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Bolton says Trump should withdraw from 2024 race

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Bolton should grow a set and back Trump.. But Bolton is a namby pamby Coward like Woody and his Pedo hero Joe..

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3 hours ago, FY56 said:


What's been going on only encourages him more.

From a link in the article.

Trump lawyer nails it.

Looks hot. I'd nail her.

Prosecutor Heading Trump Case: 'One Set of Laws' That 'Apply to Everyone' | Newsmax.com

Caution to viewers, because the source of this video and it's content is Newsmax, it may likely be invalid. Right Woody?


Still going with the ignore the indictment look at Cheeto's lawyer on a propaganda network. 😆

Anybody asks Cheetos why he didn't charge Hillary? He promised to do it a few hundred times. Promises made, promises forgotten...


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21 minutes ago, nickers said:

Bolton should grow a set and back Trump.. But Bolton is a namby pamby Coward like Woody and his Pedo hero Joe..

You would be the expert on who pedophiles consider heros. Maybe you all congregate somewhere. Hopefully no where near schools 

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3 hours ago, FY56 said:


What's been going on only encourages him more.

From a link in the article.

Trump lawyer nails it.

Looks hot. I'd nail her.

Prosecutor Heading Trump Case: 'One Set of Laws' That 'Apply to Everyone' | Newsmax.com

Caution to viewers, because the source of this video and it's content is Newsmax, it may likely be invalid. Right Woody?

You see me posting articles from Slate or whatever the left wing equivalent is?


(This is where you list more legitimate and/or middle of the road news sources to prove how brainwashed you are...)

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5 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You would be the expert on who pedophiles consider heros. Maybe you all congregate somewhere. Hopefully no where near schools 

Typical come back for a coward like you...

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Here you go. The National Review. It a high credibility right wing source, which mean none of the nut jobs here read it. Probably go out of business soon. Nut jobs want to be lied to after all.

The Trump Indictment Is Damning | National Review

Trump brushed off months of demands from the National Archives and Records Administration to return the missing records before relenting in January 2022, but only providing a portion of what was in his possession — roughly 15 boxes, which included 197 documents that were marked as classified. After a grand-jury subpoena demanded all classified documents, Trump’s lawyers then turned over 38 more documents marked classified. But when the FBI carried out a controversial search warrant later that summer and seized more boxes, they found 102 additional documents with classified markings.

The indictment offers evidence that Trump misled investigators about his possession of the documents and took actions to conceal them. But most damning is the transcript of a conversation during which Trump showed one of the documents to a reporter. Speaking of a theoretical attack plan, Trump produced a document and said, “It is like, highly confidential.” He also said, “See as president I could have declassified it” but admitted, “Now I can’t, you know, but this is still a secret.”

The audio of this conversation makes it a lot more difficult for Trump to chalk everything up to an innocent case of some classified documents getting mixed up with other personal items from his presidency. It also directly contradicts some of the laughable public defenses that were made by Trump and his team last summer, including the idea that there was a “standing order” that whatever documents he brought to Mar-a-Lago to work on were automatically declassified. It’s clear from the conversation that he not only knew he was in possession of secret documents that were never declassified, but knowingly shared them with people who lacked the security clearance to see them.

Equally damning, particularly for someone who was and would like again to be the nation’s chief executive, responsible for the enforcement of the laws, is the evidence that Trump not only deceived the investigators and the grand jury, but his own lawyers — knowing and intending that they would consequently obstruct the investigation. If the allegations in the indictment are true, Trump tried to nudge his lawyers into concealing or destroying incriminating evidence. Unable to bend them in that direction, he and an aide hid boxes of documents from them, causing them falsely to tell the grand jury, under oath, that the classified documents they delivered to the FBI in June 2022 were the only ones remaining in his possession. They weren’t lying; according to prosecutors, they were passing along what he told them. It is worth noting, moreover, that the substantiation of this allegation is likely to come from testimony of the lawyers themselves — not from people out to get the former president, but people who tried, futilely, to help him.



  • Overall, we rate the National Review Right Biased based on story selection that always favors the right and Mostly Factual in reporting due to a few misleading claims and occasional use of poor sources, and one failed fact check.

Detailed Report

Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MOSTLY FACTUAL
Country: USA
MBFC’s Country Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Magazine
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic

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3 hours ago, FY56 said:


What's been going on only encourages him more.

From a link in the article.

Trump lawyer nails it.

Looks hot. I'd nail her.

Prosecutor Heading Trump Case: 'One Set of Laws' That 'Apply to Everyone' | Newsmax.com

Caution to viewers, because the source of this video and it's content is Newsmax, it may likely be invalid. Right Woody?

We all know only lefty media is factual without bias.

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