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Cheetos is found liable for fraud in New York civil case.


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Aug 23, 2016A federal court ruled that the Texas Voter ID law passed in 2011, requiring voters to present official photo identification, discriminated again poor, minority and disabled voters and ordered
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Looks like Cheetos missed the new order that judge put out today. Cheetos and sons won't be able to move any asset from the companies that are being dissolved. In case you guys missed it, Cheetos has already lost the fraud case. The trial is strictly for determining the penalties for his fraud. 

Judge orders closer scrutiny of Trump’s assets amid New York fraud trial | NEWS10 ABC

 The judge overseeing former President Trump’s fraud trial in New York Thursday issued an order barring Trump or any other defendants in the sweeping case from transferring any assets or creating a new entity to acquire them without disclosure first.




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Another L for Cheetos. Looks like he was afraid to be deposed again and reveal some more crimes.

Trump drops lawsuit against Michael Cohen just days before former president was to be deposed under oath | CNN Politics

Donald Trump dropped his lawsuit against his former attorney Michael Cohen four days before the former president was set to be deposed as part of the case, according to a court filing.

In a one -page court filing Thursday, Trump’s attorney wrote, “Plaintiff, President Donald J. Trump, by and through undersigned counsel, hereby gives notice that pursuant to Rule 41(1)(A)(i) he is voluntarily dismissing this action without prejudice.”

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3 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Another L for Cheetos. Looks like he was afraid to be deposed again and reveal some more crimes.

Trump drops lawsuit against Michael Cohen just days before former president was to be deposed under oath | CNN Politics

Donald Trump dropped his lawsuit against his former attorney Michael Cohen four days before the former president was set to be deposed as part of the case, according to a court filing.

In a one -page court filing Thursday, Trump’s attorney wrote, “Plaintiff, President Donald J. Trump, by and through undersigned counsel, hereby gives notice that pursuant to Rule 41(1)(A)(i) he is voluntarily dismissing this action without prejudice.”

Fortunately for DJT his lawyers didn't screw up- this time.... (they f**ked up to the point of legal malpractice not requesting a jury trial in the current fraud case)... In the upcoming criminal trials Mike has nothing to hide when he testifies, apparently Cheetos does.  :D   

"If Donald was concerned that release of this information could or will cause him damage in the ongoing criminal investigations, he should have thought twice about bringing the lawsuit in the first place," Cohen said. "You can't have it both ways."

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2 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Fortunately for DJT his lawyers didn't screw up- this time.... (they f**ked up to the point of legal malpractice not requesting a jury trial in the current fraud case)... In the upcoming criminal trials Mike has nothing to hide when he testifies, apparently Cheetos does.  :D   

"If Donald was concerned that release of this information could or will cause him damage in the ongoing criminal investigations, he should have thought twice about bringing the lawsuit in the first place," Cohen said. "You can't have it both ways."


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Wow what a loser. Yet another loss for Cheetos. 👍

Trump Drops Lawsuit Against Judge Arthur F. Engoron, Who Doomed His Company (thedailybeast.com)

A week into his bank fraud trial, Donald Trump late Thursday night dropped his oddly aggressive lawsuit against the judge overseeing the case—a move that had been seen as a last-minute scramble to avert a potential unraveling of the tycoon’s real estate empire.

But that happened anyway when Justice Arthur F. Engoron concluded the former president was a serial liar who faked the size of his buildings and value of his properties for years, ordering the family business’ licenses to be revoked.

Now that the judge is overseeing the next three months of scheduled trial to determine whether the Trump family should be punished and forced to pay $250 million or more, defense lawyers made a court filing that indicates “the Article 78 proceeding is dismissed with prejudice.”


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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Wow what a loser. Yet another loss for Cheetos. 👍

Trump Drops Lawsuit Against Judge Arthur F. Engoron, Who Doomed His Company (thedailybeast.com)

A week into his bank fraud trial, Donald Trump late Thursday night dropped his oddly aggressive lawsuit against the judge overseeing the case—a move that had been seen as a last-minute scramble to avert a potential unraveling of the tycoon’s real estate empire.

But that happened anyway when Justice Arthur F. Engoron concluded the former president was a serial liar who faked the size of his buildings and value of his properties for years, ordering the family business’ licenses to be revoked.

Now that the judge is overseeing the next three months of scheduled trial to determine whether the Trump family should be punished and forced to pay $250 million or more, defense lawyers made a court filing that indicates “the Article 78 proceeding is dismissed with prejudice.”


I found out (from another forum) "with prejudice" means they're not going to try this stunt again. 

BTW Cheetos spouting his MAGA Retardo palace in Florida is worth over a billion (in his alternate reality maybe :D) OK, looks maybe like $100 million, but he apparently squawked when the $28 million appraisal was low, only to find out if he got it evaluated for more = more property tax.  DUH!!!  

Also in another blow to his mega ego, DJT just got kicked off of the Forbes 400 list of wealthiest Americans. But supposedly, he's still worth a Billion+. Gee, and he still wants his Cult (er suckers) to keep on sending him money for his "campaign"... More like to pay his never ending legal bills. IIRC, way back another Billionaire Ross Perot pretty much funded his own campaign. 

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12 hours ago, Vambo said:


Nothing like bringing up really old news. Yep, no doubt Teflon Don has been pretty good at avoiding accountability. The thought just occurred to me, even if the Snake Oil Salesman gets found guilty on all civil and criminal charges, he'll probably be long dead before he has to pay up or spend a day in the slammer. He'll tie it up in endless appeals for years, if not a decade. Remember me saying the over\under on appeals to the US Supreme Court is 2?  

& checking the actuarial tables, they say Dementia Don could live another nine years, but the odds of him dropping dead at any moment from excessive Bic Mac consumption is 3%.  

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50 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Nothing like bringing up really old news. Yep, no doubt Teflon Don has been pretty good at avoiding accountability. The thought just occurred to me, even if the Snake Oil Salesman gets found guilty on all civil and criminal charges, he'll probably be long dead before he has to pay up or spend a day in the slammer. He'll tie it up in endless appeals for years, if not a decade. Remember me saying the over\under on appeals to the US Supreme Court is 2?  

& checking the actuarial tables, they say Dementia Don could live another nine years, but the odds of him dropping dead at any moment from excessive Bic Mac consumption is 3%.  

Trump 2024 Make Liberals Cry Again the sequel 3'X5' Flag Rough Tex® 10Donald Trump 'to run in 2024 if he loses US election' | Metro News

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8 hours ago, hoorta said:

Nothing like bringing up really old news. Yep, no doubt Teflon Don has been pretty good at avoiding accountability. The thought just occurred to me, even if the Snake Oil Salesman gets found guilty on all civil and criminal charges, he'll probably be long dead before he has to pay up or spend a day in the slammer. He'll tie it up in endless appeals for years, if not a decade. Remember me saying the over\under on appeals to the US Supreme Court is 2?  & checking the actuarial tables, they say Dementia Don could live another nine years, but the odds of him dropping dead at any moment from excessive Bic Mac consumption is 3%.  





Trump Organization Hails Appeals Court Ruling Halting NY Judge's Order Dissolving Trump Companies


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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

You're right Cal.. Red State is full of baloney. Don't cream your pants over their latest. Factual? Sure- for the time being... 

Let me direct you to that famous Yogi Berra quote. "It ain't over until it's over."..... Whoopie to do... I already said this legal appeal horseshit by the Orange One is going to last at least until 2030. You're still slurping the Kool-Aid if you're dense enough to think that this (BTW- temporary stay) won't get appealed up the food chain by James.  

Yeah, DJT's attorneys are acting like they hit a walk off home run in the 7th game of the World Series- but it's more like a single in the third.  :D  

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54 minutes ago, hoorta said:

You're right Cal.. Red State is full of baloney. Don't cream your pants over their latest. Factual? Sure- for the time being... 

Let me direct you to that famous Yogi Berra quote. "It ain't over until it's over."..... Whoopie to do... I already said this legal appeal horseshit by the Orange One is going to last at least until 2030. You're still slurping the Kool-Aid if you're dense enough to think that this (BTW- temporary stay) won't get appealed up the food chain by James.  

Yeah, DJT's attorneys are acting like they hit a walk off home run in the 7th game of the World Series- but it's more like a single in the third.  :D  

It's funny because they could have delayed the trial if they had file earlier. But when you don't pay your lawyers, you end up with some crappy lawyers.



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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

eh, whine forever - but you don't have facts, just belligerent slurs in your posts.

Guess "whining" is anything you don't agree with.  :(  Regarding belligerent slurs- that's exactly what the Clowns on this forum do- when the Right Wing Echo Chamber gets disturbed with this thing called RE#ALITY.  

Anymore you don't know what reality is- if it walked up to you and kicked you in your ass.   

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid Cal.  Trumpie needs guys like you living in his alternate reality.  :D  

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

Guess "whining" is anything you don't agree with.  :(  Regarding belligerent slurs- that's exactly what the Clowns on this forum do- when the Right Wing Echo Chamber gets disturbed with this thing called RE#ALITY.  

Anymore you don't know what reality is- if it walked up to you and kicked you in your ass.   

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid Cal.  Trumpie needs guys like you living in his alternate reality.  :D  


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7 hours ago, hoorta said:


so you admit you are drunk enough to not know you are constantly doing what you are complaining about? You add nothing to this forum but hate and garbage.

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19 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

so you admit you are drunk enough to not know you are constantly doing what you are complaining about? You add nothing to this forum but hate and garbage.

Yup, this forum is pretty much conspiracy, Biden hate, and garbage. And you certainly post enough of it. LOL, keep on calling me a drunk. You think that isn't an insult? The ONLY reason I don't return fire and call you every name in the book is well- I hold myself to a higher standard than your 3rd grade name calling.  FWIW, You're in serious need of some drugs to snap you back into reality.   

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15 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Yup, this forum is pretty much conspiracy, Biden hate, and garbage. And you certainly post enough of it. LOL, keep on calling me a drunk. You think that isn't an insult? The ONLY reason I don't return fire and call you every name in the book is well- I hold myself to a higher standard than your 3rd grade name calling.  FWIW, You're in serious need of some drugs to snap you back into reality.   

We hate the ill results of Biden's, well whoever makes the decisions, policies. We hate the inflation that he certainly had a hand in creating many people here hate the open border many others hate the expansion of abortion Anytime Anyplace many people hate the insane woke attitude many of us hate flushing money away to the Europeans for fake climate change legislation many of us hate not being energy independent many of us hate burning piles of cash for that piece of shit Zalenski some of us hate alienating our former allies. That's why we don't like Joe Biden or, again, whoever is calling the shots.


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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Yup, this forum is pretty much conspiracy, Biden hate, and garbage. And you certainly post enough of it. LOL, keep on calling me a drunk. You think that isn't an insult? The ONLY reason I don't return fire and call you every name in the book is well- I hold myself to a higher standard than your 3rd grade name calling.  FWIW, You're in serious need of some drugs to snap you back into reality.   

Coming from the group that hates Trump no matter the cost.

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On 9/27/2023 at 9:16 AM, Westside Steve said:

Sorry still nothing. Just scream Cheeto again.


~    Every once in awhile I like to pop in here and see what the other world is thinking about. 

Or maybe just some good cartoons or jokes .....  not much tonight.    

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Wondering if Cheetos has figure it out yet? He is not above the law, no matter how big his cult is.

Donald Trump gag order imposed by judge: Trump 'does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases,' Judge Chutkan says | CNN Politics 

A federal judge on Monday issued a gag order on former President Donald Trump, limiting what he can say about special counsel Jack Smith’s federal prosecution into his alleged attempt to subvert in the 2020 presidential election.

The order restricts Trump’s ability to publicly target court personnel, potential witnesses, or the special counsel and his staff. The order did not impose restrictions on disparaging comments about Washington, DC, – where the jury will take place – or certain comments about the Justice Department at large, both of which the government requested.

“This is not about whether I like the language Mr. Trump uses,” Judge Tanya Chutkan said. “This is about language that presents a danger to the administration of justice.”

“His presidential candidacy does not give him carte blanche to vilify public servants who are simply doing their jobs,” the judge added....

Chutkan, often the target of Trump’s attacks, warned the former president that comments he or his attorneys make could threaten the case.

“Mr. Trump is a criminal defendant. He is facing four felony charges. He is under the supervision of the criminal justice system and he must follow his conditions of release,” Chutkan said Monday during the hearing.

“He does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases. Do you agree with that?” she asked Trump attorney John Lauro, who responded: “100%.”

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Wondering if Cheetos has figure it out yet? He is not above the law, no matter how big his cult is.

Donald Trump gag order imposed by judge: Trump 'does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases,' Judge Chutkan says | CNN Politics 

A federal judge on Monday issued a gag order on former President Donald Trump, limiting what he can say about special counsel Jack Smith’s federal prosecution into his alleged attempt to subvert in the 2020 presidential election.

The order restricts Trump’s ability to publicly target court personnel, potential witnesses, or the special counsel and his staff. The order did not impose restrictions on disparaging comments about Washington, DC, – where the jury will take place – or certain comments about the Justice Department at large, both of which the government requested.

“This is not about whether I like the language Mr. Trump uses,” Judge Tanya Chutkan said. “This is about language that presents a danger to the administration of justice.”

“His presidential candidacy does not give him carte blanche to vilify public servants who are simply doing their jobs,” the judge added....

Chutkan, often the target of Trump’s attacks, warned the former president that comments he or his attorneys make could threaten the case.

“Mr. Trump is a criminal defendant. He is facing four felony charges. He is under the supervision of the criminal justice system and he must follow his conditions of release,” Chutkan said Monday during the hearing.

“He does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases. Do you agree with that?” she asked Trump attorney John Lauro, who responded: “100%.”

When he is elected, he will pardon himself if convicted.  MAGA!😁

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