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One of our liberal members....

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11 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

that is woodpecker? or one of the other lefty hater lowlifes?

Says the guy that tattles and complains about cliques on the football board.  Looks to me like a little gang-upsies on the very few people outside of your clique. 

I'll definitely keep this in case I need it the next time you tattle. 

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5 hours ago, Flugel said:

Says the guy that tattles and complains about cliques on the football board.  Looks to me like a little gang-upsies on the very few people outside of your clique. 

I'll definitely keep this in case I need it the next time you tattle. 

The political board was created so that assholes don't clog up the Browns Board with politics. It happens in most subject specific bulletin boards I follow. You and Larry and the woodpecker and Neo and ccccp and Tex and even your dick head buddy Dutch Oven are free to spew whatever bile you choose over here.

I would suggest you base your support or opposition to Watson and the deal that brought him here on something other than the opinion of somebody you don't like.

And I apologize for interjecting professional sports onto a political page.




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5 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

The political board was created so that assholes don't clog up the Browns Board with politics. It happens in most subject specific bulletin boards I follow. You and Larry and the woodpecker and Neo and ccccp and Tex and even your dick head buddy Dutch Oven are free to spew whatever bile you choose over here.

I would suggest you base your support or opposition to Watson and the deal that brought him here on something other than the opinion of somebody you don't like.

And I apologize for interjecting professional sports onto a political page.




You seem very, very irritable this week Steve. 

Perhaps this book will make you feel better. 

coming to terms with your cult leader getting arrested.jpg

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8 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

You and Larry and the woodpecker and Neo and ccccp and Tex and even your dick head buddy Dutch Oven are free to spew whatever bile you choose over here.

Oh please., you would have people believe that your little fuck buddies come here just to talk politics which the furthest thing from the truth and in typical conservative fashion, completely out of touch with reality. 

This is a BROWNS forum first and foremost is it not? Why do you need a political forum? Most internet groups I am a part of that are worth a damn ban people for politics, race, religion, bullying, etc.  It's called MODERATING. 



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5 minutes ago, Neo said:

Oh please., you would have people believe that your little fuck buddies come here just to talk politics which the furthest thing from the truth and in typical conservative fashion, completely out of touch with reality. 

This is a BROWNS forum first and foremost is it not? Why do you need a political forum? Most internet groups I am a part of that are worth a damn ban people for politics, race, religion, bullying, etc.  It's called MODERATING. 



You answered your own question...the political forum is to keep politics, race, religion, bullying, etc out of the football forum! 2023-06-16_124147.jpg.4198b720e0b62b039faab62856560061.jpg

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7 hours ago, Dutch Oven said:

You seem very, very irritable this week Steve. 

Perhaps this book will make you feel better. 

coming to terms with your cult leader getting arrested.jpg


5 hours ago, Neo said:

Oh please., you would have people believe that your little fuck buddies come here just to talk politics which the furthest thing from the truth and in typical conservative fashion, completely out of touch with reality. 

This is a BROWNS forum first and foremost is it not? Why do you need a political forum? Most internet groups I am a part of that are worth a damn ban people for politics, race, religion, bullying, etc.  It's called MODERATING. 



Fuck you both. Just keep the fucking politics off the Browns forum. Like asshole Neo just said it is a Cleveland Browns forum this is a political forum. You should probably form your opinions on Watson and the trade on something other than whether you like Cal or Trump or conservatives or me or not.


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32 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:


Fuck you both. Just keep the fucking politics off the Browns forum. Like asshole Neo just said it is a Cleveland Browns forum this is a political forum. You should probably form your opinions on Watson and the trade on something other than whether you like Cal or Trump or conservatives or me or not.


Oh boy, the "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" crowd is all up in their feelings this week, aren't they? 😂


pronouns do matter lock him up.jpg

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4 minutes ago, Dutch Oven said:

Oh boy, the "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS" crowd is all up in their feelings this week, aren't they? 😂


Actually it's fuck you not your feelings. Some of you guys were crying about the purity of the depth chart thread. I just cleaned it up for you homos. Actually that's supposed to be MJ P's job.

But welcome to the politics board squeal all you want.

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5 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

Actually it's fuck you not your feelings. Some of you guys were crying about the purity of the depth chart thread. I just cleaned it up for you homos. Actually that's supposed to be MJ P's job.

But welcome to the politics board squeal all you want.

Congrats on the work you've done on this board since taking over for Stan, Steve.

You've done a bang-up job. He'd be so proud. 

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8 minutes ago, Dutch Oven said:

Congrats on the work you've done on this board since taking over for Stan, Steve.

You've done a bang-up job. He'd be so proud. 

I didn't take over for my friend Stan. He's been gone for a long time and was sick before that. Still keeping politics separate from football was implemented under his watch. One of the rules I kept. So fuck you Dutch.


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1 hour ago, Westside Steve said:

I didn't take over for my friend Stan. He's been gone for a long time and was sick before that. Still keeping politics separate from football was implemented under his watch. One of the rules I kept. So fuck you Dutch.


I'm sorry, did you think I was being sarcastic, Steve?

If I wanted to be a dickhead, I would have posted the photo below and pointed out the hilarious irony of you of all people referring to others as "homos". 


west side steve cat.jpg

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7 minutes ago, Dutch Oven said:

I'm sorry, did you think I was being sarcastic, Steve?

If I wanted to be a dickhead, I would have posted the photo below and pointed out the hilarious irony of you of all people referring to others as "homos". 


west side steve cat.jpg

Post them all. Yes my job is cooler than yours. But thanks. I'm honored to have been added to your stroke Arsenal.



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15 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

The political board was created so that assholes don't clog up the Browns Board with politics. It happens in most subject specific bulletin boards I follow. You and Larry and the woodpecker and Neo and ccccp and Tex and even your dick head buddy Dutch Oven are free to spew whatever bile you choose over here.

I would suggest you base your support or opposition to Watson and the deal that brought him here on something other than the opinion of somebody you don't like.

And I apologize for interjecting professional sports onto a political page.




All fine.  I'm not prejudice - I hate everyone equally (inclusive of politicians and political parties). 1 side calling the other dishonest is laughable.  The Morning Joe show host, who used to be a Republican, brought up an interesting and perhaps controversial point (in this forum dominated by 1 political party).  That was about all of the fussing Trump stirs up over the DOJ not bringing down Hillary.  The host reminded viewers that was the DOJ when Trump was in office. Isn't it funny he never reminds people of that?  That would kill buzz pretty fast if he told that 50% of the truth.

I've always been an independent because of all this voting for what I think is the lesser of 2 evils these days - doesn't deserve my devotion.  Today, I see more promising candidates for the future in the Republican party - but the ONLY one a large portion of America wants was never a Republican until 7 years ago.  Even worse, he's always been a crook.  This just didn't just begin because Biden or Hillary are the evil enemies,

Does anyone know why the sissy Pence isn't in deep shit about doing the same stuff Trump and Biden did?  He cooperated with the DOJ investigation and so did Biden while Trump made himself above the law as usual.  Why not?  He's never been held accountable for anything he's done/does.  Someone might want to tell Ohio Republican Jim Jordan that Trump isn't still the President - a reporter had to remind the Pittsburgh Steeler fan residing in Ohio of that.  America fired Trump after just 1 term and countless recounts showing bigger margins of loss for Trump (ie: Wisconsin).   It's been nothing but sour grapes, conspiracy theories and "stop the cheat", "witch hunt", "fake news", etc from all those thinking he is the political messiah...  A messiah doesn't get fired by the largest vote count in our history for someone as bad as Joe Biden.  I wouldn't want to admit that either if I devoted all my time and passion to someone that puts himself ahead of country to the extent he puts it at risk.

Denial is with people that refuse to worry about Putin's biggest fan in America having classified information in his home in Florida. Even worse, he also brings some of it with him up North.  Republican Chris Christie says that isn't anyone that cares about protecting his country.   That all gets excused because Biden and Pence also had classified info at their home too.  So now, your popular opinion has to come to a consensus that the DOJ is the only sinner in all this. The truth is the 2 that cooperated with the DOJ investigations aren't in trouble.  Like the Republican Chris Christie (who was an attorney of law before breaking into politics) said, all Trump had to do was cooperate.  He didn't; because as usual he thought he was above the law.

The sad thing is after Obama went undefeated against the Republican Party for 2 terms, the Republicans needed to look to someone that was outside of their party all of his life.  That was before Trump joined the Republican party to be the only one capable of saving that party.  He won an election against a FEMALE that a lot of males in both parties wouldn't have voted for anyway.  The next time he went against a male in the beginning stages of dementia and he lost.  That means America fired him after just 1 term.  The conspiracy theories have never stopped from the "poor me" kind of guy and his loyal fans.  The idea of a Reality TV Star instead of politicians that have been making a party weak was an easy thing to warm up to.  Unfortunately, when he ran his unfiltered mouth people only wanted to fact check him with Fox News long before Fox News recently paid up the wazoo for their dishonesty.  

It is what it is.  He'll be running against a tired old man again; but you all have a choice to look to a very organized Republican from Florida. Don't let all your hostilities and anger prevent you from choosing a life-long Republican that went to War for this country.  That at least shows me a guy that cares enough about this country to protect it.  Y'all can go ahead and keep pretending Trump has integrity all you want; but it's gonna keep you stuck at "poor me."

As you were....

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22 minutes ago, Flugel said:

All fine.  I'm not prejudice - I hate everyone equally (inclusive of politicians and political parties). 1 side calling the other dishonest is laughable.  The Morning Joe show host, who used to be a Republican, brought up an interesting and perhaps controversial point (in this forum dominated by 1 political party).  That was about all of the fussing Trump stirs up over the DOJ not bringing down Hillary.  The host reminded viewers that was the DOJ when Trump was in office. Isn't it funny he never reminds people of that?  That would kill buzz pretty fast if he told that 50% of the truth.

I've always been an independent because of all this voting for what I think is the lesser of 2 evils these days - doesn't deserve my devotion.  Today, I see more promising candidates for the future in the Republican party - but the ONLY one a large portion of America wants was never a Republican until 7 years ago.  Even worse, he's always been a crook.  This just didn't just begin because Biden or Hillary are the evil enemies,

Does anyone know why the sissy Pence isn't in deep shit about doing the same stuff Trump and Biden did?  He cooperated with the DOJ investigation and so did Biden while Trump made himself above the law as usual.  Why not?  He's never been held accountable for anything he's done/does.  Someone might want to tell Ohio Republican Jim Jordan that Trump isn't still the President - a reporter had to remind the Pittsburgh Steeler fan residing in Ohio of that.  America fired Trump after just 1 term and countless recounts showing bigger margins of loss for Trump (ie: Wisconsin).   It's been nothing but sour grapes, conspiracy theories and "stop the cheat", "witch hunt", "fake news", etc from all those thinking he is the political messiah...  A messiah doesn't get fired by the largest vote count in our history for someone as bad as Joe Biden.  I wouldn't want to admit that either if I devoted all my time and passion to someone that puts himself ahead of country to the extent he puts it at risk.

Denial is with people that refuse to worry about Putin's biggest fan in America having classified information in his home in Florida. Even worse, he also brings some of it with him up North.  Republican Chris Christie says that isn't anyone that cares about protecting his country.   That all gets excused because Biden and Pence also had classified info at their home too.  So now, your popular opinion has to come to a consensus that the DOJ is the only sinner in all this. The truth is the 2 that cooperated with the DOJ investigations aren't in trouble.  Like the Republican Chris Christie (who was an attorney of law before breaking into politics) said, all Trump had to do was cooperate.  He didn't; because as usual he thought he was above the law.

The sad thing is after Obama went undefeated against the Republican Party for 2 terms, the Republicans needed to look to someone that was outside of their party all of his life.  That was before Trump joined the Republican party to be the only one capable of saving that party.  He won an election against a FEMALE that a lot of males in both parties wouldn't have voted for anyway.  The next time he went against a male in the beginning stages of dementia and he lost.  That means America fired him after just 1 term.  The conspiracy theories have never stopped from the "poor me" kind of guy and his loyal fans.  The idea of a Reality TV Star instead of politicians that have been making a party weak was an easy thing to warm up to.  Unfortunately, when he ran his unfiltered mouth people only wanted to fact check him with Fox News long before Fox News recently paid up the wazoo for their dishonesty.  

It is what it is.  He'll be running against a tired old man again; but you all have a choice to look to a very organized Republican from Florida. Don't let all your hostilities and anger prevent you from choosing a life-long Republican that went to War for this country.  That at least shows me a guy that cares enough about this country to protect it.  Y'all can go ahead and keep pretending Trump has integrity all you want; but it's gonna keep you stuck at "poor me."

As you were....

Great post Flugs, with the exception of one little oversight.

The majority of right leaning posters would prefer DeSantis as the GOP nominee.

Carry on.

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2 hours ago, Flugel said:

All fine.  I'm not prejudice - I hate everyone equally (inclusive of politicians and political parties). 1 side calling the other dishonest is laughable.  The Morning Joe show host, who used to be a Republican, brought up an interesting and perhaps controversial point (in this forum dominated by 1 political party).  That was about all of the fussing Trump stirs up over the DOJ not bringing down Hillary.  The host reminded viewers that was the DOJ when Trump was in office. Isn't it funny he never reminds people of that?  That would kill buzz pretty fast if he told that 50% of the truth.

I've always been an independent because of all this voting for what I think is the lesser of 2 evils these days - doesn't deserve my devotion.  Today, I see more promising candidates for the future in the Republican party - but the ONLY one a large portion of America wants was never a Republican until 7 years ago.  Even worse, he's always been a crook.  This just didn't just begin because Biden or Hillary are the evil enemies,

Does anyone know why the sissy Pence isn't in deep shit about doing the same stuff Trump and Biden did?  He cooperated with the DOJ investigation and so did Biden while Trump made himself above the law as usual.  Why not?  He's never been held accountable for anything he's done/does.  Someone might want to tell Ohio Republican Jim Jordan that Trump isn't still the President - a reporter had to remind the Pittsburgh Steeler fan residing in Ohio of that.  America fired Trump after just 1 term and countless recounts showing bigger margins of loss for Trump (ie: Wisconsin).   It's been nothing but sour grapes, conspiracy theories and "stop the cheat", "witch hunt", "fake news", etc from all those thinking he is the political messiah...  A messiah doesn't get fired by the largest vote count in our history for someone as bad as Joe Biden.  I wouldn't want to admit that either if I devoted all my time and passion to someone that puts himself ahead of country to the extent he puts it at risk.

Denial is with people that refuse to worry about Putin's biggest fan in America having classified information in his home in Florida. Even worse, he also brings some of it with him up North.  Republican Chris Christie says that isn't anyone that cares about protecting his country.   That all gets excused because Biden and Pence also had classified info at their home too.  So now, your popular opinion has to come to a consensus that the DOJ is the only sinner in all this. The truth is the 2 that cooperated with the DOJ investigations aren't in trouble.  Like the Republican Chris Christie (who was an attorney of law before breaking into politics) said, all Trump had to do was cooperate.  He didn't; because as usual he thought he was above the law.

The sad thing is after Obama went undefeated against the Republican Party for 2 terms, the Republicans needed to look to someone that was outside of their party all of his life.  That was before Trump joined the Republican party to be the only one capable of saving that party.  He won an election against a FEMALE that a lot of males in both parties wouldn't have voted for anyway.  The next time he went against a male in the beginning stages of dementia and he lost.  That means America fired him after just 1 term.  The conspiracy theories have never stopped from the "poor me" kind of guy and his loyal fans.  The idea of a Reality TV Star instead of politicians that have been making a party weak was an easy thing to warm up to.  Unfortunately, when he ran his unfiltered mouth people only wanted to fact check him with Fox News long before Fox News recently paid up the wazoo for their dishonesty.  

It is what it is.  He'll be running against a tired old man again; but you all have a choice to look to a very organized Republican from Florida. Don't let all your hostilities and anger prevent you from choosing a life-long Republican that went to War for this country.  That at least shows me a guy that cares enough about this country to protect it.  Y'all can go ahead and keep pretending Trump has integrity all you want; but it's gonna keep you stuck at "poor me."

As you were....

As for your highlighted portion yes I believe Donald Trump cares about the people who adore him. I think he believes, rightly so, that he's being persecuted for Stuff that the left doesn't even care about I would never prosecute anyone else for. And yes I think he wants what is best for the United states. Furthermore I do not think Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or Maxine Waters give a fuck about the country. I have a good friend who Pilots the private jet of the neighbor at Mar-A-Lago and has taken Trump along in the plane. He says he's one of the truly nicest guys he's ever met. I believe that and I believe that the hatred is insane. As for Joe Biden and the rest it's not a personal hatred I hold for them it's just that I think that their policies have damaged the USA. And that's hard to argue against.


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6 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Fuck you both. Just keep the fucking politics off the Browns forum. Like asshole Neo just said it is a Cleveland Browns forum this is a political forum. You should probably form your opinions on Watson and the trade on something other than whether you like Cal or Trump or conservatives or me or not.


I haven't posted here for a while and you bait me into a response, then you call me an asshole. I pray that someday you run into the wrong person any they give you a proper asswhoopin' that you so deserve.  

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20 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

As for your highlighted portion yes I believe Donald Trump cares about the people who adore him. I think he believes, rightly so, that he's being persecuted for Stuff that the left doesn't even care about I would never prosecute anyone else for. And yes I think he wants what is best for the United states. Furthermore I do not think Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or Maxine Waters give a fuck about the country. I have a good friend who Pilots the private jet of the neighbor at Mar-A-Lago and has taken Trump along in the plane. He says he's one of the truly nicest guys he's ever met. I believe that and I believe that the hatred is insane. As for Joe Biden and the rest it's not a personal hatred I hold for them it's just that I think that their policies have damaged the USA. And that's hard to argue against.


It's a very simple and true statement.

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18 minutes ago, Neo said:

I haven't posted here for a while and you bait me into a response, then you call me an asshole. I pray that someday you run into the wrong person any they give you a proper asswhoopin' that you so deserve.  

No one baited you stop being dramatic. You posted because you had to say something stupid.

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23 minutes ago, Jax said:

No one baited you stop being dramatic. You posted because you had to say something stupid.


46 minutes ago, Westside Steve said:

As for your highlighted portion yes I believe Donald Trump cares about the people who adore him. I think he believes, rightly so, that he's being persecuted for Stuff that the left doesn't even care about I would never prosecute anyone else for. And yes I think he wants what is best for the United states. Furthermore I do not think Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or Maxine Waters give a fuck about the country. I have a good friend who Pilots the private jet of the neighbor at Mar-A-Lago and has taken Trump along in the plane. He says he's one of the truly nicest guys he's ever met. I believe that and I believe that the hatred is insane. As for Joe Biden and the rest it's not a personal hatred I hold for them it's just that I think that their policies have damaged the USA. And that's hard to argue against.


I need more "reactions" ! lol I keep running out of them !

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2 hours ago, Flugel said:

All fine.  I'm not prejudice - I hate everyone equally (inclusive of politicians and political parties). 1 side calling the other dishonest is laughable.  The Morning Joe show host, who used to be a Republican, brought up an interesting and perhaps controversial point (in this forum dominated by 1 political party).  That was about all of the fussing Trump stirs up over the DOJ not bringing down Hillary.  The host reminded viewers that was the DOJ when Trump was in office. Isn't it funny he never reminds people of that?  That would kill buzz pretty fast if he told that 50% of the truth.

I've always been an independent because of all this voting for what I think is the lesser of 2 evils these days - doesn't deserve my devotion.  Today, I see more promising candidates for the future in the Republican party - but the ONLY one a large portion of America wants was never a Republican until 7 years ago.  Even worse, he's always been a crook.  This just didn't just begin because Biden or Hillary are the evil enemies,

Does anyone know why the sissy Pence isn't in deep shit about doing the same stuff Trump and Biden did?  He cooperated with the DOJ investigation and so did Biden while Trump made himself above the law as usual.  Why not?  He's never been held accountable for anything he's done/does.  Someone might want to tell Ohio Republican Jim Jordan that Trump isn't still the President - a reporter had to remind the Pittsburgh Steeler fan residing in Ohio of that.  America fired Trump after just 1 term and countless recounts showing bigger margins of loss for Trump (ie: Wisconsin).   It's been nothing but sour grapes, conspiracy theories and "stop the cheat", "witch hunt", "fake news", etc from all those thinking he is the political messiah...  A messiah doesn't get fired by the largest vote count in our history for someone as bad as Joe Biden.  I wouldn't want to admit that either if I devoted all my time and passion to someone that puts himself ahead of country to the extent he puts it at risk.

Denial is with people that refuse to worry about Putin's biggest fan in America having classified information in his home in Florida. Even worse, he also brings some of it with him up North.  Republican Chris Christie says that isn't anyone that cares about protecting his country.   That all gets excused because Biden and Pence also had classified info at their home too.  So now, your popular opinion has to come to a consensus that the DOJ is the only sinner in all this. The truth is the 2 that cooperated with the DOJ investigations aren't in trouble.  Like the Republican Chris Christie (who was an attorney of law before breaking into politics) said, all Trump had to do was cooperate.  He didn't; because as usual he thought he was above the law.

The sad thing is after Obama went undefeated against the Republican Party for 2 terms, the Republicans needed to look to someone that was outside of their party all of his life.  That was before Trump joined the Republican party to be the only one capable of saving that party.  He won an election against a FEMALE that a lot of males in both parties wouldn't have voted for anyway.  The next time he went against a male in the beginning stages of dementia and he lost.  That means America fired him after just 1 term.  The conspiracy theories have never stopped from the "poor me" kind of guy and his loyal fans.  The idea of a Reality TV Star instead of politicians that have been making a party weak was an easy thing to warm up to.  Unfortunately, when he ran his unfiltered mouth people only wanted to fact check him with Fox News long before Fox News recently paid up the wazoo for their dishonesty.  

It is what it is.  He'll be running against a tired old man again; but you all have a choice to look to a very organized Republican from Florida. Don't let all your hostilities and anger prevent you from choosing a life-long Republican that went to War for this country.  That at least shows me a guy that cares enough about this country to protect it.  Y'all can go ahead and keep pretending Trump has integrity all you want; but it's gonna keep you stuck at "poor me."

As you were....

Trump isn't in charge of prosecuting Hillary no different than Biden isn't in charge of prosecuting Trump. That's such a lame deflection. If Trump did go after Hillary everyone would have wet their pants.

You're not the only one that votes from the middle. Things were really great under Trump especially compared to now. Please inform us how Trump is a crook. Taxes? That's how real estate works. He was fixing a lot of things, or at least taking steps in the right direction.

If none of them are supposed to have those documents, then they all need to be punished the same. Trump is the only one they are going after. Not only that, but the Putin connection you keep referring to was all debunked. You can't make light of conspiracies if you believe in one that was easily debunked.

You talk about Trumps unfiltered mouth but I'd like to see how others would handle being constantly bombarded with hate by the left. Biden is always up there yelling and screaming. Trump still gathered around 70 million votes, more than Obama received. I don't think the problem was with Trumps mouth, I think the problem is this country has become more toxic.

I like De Santis, but he is still part of the same old political system. Trump wasn't some type of savior by any means, and wasn't perfect but things were good under him. It's not his fault the unhinged loonies came after him. Who knows, maybe by this time in his second term we would have come to see him as useless, but I couldn't imagine it would be Biden bad. He's no ones messiah or leading some cult, it's the whacked out loonies coming out of the wood work that we just defend him against because we like a number of things he was doing more so than past and present Presidents.

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1 hour ago, Neo said:

I haven't posted here for a while and you bait me into a response, then you call me an asshole. I pray that someday you run into the wrong person any they give you a proper asswhoopin' that you so deserve.  

Frankly, tough guy, I don't care how the other boards operate. This one has had a political form for many many years just to keep the shit off the Browns board. And of the music software and Hardware message boards I'm on they all have an off topic or political place for guys to yap. And yes indeed if members keep posting on the music portion they're political views they will eventually get the boot. You don't ever have to come here if you don't want to. But if you do and take a swipe at me then don't be surprised if you get a hearty fuck you. Sorry.


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3 hours ago, Neo said:

I haven't posted here for a while and you bait me into a response, then you call me an asshole. I pray that someday you run into the wrong person any they give you a proper asswhoopin' that you so deserve.  

And on a slightly more civil tone these message boards you speak of which give people the boot because they talk politics where they're not supposed to. Is that what you would have me do with Dutch oven or anybody else that does that over on the Browns Board?


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9 hours ago, Flugel said:

All fine.  I'm not prejudice - I hate everyone equally (inclusive of politicians and political parties). 1 side calling the other dishonest is laughable.  The Morning Joe show host, who used to be a Republican, brought up an interesting and perhaps controversial point (in this forum dominated by 1 political party).  That was about all of the fussing Trump stirs up over the DOJ not bringing down Hillary.  The host reminded viewers that was the DOJ when Trump was in office. Isn't it funny he never reminds people of that?  That would kill buzz pretty fast if he told that 50% of the truth.

I've always been an independent because of all this voting for what I think is the lesser of 2 evils these days - doesn't deserve my devotion.  Today, I see more promising candidates for the future in the Republican party - but the ONLY one a large portion of America wants was never a Republican until 7 years ago.  Even worse, he's always been a crook.  This just didn't just begin because Biden or Hillary are the evil enemies,

Does anyone know why the sissy Pence isn't in deep shit about doing the same stuff Trump and Biden did?  He cooperated with the DOJ investigation and so did Biden while Trump made himself above the law as usual.  Why not?  He's never been held accountable for anything he's done/does.  Someone might want to tell Ohio Republican Jim Jordan that Trump isn't still the President - a reporter had to remind the Pittsburgh Steeler fan residing in Ohio of that.  America fired Trump after just 1 term and countless recounts showing bigger margins of loss for Trump (ie: Wisconsin).   It's been nothing but sour grapes, conspiracy theories and "stop the cheat", "witch hunt", "fake news", etc from all those thinking he is the political messiah...  A messiah doesn't get fired by the largest vote count in our history for someone as bad as Joe Biden.  I wouldn't want to admit that either if I devoted all my time and passion to someone that puts himself ahead of country to the extent he puts it at risk.

Denial is with people that refuse to worry about Putin's biggest fan in America having classified information in his home in Florida. Even worse, he also brings some of it with him up North.  Republican Chris Christie says that isn't anyone that cares about protecting his country.   That all gets excused because Biden and Pence also had classified info at their home too.  So now, your popular opinion has to come to a consensus that the DOJ is the only sinner in all this. The truth is the 2 that cooperated with the DOJ investigations aren't in trouble.  Like the Republican Chris Christie (who was an attorney of law before breaking into politics) said, all Trump had to do was cooperate.  He didn't; because as usual he thought he was above the law.

The sad thing is after Obama went undefeated against the Republican Party for 2 terms, the Republicans needed to look to someone that was outside of their party all of his life.  That was before Trump joined the Republican party to be the only one capable of saving that party.  He won an election against a FEMALE that a lot of males in both parties wouldn't have voted for anyway.  The next time he went against a male in the beginning stages of dementia and he lost.  That means America fired him after just 1 term.  The conspiracy theories have never stopped from the "poor me" kind of guy and his loyal fans.  The idea of a Reality TV Star instead of politicians that have been making a party weak was an easy thing to warm up to.  Unfortunately, when he ran his unfiltered mouth people only wanted to fact check him with Fox News long before Fox News recently paid up the wazoo for their dishonesty.  

It is what it is.  He'll be running against a tired old man again; but you all have a choice to look to a very organized Republican from Florida. Don't let all your hostilities and anger prevent you from choosing a life-long Republican that went to War for this country.  That at least shows me a guy that cares enough about this country to protect it.  Y'all can go ahead and keep pretending Trump has integrity all you want; but it's gonna keep you stuck at "poor me."

As you were....


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