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Mitch McCon......................................................................................................

MLD Woody

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I have always thought he was just a player - he wilts when the dems play hardball like a leaf of lettuce in the hot sun.


"National Journal Vote Ratings

Each year National Journal publishes an analysis of how liberally or conservatively each member of Congress voted in the previous year.


McConnell ranked 25th in the conservative rankings in 2013."

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1 hour ago, Vambo said:


While I'm all for term limits... I would however like to see a panel of senior consultants assembled... I don't trust young people when it comes to making serious decisions about health, economy and standard of living.. Because young people fuck everything up without even trying..

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6 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

No what aboutism for me whatsoever. Are you completely unable to discuss anything when you're sober? I'm no lover of Mitch McConnell and it looks bad. Just like I said. He hasn't been particularly Pro Trump so I don't know why you've jumped on the Woodrow bandwagon just hating Republicans and seniors at random. Dementia / alcoholism what's the difference?

(But if you actually did want to play what aboutism you supported fetterman, an actual 24/7 moron. Moron in the clinical term.)


Guess you totally missed my point Steve...  Woody brings up that McConnell probably had a TIA, and the right wingers here immediately jump all over Biden's mental state, and Feinstein's failing health.  Thats what whataboutism IS, FYI.  

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1 minute ago, hoorta said:

Guess you totally missed my point Steve...  Woody brings up that McConnell probably had a TIA, and the right wingers here immediately jump all over Biden's mental state, and Feinstein's failing health.  Thats what whataboutism IS, FYI.  

Who cares? Put your panties back on.

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1 minute ago, Jax said:

Who cares? Put your panties back on.

"In other news, inflation is still rising, gas prices are climbing, our border is wide open, crime is out of hand, racism in form of crt is taught in schools, they are threatening new covid lock downs for no reason other than to control us and groceries are are over double than what they cost a few years ago. What has your president done to fix any of this? You wouldn't know because he can't even name his bills honestly, the inflation reduction act, what a crook."

To quote the departed Gipper, I wouldn't give a cabbage fart about your POV. Based on your latest rant, I know where your priorities are. Inflation is going down, 3% or so, & FYI the president has ZERO control over the price of gas. Hmmm, did son in law Jared tell the Saudis to cut production after he collected a billion from them?  

LOL!!! Joe is a crook? Care to talk about the guy who holds the record for impeachments and criminal indictments? Not to mention a few civil trials for shady business practices, and a redo of his E Jean defamation case.  Didn't think so. 

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18 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Care to talk about the guy who holds the record for impeachments and criminal indictments? Not to mention a few civil trials for shady business practices, and a redo of his E Jean defamation case.  Didn't think so. 

Says the king of whataboutism.

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7 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

No what aboutism for me whatsoever. Are you completely unable to discuss anything when you're sober? I'm no lover of Mitch McConnell and it looks bad. Just like I said. He hasn't been particularly Pro Trump so I don't know why you've jumped on the Woodrow bandwagon just hating Republicans and seniors at random. Dementia / alcoholism what's the difference?

(But if you actually did want to play what aboutism you supported fetterman, an actual 24/7 moron. Moron in the clinical term.)


"At random"


Oh lord. You just refuse to take in any information I guess

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5 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

I would consider voting for a President, then distancing yourself from your choice to be very childish.

Obama was my president. Trump was my president. Biden is my president. Because I live in this country. Saying "your president" is stupid. 

If you want to say "the president you voted for", sure. But he's your president too. 



And I'm not distancing myself at all. Biden wasn't my first choice and I never thought he'd be particularly good. But he was a much better choice than another term of Trump 

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1 hour ago, nickers said:

While I'm all for term limits... I would however like to see a panel of senior consultants assembled... I don't trust young people when it comes to making serious decisions about health, economy and standard of living.. Because young people fuck everything up without even trying..

Yes, let's keep the decision making to the old folks having seizures on stage and who will be dead before the consequences of their actions matter. The old folks that don't understand modern technology or the world today. Genius stuff 

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I simply meant the president you geniuses voted for and praise, stop trying to be drama queens about everything.

Of course we all have the same president, feel better?

Still, whataboutism is the only defense liberal whack jobs have cuase they get crushed when comparing parties these days.

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Just now, Jax said:

I simply meant the president you geniuses voted for and praise, stop trying to be drama queens about everything.

Of course we all have the same president, feel better?

Still, whataboutism is the only defense liberal whack jobs have cuase they get crushed when comparing parties these days.

You did whataboutism in this thread.

When was the last time I "praised" Biden?

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5 minutes ago, Jax said:

I don't care about the little feminism liberal term.

Why do you think everything revolves around everything you say? There's more than one liberal whack job here.

You literally said the word "you"

If you don't mean me, then don't use "you"



You also used the term whataboutism...

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Yes, let's keep the decision making to the old folks having seizures on stage and who will be dead before the consequences of their actions matter. The old folks that don't understand modern technology or the world today. Genius stuff 


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The whole “Mitch McConnell looks like a turtle” thing is really a thing. Somehow l’m just discovering this. I was looking at his photo and was all proud of myself for that astute observation. But no, l’m an idiot and this has apparently been a thing for awhile. 


I’m not in a position to vote for the guy. I don’t really envy career politicians, it’s a lifetime of being on your toes and saying the right things at the right times every waking hour forever to build your political mountain and keep it. It has to be time consuming and exhausting, yet difficult to give up after the years it took to get it. 

This sort of gerontological effect is bound to be a byproduct, where we get to witness these folks decline before our very eyes.  

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Oh fuck yourself woodpecker. You and Larry haven't given fuck number one about senility or mental lapses until a Republican had a problem.



... I said Feinstein needs out multiple times. I said Biden is losing it 



Like I said, you refuse to retain any new information 

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14 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

... I said Feinstein needs out multiple times. I said Biden is losing it 



Like I said, you refuse to retain any new information 

Sorry I just don't care very much about Mitch mcconnell. I don't particularly like him, so if you want to shit your pants go ahead. And fetterman who at least Larry had probably you supported is that way 24/7.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Sorry I just don't care very much about Mitch mcconnell. I don't particularly like him, so if you want to shit your pants go ahead. And fetterman who at least Larry had probably you supported is that way 24/7.


RE: the bold and you think I do? I actually feel sorry for him. Possibly Mother Nature or Father time will take care of this republican problem. Gee... Woody points out Mitch does his 30 second "I'm living in la la land" act and guys go ballistic....  FWIW, the spineless one could have put DJT out to permanent pasture with that second impeachment- but refused to do so... And now we're living with the daily shit show that resulted.  Thanks for nothing Mitch. 

Steve, you probably missed it, but I've said a bunch of times I wish the democrats had a better alternative than Biden. I thought he only wanted one term... Also said Feinstein should retire, with liberal California, no worry that they wouldn't appoint a democrat to fill out the rest of her term.  

Pennsylvania, it was a choice between a guy who was recovering from a stroke or a carpetbagging TV doctor, with no political experience.  

11\24...  Well, just special- what a great choice... NOT!!!  A senile old guy or a guy with too many criminal indictments to keep track of.  

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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Sorry I just don't care very much about Mitch mcconnell. I don't particularly like him, so if you want to shit your pants go ahead. And fetterman who at least Larry had probably you supported is that way 24/7.


And we've gotten to the point where you've attempted to divert completely from what you originally replied to me about. Got it. 

Well, it was fun

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