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Six states plus our nation’s capital of Washington, D.C., allow abortion up until birth


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Democrats' gruesome abortion vision is already a reality in some states

To date, six states plus our nation’s capital of Washington, D.C., allow abortion up until birth, while 17 states do not offer protections for babies that can feel the pain of dismemberment abortions in the womb. But Democrats and abortion activists say these states don’t go far enough to fight for even more radical policies that don’t serve women or save children. 


For example, in Maine they’re voting to pass a bill allowing abortion at any point up to birth. Supporters of the bill claim such late-term abortions would only be allowed if "deemed necessary by a licensed physician," but anyone who has followed abortion policy throughout the past half-century knows that such loopholes have been exploited for pretty much any  reason, including "mental," "emotional" and even "financial" health. 


As if that weren’t enough, Maine’s state Senate  blocked a proposed amendment that would have put limits on the trafficking of fetal remains from late-term abortions.

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It's tough to explain - this unlimited abortion garbage - it boils down to...?

"I demand to be irresponsible, self-destructive, and completely without any repercussions or consequences, and I demand that the gov make it all go away".

something like that.

Our country is headed down a very destructive road because of this crap.

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