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So, Why Do Women's Sports Exist?


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I see it as a political qualifier. A lot on the left ask the most asinine questions. It's like they say "people have a right to

be 40' tall. Then the rest of the normal human race says "excuse me, but no, they don't - nobody is 40 feet tall, and if they were, they wouldn't live long, studies have shown, of people who have dna growth abnormalities.".

then the leftwing organization says - "YOU WILL SAY WE ARE 40' TALL BECAUSE THAT IS HOW WE IDENTIFY" !

Then some leftwing judge rules against every college and state that refuses to accept that nonsense.

Leftwing politicians and lawyers have a field day suing anyone or any group that disagrees. They pass laws that criminalize any media that doesn't comply with the nonsense, just to bankrupt them. etc etc etc.

  The left has the motive of winning political battles by identifying those who will not comply, and declaring a political war against them.

  The nazis did it to the Jews - forcing them to wear the "Star of David" on their apparel. Alienating political dictatorship "non-compliers" is a requisite for dictatorships to assume permanent power. Alienating them from society, professions, colleges, economic success.....

   A great read:

Lessons for us today:


How Dictators Come to Power in a Democracy


  • Bad economic policies and foreign policies can cause crises that have dangerous political consequences.
  • Politicians commonly demand arbitrary power to deal with a national emergency and restore order, even though underlying problems are commonly caused by bad government policies.
  • In hard times, many people are often willing to go along with and support terrible things that would be unthinkable in good times.
  • Those who dismiss the possibility of a dictatorial regime in America need to consider possible developments that could make our circumstances worse and politically more volatile than they are now — like runaway government spending, soaring taxes, more wars, inflation and economic collapse.
  • Aspiring dictators sometimes give away their intentions by their evident desire to destroy opponents.
  • There’s no reliable way to prevent bad or incompetent people from gaining power.
  • A political system with a separation of powers and checks & balances — like the U.S. Constitution — does make it more difficult for one branch of government to dominate the others.
  • Ultimately, liberty can be protected only if people care enough to fight for it, because everywhere governments push for more power, and they never give it up willingly.
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from the above, consider:

this gov is perpetrating extremely bad and destructive economic and foreign policy policies, creating crises.

this gov demands arbitrary power to deal with "national emergencies" - like the wuhan virus. Think about that. "climate change" another fake version of "man made global warming" because the latter justifiably became known as a FARCE.

this gov is creating problems like illegal immigration, skyrocketing violent crime, especially in revolution-favoring city and state governments.

this gov is causing the explosion of fentanyl deaths - and have no desire to stop it. They will USE IT when the time comes, they will say "our political opponents made this happen, don't worry, we will fix it".

this gov is perpetrating runaway gov spending, especially for politically advantageous causes, explosion of welfare (see illegals), and driving farms and small businesses out of business. You know, they can't control all those small ones, so....

this gov seems to be desperately inviting a two-tiered justice system - they win, their political opponents are targeted, unfairly treated, given prison time when THEY can get away with nothing. (sound familiar, especially, here?)

This gov is doing everything it can do to create economic failure. Because they can't own a country with a Constitution/Bill of Rights, and capitalist system. Freedom is their enemy. If you never have, read about CLOWARD-PIVEN. and consider that Cloward and Piven were ardent radical revolutionists, with their theory on how to accrue total power by crashing capitalism, and in the crisis, attaining permanent power. Now, consider the fact that obaMao went to...Columbia.

this gov has clearly shown they will use the law to destroy all political opponents - especially anyone who runs for president against them. FAKE prosecutions, FAKE "evidence", FAKE witnesses, CORRUPT kangaroo court votes, FAKE lawsuits........


from the article:

"A political system with a separation of powers and checks & balances — like the U.S. Constitution — does make it more difficult for one branch of government to dominate the others. "

See that? What party disses and violates our Constitution again and again and again?

lasty, consider this too:

"Ultimately, liberty can be protected only if people care enough to fight for it, because everywhere governments push for more power, and they never give it up willingly. "


In conclusion, this gov is pushing for more and more and more power on every level. Crimalizing ANY objection - (like.... refusal to accept forced vaccines, asinine arbitary unsientific pronouns, and any vocal opposition to forced mutilation and indoctrination of THEIR CHILDREN in schools...etc), and putting out the same stain on all veterans that they are possible "terrorists", like parents. and students who refuse to comply.



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