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Real America rejects the perverts


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I'd say 69 percent is a pretty high number.


Conservatives Are Winning the Culture War Over Transgender Ideology, and the Numbers Will Surprise You

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Students groan, jeer, boo when Pride video is shown in class; teacher threatens 'Saturday school' if they don't 'knock it off'

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Native American protesters outraged over oil leasing ban form road blockade that shuts down Biden admin's event

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5 hours ago, calfoxwc said:


Middle school students tear down Pride banners, chant 'USA are my pronouns' while wearing red, white, and blue

Even some kids know when their being bamboozled and sold a cheap bill of goods...

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

There is a great man. That was awesome. People like that are now being escorted out of school board meetings, investigated/slurred by the fbi, etc etc etc. It's all social engineering for longterm political gain. flat out.

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'Indoctrination': Council member, parents blast Pride video shown to students, decry 'activist teachers' after dissenting students threatened with punishment


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It isn't too late Real America -

but the problem is extremely serious - it's history:

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WATCH: Empty Stadium as LA Dodgers Honor Anti-Catholic Group 'Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence' Amid Protests

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Public Sentiment Shifts: The Unexpected Fallout of Progressive LGBTQ Agenda

pay attention woodpecker and other lefties - watch the video - it's the SCIENCE you emotionally knee jerk over.



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perverts on the left side of  politics have no code. They have no respect for anything, not even for themselves. They compensate by believing in nothing but how to buoy up their own perverted feelings, and they HATE everybody else who isn't like them.

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Rage Against the Pride Machine: We Don't Hate You, We Are Just Tired of Having Rainbows Thrust Down Our Heretofore Tolerant Gullets

By Kevin Downey Jr. 9:13 PM on June 17, 2023
Rage Against the Pride Machine: We Don't Hate You, We Are Just Tired of Having Rainbows Thrust Down Our Heretofore Tolerant GulletsAP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Too Much Gay for Just 30 Days


For those of you patriots who aren’t familiar with me, I am a former New York City liberal. I say this for two reasons: 1) it gives me an insight many don’t have, which I will soon discuss; and, 2) I deserve to be mocked incessantly for my folly. Please fire away in the comments, it keeps me humble.

PRAYER-O-RAMA! Forgive me, Father, for I knew not what I was doing.

Though I now lean right, I still DO NOT CARE how others live their lives. If a man wants to wear a dress, have at it. Gay marriage? I don’t care.

My point is, I am as LGBT-friendly a person as you will find.

That said, can we stop gavaging “gay” down everyone’s throat?

We do not care what you LGBT types do when the lights are off, and that was the goal, right?

The gay movement went from “Stay out of our bedrooms,” which I found a reasonable request, to “If you straight guys won’t boink a trans dudette, you’re a bigot” to “Let us chop off your 15-year-old son’s penis or you’ll be arrested, you domestic terrorist.” Then you screech at us for “hating” you if we don’t deliver our kids to the “Zygote-friendly Drag Night” where they can watch attention-starved yet talent-free men in dresses shake their waxed asses and then beg for dollar bills.

FACT-O-RAMA! I have been a comedian for 34 years. NO ONE considers drag queens to be a part of “show business.” 

Here is an inconvenient truth, especially for the militant trans kids who desperately strive for attention and, more important, that beloved feeling of victimhood: no one cares what you wear or how you “identify.” No one cares enough to “hate” you. Frankly, you and your antics have become so boring you could put a can of Redbull to sleep.

And now it gets worse. Ready? I know a ton of gay people who are sick of your desperate drive for attention.

Conservatives had come a long way in regard to gay rights. You had us right where you originally wanted us: tolerant and accepting. Ignoring you. Living and letting live.

But you made two mistakes calculated moves that changed everything:

1. You bombarded us with “all gay all day,” to the point that even a bunch of school kids in Massachusetts have had enough.

2. You then went from “This dude in a dress can’t safely relieve himself anywhere but the women’s room” to recruiting confused kids into your mental illness and ginsuing their genitals into papier-mâché. That is where you really lost us.

FACT-O-RAMA! Transgender people suffer from “gender dysphoria,” a mental malady that, sadly, leads to a suicide attempt rate of up to 40% of those afflicted. This has little, if anything, to do with conservatives. In fact, the last time I checked, a trans animal shot six Christians to death, three of whom were only nine years old. I have found zero circumstances of a Christian-fueled mass shooting of trans folks. I attribute this brutal mass shooting to the Marxists on the left constantly harping on a phantom “trans genocide” that has not resulted in any trans deaths that I can find. Well played, *President Biden.

Teachers seem to be the most die-hard recruiters for the “Pride” movement. They are also one of the groups that “just so happen” to molest kids at record numbers.

PEDO-RAMA! Three hundred and fifty teachers were arrested in 2022 for sex crimes involving kids, and 75% involved their own students.

Those of us who lean right learned not to care what you do in your bedroom — until you started to invite children to join you. Now we once again are paying close attention to you. I know you saw this coming, because you wanted us to notice. You need us to pay attention to you for several reasons:

  • You hate us.
  • You want to recruit our kids out of spite.
  • You require us to hate you because your parents raised you to be needy malcontents who find pleasure and purpose in victimhood. This faux victimhood thus “allows” you to shoot up a Christian school.

As a former teen-aged, punk-rockish, blue-haired, cranky, eyeliner-wearing crosspatch myself, I know how you operate. I also know how you recruit. You do it the same way the skinheads do it, as well as cults and midwestern-Detroit punk-rock types in the 1980s. You look for sad loners, weak people, damaged souls, and bitter failures to pull into your cult. You also target kids from bad or broken homes. In short, you’re a bunch of predators.

BONFIRE-O-RAMA! In his blockbuster novel The Bonfire of the Vanities, author Tom Wolfe states, “Bitterness is the revenge of the lazy.” I remember this anytime I find myself feeling bitter, and I work harder.

It all comes down to victimhood. You can’t attack people unless you convince yourself they have victimized you, and that you are “literally” fighting for your existence. That is why you pretend we — the monsters on the right — are trying to “genocide” you, even though we walk past you in the thrift store without a second glance.

The truth is you abhor us even more when we ignore you. In a sad, pathetic way you need us, but we don’t need you. That really steams your clams.

A bunch of Canadian students at two separate schools recently walked out of class when their Catholic Schools refused to bend their knee and hoist Pride flags. A different group of students, already fed up with the constant grooming, held a counterprotest with a similar result.

The leftists of course used these two situations to scream about “hate and intolerance.” But the truth is, kids may just be fed with the constant tsunami of gay. Or else the left organized the two counter-protests simply to play the coveted victim card.

One thing I did notice when reading about the protests: the reports all obeisantly call the counter-protestors “haters” and “bigots.” No one dared to suggest the kids are just all gayed-out. In fact, I don’t know that any reporters asked them about their feelings and the reasons they want the huge pink elephant out of their schools.

NOT A FACT-O-RAMA! Do not quote me on this but I suspect Canada’s Princess Justin “Black-face” Castro, desperate to show his devotion to the globalists’ LGBTDOJ+ religion, sits when he pees during the month of June to please his Cantonese Daddy, Xi Jinping.

The truth is that most of us don’t care how the Pride community lives — as requested — but that was never the plan. The radical, emotionally-crippled harpies from the Gaystapo never intended to live peacefully amongst us. They will always push their narrative against us then cry victim when we get sick of being force-fed a huge breakfast bowl of Raisin Tran and eventually push back.

Related: Transgender People: America’s Most Privileged ‘Victims’

But tell me, what is your next move? Never mind the parents, it’s now the kids — your main target, needed to finalize your commie takeover — who are revolting against your apparatchik agitprop. You never saw that coming.

I almost forgot to tell you, almost no one showed up for your Dodgers game. Again, we don’t hate you, but the drag nuns are a clear example of how you hate Christians.


A trans radical shot up a school, a bunch of drag queens dressed as nuns invaded a Dodgers game, and the Unicorn brigade harassed students to the point they rebelled. Tell me again how We the People are the antagonists here.

Spoiler alert: I don’t know how you can’t see this, but the LGBT crowd — like black people — are just pawns for the Marxists. My history books tell me the Dems are using you to divide us and to act as their personal brown pink shirts when they need a little street violence. They will throw you away like a used tissue after you’ve served your purpose. You will miss the days when we left you alone to “live your truth.”

If you’re a trans person and considering suicide, please call 1-866-488-7386 for help.


Kevin Downey Jr. Is a comedian, columnist, and radio show host. When he isn't writing or performing, he is collecting surf records and practicing his mixologist skills at his tiki bar. His apartment—the Atomic Bunker—looks like it was furnished from George Jetson's garage sale. You can hear KDJ crush the commies and punish the pedos on "The Kevin Downey, Jr. Show" every Monday-Friday from 10-11 am at LINEWSRADIO.com. by Kevin Downey Jr.

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I'll also post this here:


12-year-old girl's alleged rape by boy in trans-inclusive bathroom discovered after mother read her diary: 'I was raped. F***ing kill me'


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