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1 hour ago, FairHooker11 said:

no it wasnt- abortion was floated as a proxy test, the  dog whistle sounded, and the left went into 

the usual reaction with impunity to the facts.

any word from Cuyahoga Falls for ballot / machine problems ? 

im guesssing they are a conservative town? 


- it absolutely was. It's funny seeing conservatives try to pretend it wasn't 

- oh lord, here we go. Every election the conservative side loses is now fraudulent...

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19 hours ago, hoorta said:

Aw poor, poor Cal... YOU may not have, but some of the pro out of state Issue 1 $$$ came to the tune of $4 million- from the guy who owns Uline.  :D

I've said I could live with 55%- but getting signatures from all 88 Ohio counties is pure bullshit- that the power grabbers in the gerrymandered Statehouse knew damn well. No chance to cure signatures either. 

Passage of Issue 1 (as written) would effectively have put an end to citizen initiated Constitutional provisions. Do you think that's a great idea? I sure as hell don't. 

Wake up guy- this was a Draconian proposal that could have blocked teeny (population 12,600) Vinton County blocking the other 87. Care to tell me how that's democratic? You can't- so don't even try. 

See below....  


Um FYI- I happen to be a practicing Catholic so I'll give you my 0.02 cents on that.  Some "of our persuasion" made this a vote for Issue 1 is an anti abortion vote.... Note the Republicans down Columbus way are scared shitless that the upcoming November Election will effectively grant abortion in the state.  I don't know HOW many times I have to post here that I'm 100% anti abortion...  HOWEVER, Issue 1 was a totally shitty way trying to get a backdoor undemocratic Amendment added to the Constitution- and to top it off- in an August election that they (the Republican super majority)  conveniently forgot they had previous outlawed? Give me a break. Impressive that the number of voters who turned out to cast ballots approached the turnout of the 2022 midterms. 

But I digress.... the Church- at least in theory- is supposed to take a "neutral position" on any ballot or candidate preferences. But they sure as hell were telling the Flock to get out and vote YES on Issue 1.  May have to shoot an email to Farther Rob Jack over on Sacred Heart Radio- you were way out of line there Padre. 

You're told to vote your conscience- and that's exactly what I did. F**king with the status quo of the state Constitution over a single issue (abortion) in my feeble mind just wasn't worth it. So, my Catholic friends- get yard signs out now- to shoot the anti-abortion Issue down in flames- in November- where (IMHO it belongs).  Then, your vote will count loud and clear- and I'll be right there with you.  

Practicing Catholic?

I won’t cast judgement as it’s already been done.

You’re wrong Hoorta.  We are all wrong at points. 

Listen to what evilness hates…

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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

- it absolutely was. It's funny seeing conservatives try to pretend it wasn't 

- oh lord, here we go. Every election the conservative side loses is now fraudulent...


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15 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

- it absolutely was. It's funny seeing conservatives try to pretend it wasn't 

- oh lord, here we go. Every election the conservative side loses is now fraudulent...

You know the sheep are just parroting their dear leader. But they know the majority to people don't agree with their nut job policies, so they can't leave it to the people to decide. Why these nut jobs want the Govt to has more power is just crazy. But we kind of went in a circle.



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On 8/10/2023 at 8:18 AM, cccjwh said:

You know the sheep are just parroting their dear leader. But they know the majority to people don't agree with their nut job policies, so they can't leave it to the people to decide. Why these nut jobs want the Govt to has more power is just crazy. But we kind of went in a circle.



I did see the SW Ohio county by county vote breakdown on Issue 1.  Yep, the rural Trumplican sheeple think it's a great Idea to hand even more power over to the Gerrymandered State Republicans.  

BTW, I just read the Text of the upcoming abortion amendment, and sure enough- there's some serious (and unfounded) scare tactics already going going on. 

Just like the Yes on 1  crowd not so subtly telling the easily influenced... They're coming for your guns next. 🙄

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On 8/9/2023 at 11:14 PM, hammertime said:

Practicing Catholic?

I won’t cast judgement as it’s already been done.

You’re wrong Hoorta.  We are all wrong at points. 

Listen to what evilness hates…

You mean The Orange Anti Christ? More and more folks are beginning to think it's so hammer. 

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2 hours ago, hoorta said:

You mean The Orange Anti Christ? More and more folks are beginning to think it's so hammer. 

Didn't he say "I'm being indicted for you"? Is he trying to say that he's like Christ in a way or the second coming of Christ? "I'm being indicted for you" is like saying he's being crucified for you. And people really buy in to this shit?

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57 minutes ago, Neo said:

Didn't he say "I'm being indicted for you"? Is he trying to say that he's like Christ in a way or the second coming of Christ? "I'm being indicted for you" is like saying he's being crucified for you. And people really buy in to this shit?

Unfortunately this is one of the reasons people thank you and Larry are idiots*. There might certainly be pros and cons to issue one. Too bad that some people are too stubborn or too stupid to even consider them.


*or drunk

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1 hour ago, Neo said:

Didn't he say "I'm being indicted for you"? Is he trying to say that he's like Christ in a way or the second coming of Christ? "I'm being indicted for you" is like saying he's being crucified for you. And people really buy in to this shit?

Playskool Sit N Spin Toddler/Kids Toy Playschool Spinning Seat Round  653569620570 | eBay

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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

Unfortunately this is one of the reasons people thank you and Larry are idiots*. There might certainly be pros and cons to issue one. Too bad that some people are too stubborn or too stupid to even consider them.


*or drunk

Oh, must of struck a nerve. Is what I said really that far off? He's always playing the victim. Trump is a walking propaganda machine. He says stuff like "I'm being indicted for you" to rile up his support base. You know I'm right.


41 minutes ago, Vambo said:

Playskool Sit N Spin Toddler/Kids Toy Playschool Spinning Seat Round  653569620570 | eBay

Gonna go pout in your room? It's ok little guy, it's ok to cry.

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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Unfortunately this is one of the reasons people thank you and Larry are idiots*. There might certainly be pros and cons to issue one. Too bad that some people are too stubborn or too stupid to even consider them.


*or drunk

I thoroughly considered what those House Republicans were up to.... Sorry if you didn't. 

Idiots? Drunks? Gotta go with the Trumplican name calling & insults eh Steve. You and your merry band of conspiracy theorists can't see reality anymore if it walked up to you and bit you in the ass. 

I tried to keep the juvenile name calling down, but it continues. Why I only drop by occasionally now.  Better make sure you have some real heavy meds ready for Cal when his "Greatest Criminal President ever, ever" hits the home run of Indictment #4 this week. "I did nothing wrong"... FWIW, anyone who still believes Trump's horseshit is a thoroughly brainwashed member of Cult 45.   

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3 hours ago, Neo said:

Didn't he say "I'm being indicted for you"? Is he trying to say that he's like Christ in a way or the second coming of Christ? "I'm being indicted for you" is like saying he's being crucified for you. And people really buy in to this shit?

And "if you're coming after me, I'm coming after you"? Can't possibly be witness intimidation. 

There's the potential Chump future Presidency in a nutshell. God help America should that happen. 

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

I thoroughly considered what those House Republicans were up to.... Sorry if you didn't. 

Idiots? Drunks? Gotta go with the Trumplican name calling & insults eh Steve. You and your merry band of conspiracy theorists can't see reality anymore if it walked up to you and bit you in the ass. 

I tried to keep the juvenile name calling down, but it continues. Why I only drop by occasionally now.  Better make sure you have some real heavy meds ready for Cal when his "Greatest Criminal President ever, ever" hits the home run of Indictment #4 this week. "I did nothing wrong"... FWIW, anyone who still believes Trump's horseshit is a thoroughly brainwashed member of Cult 45.   

Yes idiots and drunks if you guys can't discuss any bill or  issue without ridiculous and irrelevant Trump bashishing. I understand why you voted the way you did. Because you hate Republicans. That's an idiotic / drunken reason.

To paraphrase Golds Meir "They hate us more than they love their children."


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18 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I love how you're all stuck on this. No one actually likes Biden. You don't need to like someone to vote for him. You just have to think he's the less worse of two options. 

Of course in your case it's like saying "well I don't really like Manson; he didn't kill nearly enough people."

Then again you voted for him.


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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You don't need to like someone to vote for him.

How hypocritical of you.

Most of the right leaning posters aren’t madly in love with Trump, he’s just the lesser of 2 evils.

I think most of us are amused by the TDS inflicted Biden nut swingers.

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1 hour ago, Canton Dawg said:

How hypocritical of you.

Most of the right leaning posters aren’t madly in love with Trump, he’s just the lesser of 2 evils.

I think most of us are amused by the TDS inflicted Biden nut swingers.

Ha, that's some heavy revisionist history. Y'all were in love with Trump. Best modern president. Better than Reagan. Etc etc etc

This slight falling out with Trump has only happened recently to save face. And it'll disappear if he wins. 


The right wing nut jobs on this board have no grasp on reality, clearly. Personally it could just be the dementia starting. Idk. But to act like the Biden voters on here are swinging from his nuts, while the Trump voters aren't in love with him, and just ignoring years of posts, is insane 

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Ha, that's some heavy revisionist history. Y'all were in love with Trump. Best modern president. Better than Reagan. Etc etc etc

This slight falling out with Trump has only happened recently to save face. And it'll disappear if he wins. 


The right wing nut jobs on this board have no grasp on reality, clearly. Personally it could just be the dementia starting. Idk. But to act like the Biden voters on here are swinging from his nuts, while the Trump voters aren't in love with him, and just ignoring years of posts, is insane 

Typical Pecker, you Libtards act like the country is doing better under the geriatric patient you voted for.

Just for the record, Dementia Joe is performing so bad the fucking DNC doesn’t want him to run in 2024.

Carry on Pecker.

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5 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Ha, that's some heavy revisionist history. Y'all were in love with Trump. Best modern president. Better than Reagan. Etc etc etc

This slight falling out with Trump has only happened recently to save face. And it'll disappear if he wins. 


The right wing nut jobs on this board have no grasp on reality, clearly. Personally it could just be the dementia starting. Idk. But to act like the Biden voters on here are swinging from his nuts, while the Trump voters aren't in love with him, and just ignoring years of posts, is insane 

You might have it backwards, many did not care for him at the start, but no way in hell most of us were voting for Hillary.

It was after Trump was in office for a bit did we notice just how good a job he was doing despite the lefts desperate attempts to do everything they could to sabotage him.

There sure the hell isn't anyone trying to save face because Trump was and still is great. It's moronic lefties always dodging Bidens horrific presidency and distancing themselves as much as you can from your own party.

Furthermore, it's been explained, most of us don't vote Republican normally, many of us are still Democrats, but in the present political environment, you have to have your head up your ass not to see how utterly damaging the left has become. It's so bad most of us are forced to vote conservative/republican. So it's really humorous when you claim we only do or say things because were ring wing nuts when in fact we are keeping up with the times while you lefties only serve the left to any means or end just like a cult.

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39 minutes ago, Jax said:

You might have it backwards, many did not care for him at the start, but no way in hell most of us were voting for Hillary.

It was after Trump was in office for a bit did we notice just how good a job he was doing despite the lefts desperate attempts to do everything they could to sabotage him.

There sure the hell isn't anyone trying to save face because Trump was and still is great. It's moronic lefties always dodging Bidens horrific presidency and distancing themselves as much as you can from your own party.

Furthermore, it's been explained, most of us don't vote Republican normally, many of us are still Democrats, but in the present political environment, you have to have your head up your ass not to see how utterly damaging the left has become. It's so bad most of us are forced to vote conservative/republican. So it's really humorous when you claim we only do or say things because were ring wing nuts when in fact we are keeping up with the times while you lefties only serve the left to any means or end just like a cult.

Congrats on being a Democrat. I have no affiliation with the party.

Yes, posters on here rightfully called Trump a con man at first. Then they fell for the con. I have nothing backwards. 

Once Desantis loses they'll be all over trump again. 

"Keeping up with the times" hahaha. 

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5 hours ago, Canton Dawg said:

Typical Pecker, you Libtards act like the country is doing better under the geriatric patient you voted for.

Just for the record, Dementia Joe is performing so bad the fucking DNC doesn’t want him to run in 2024.

Carry on Pecker.

I don't want him to run either


You aren't sharing anything groundbreaking here. Biden v Trump round two is going to be awful. 


You morons just can't seem to get a grip on someone disagreeing with you but not holding the complete opposite viewpoint...

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Congrats on being a Democrat. I have no affiliation with the party.

Yes, posters on here rightfully called Trump a con man at first. Then they fell for the con. I have nothing backwards. 

Once Desantis loses they'll be all over trump again. 

"Keeping up with the times" hahaha. 

Congrats on having no standards and afraid to commit to anything.

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