fear mongering as in Trump having nuke codes that dumbass mily had to intervene to save the planet?? hahaha

Woke is already being rooted out, do you still defend it?

"Woke" is literally anything you find different and weird. It has no meaning. The MAGA conservatives have miss used words and phrases so often they've lost all meaning. Woke. Groomer. Fake news. Etc. 


And the conservatives on this board have been driven by fear for as long as I've been posting. It's gotten more ridiculous, but it's all the same. The group that calls liberals emotional, "facts don't care about your feelings", etc. are some of the most emotional people out there. Driven by nothing more than fear. 

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48 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

"Woke" is literally anything you find different and weird. It has no meaning. The MAGA conservatives have miss used words and phrases so often they've lost all meaning. Woke. Groomer. Fake news. Etc. 


And the conservatives on this board have been driven by fear for as long as I've been posting. It's gotten more ridiculous, but it's all the same. The group that calls liberals emotional, "facts don't care about your feelings", etc. are some of the most emotional people out there. Driven by nothing more than fear. 

Fear... LoL! you are one big DUMBO!

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8 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

As much as you bitch about Trump, I would say you’re in a constant state of menstruating.

She needs to up her bi annual Yaz injections

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12 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

"Woke" is literally anything you find different and weird. It has no meaning. The MAGA conservatives have miss used words and phrases so often they've lost all meaning. Woke. Groomer. Fake news. Etc. 


And the conservatives on this board have been driven by fear for as long as I've been posting. It's gotten more ridiculous, but it's all the same. The group that calls liberals emotional, "facts don't care about your feelings", etc. are some of the most emotional people out there. Driven by nothing more than fear. 


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