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The biggest thing that happen this week and you culture warriors didn't even talk about it


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2 hours ago, Jax said:

Everyone can still get out and vote, you guys still don't explain how it makes it harder to vote.

Repubs go to college too, they just don't show up in the news as whacked out activists that grab headlines.

If college kids have a tough time getting to a voting booth in their district then they should rename colleges daycare.

Don't act like Democrats don't gerrymander, it's all part of both parties game. Has nothing to do with making it harder to vote though. Besides, you guys seem to do just fine taking a stack of ballots and scanning it over and over to compensate.


Anyways, Lazar is a cool dude.

Non Cheetos Jesus. It's like you don't understand demographics. I already link two laws and you ignored them. 


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4 hours ago, Jax said:

Everyone can still get out and vote, you guys still don't explain how it makes it harder to vote.

Repubs go to college too, they just don't show up in the news as whacked out activists that grab headlines.

If college kids have a tough time getting to a voting booth in their district then they should rename colleges daycare.

Don't act like Democrats don't gerrymander, it's all part of both parties game. Has nothing to do with making it harder to vote though. Besides, you guys seem to do just fine taking a stack of ballots and scanning it over and over to compensate.


Anyways, Lazar is a cool dude.

Lazar is totally cool dude.. I just love that fact he's kept his story straight.. Travis Walton is another one.. I truly believe something happened to these people... What that is we'll probably never really know. Whitley Streibers case annoys me a bit..It's almost over dynamic... There always seems to be something bizzarilly new or weird about it.. Like Steven King met RL.. and went haywire... I don't think Whitley is a bad person.. I just think the guy is stuck in a F'kd up place in hell with his life... And his mind..

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5 hours ago, Jax said:

Everyone can still get out and vote, you guys still don't explain how it makes it harder to vote.

Repubs go to college too, they just don't show up in the news as whacked out activists that grab headlines.

If college kids have a tough time getting to a voting booth in their district then they should rename colleges daycare.

Don't act like Democrats don't gerrymander, it's all part of both parties game. Has nothing to do with making it harder to vote though. Besides, you guys seem to do just fine taking a stack of ballots and scanning it over and over to compensate.


Anyways, Lazar is a cool dude.

You're either mentally incapable of admitting the obvious truth here because you're so deep into your political blindness and brainwashing or you're just really this stupid. 

These couldn't be any more obvious and you're responding like someone desperately trying to believe Santa is still real


"They don't want election day to be a holiday"

- well they're just assholes!


"They're specifically making it more difficult to vote on campus"

- well republicans go to college too!



This level of mental gymnastics, damn. 

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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You're either mentally incapable of admitting the obvious truth here because you're so deep into your political blindness and brainwashing or you're just really this stupid. 

These couldn't be any more obvious and you're responding like someone desperately trying to believe Santa is still real


"They don't want election day to be a holiday"

- well they're just assholes!


"They're specifically making it more difficult to vote on campus"

- well republicans go to college too!



This level of mental gymnastics, damn. 

I'm glad to make election day a holiday. Many of the people who vote Democrat don't work anyway.


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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

You're either mentally incapable of admitting the obvious truth here because you're so deep into your political blindness and brainwashing or you're just really this stupid. 

These couldn't be any more obvious and you're responding like someone desperately trying to believe Santa is still real


"They don't want election day to be a holiday"

- well they're just assholes!


"They're specifically making it more difficult to vote on campus"

- well republicans go to college too!



This level of mental gymnastics, damn. 

Your company must not realize how much you fuck off at work.

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Republicans Seek To Strip Election Powers From Democrat North Carolina Governor | HuffPost Latest News

Republicans Seek To Strip Election Powers From Democrat North Carolina Governor

The current state board has five members appointed by the governor — three Democrats and two Republicans from candidate lists made by state party leaders.

Under the GOP bill filed Monday, legislative leaders would appoint all eight members. The Senate leader, House speaker and House and Senate minority leaders would pick two apiece but wouldn’t be obligated to choose from the party’s nominations — raising the possibility that unaffiliated voters could serve.

The board administers elections in the ninth-largest state, a presidential battleground where over 7 million voters are registered and statewide elections are usually close.

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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Republicans Seek To Strip Election Powers From Democrat North Carolina Governor | HuffPost Latest News

Republicans Seek To Strip Election Powers From Democrat North Carolina Governor

The current state board has five members appointed by the governor — three Democrats and two Republicans from candidate lists made by state party leaders.

Under the GOP bill filed Monday, legislative leaders would appoint all eight members. The Senate leader, House speaker and House and Senate minority leaders would pick two apiece but wouldn’t be obligated to choose from the party’s nominations — raising the possibility that unaffiliated voters could serve.

The board administers elections in the ninth-largest state, a presidential battleground where over 7 million voters are registered and statewide elections are usually close.

Huffington Post! 🤣😂🤡

Why don’t you use a more credible source like CNN! 😂🤣🤡

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On 6/13/2023 at 1:29 PM, MLD Woody said:

You're either mentally incapable of admitting the obvious truth here because you're so deep into your political blindness and brainwashing or you're just really this stupid. 

These couldn't be any more obvious and you're responding like someone desperately trying to believe Santa is still real


"They don't want election day to be a holiday"

- well they're just assholes!


"They're specifically making it more difficult to vote on campus"

- well republicans go to college too!



This level of mental gymnastics, damn. 

You just drivel on, you still can't explain anything.

They don't want another holiday because Repubs usually are for businesses and a holiday costs them money.

In no way does it make it harder to vote, how the hell did we manage the past century without a holiday? I already explained the college campus conspiracy, they are more than capable of getting out and voting like any other person. All I can think of is you've been spoon fed too much you're life, how often does voting come around? You act like it's a daily chore.

They are assholes though because I'd gladly take another holiday.

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9 hours ago, Jax said:

You just drivel on, you still can't explain anything.

They don't want another holiday because Repubs usually are for businesses and a holiday costs them money.

In no way does it make it harder to vote, how the hell did we manage the past century without a holiday? I already explained the college campus conspiracy, they are more than capable of getting out and voting like any other person. All I can think of is you've been spoon fed too much you're life, how often does voting come around? You act like it's a daily chore.

They are assholes though because I'd gladly take another holiday.

Hahaha you're fucking delusional

You clearly live in your own little world. Facts won't change anything. You've determined your own reality and that's that. 


Look at our voter turnout. Look at the voter turnout of nations where election day is a holiday. It's plain as day. Conservatives want to make it as hard to vote because they serve to benefit by making voting harder for minorities and you g people. They're better off if only retired folks with all day on their hands vote. Or people in positions where it is easier to take off work. 

Remove polling places. Attack absentee voting. Fight there being a holiday. Etc

Dozens and dozens of examples were linked. And you have nothing. 

You went from "umm, well, umm, they're just assholes" to "well actually they're just being pro business!" You get that new argument after googling around and seeing what the right wing sites wanted you to say? Pathetic.


This is cut and dry. Anyone that isn't completely politically blind can see it. 

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9 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Hahaha you're fucking delusional

You clearly live in your own little world. Facts won't change anything. You've determined your own reality and that's that. 


Look at our voter turnout. Look at the voter turnout of nations where election day is a holiday. It's plain as day. Conservatives want to make it as hard to vote because they serve to benefit by making voting harder for minorities and you g people. They're better off if only retired folks with all day on their hands vote. Or people in positions where it is easier to take off work. 

Remove polling places. Attack absentee voting. Fight there being a holiday. Etc

Dozens and dozens of examples were linked. And you have nothing. 

You went from "umm, well, umm, they're just assholes" to "well actually they're just being pro business!" You get that new argument after googling around and seeing what the right wing sites wanted you to say? Pathetic.


This is cut and dry. Anyone that isn't completely politically blind can see it. 

Ummm, that's why I said in another thread I always voted Democrat was because they were supposed to be for the working class, and Repubs were pro business, it's common sense why would I waste my time googling something trivial. You're argument that weak you have to put nonsense in my mouth? I didn't go from one thought to another, it's just not much of a topic to say much more.

It's plain as day you're the one imagining things, always bringing up other countries. When I was in the union with 3k+, they gave us a holiday for voting and unions support Democrats, that's why they made sure we would get out. What you think is new is the same garbage politics playing out since the very beginning.

Also, you went from Repubs making it harder to bringing up past stats of other countries to compare, how's that work? Your logic doesn't even make sense. If I look at voter turn out, Biden received 81 million votes and barely edged out Trump, what more do you want? It's pure whining on your part over the sky falling.

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11 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Hahaha you're fucking delusional

You clearly live in your own little world. Facts won't change anything. You've determined your own reality and that's that. 


Look at our voter turnout. Look at the voter turnout of nations where election day is a holiday. It's plain as day. Conservatives want to make it as hard to vote because they serve to benefit by making voting harder for minorities and you g people. They're better off if only retired folks with all day on their hands vote. Or people in positions where it is easier to take off work. 

Remove polling places. Attack absentee voting. Fight there being a holiday. Etc

Dozens and dozens of examples were linked. And you have nothing. 

You went from "umm, well, umm, they're just assholes" to "well actually they're just being pro business!" You get that new argument after googling around and seeing what the right wing sites wanted you to say? Pathetic.


This is cut and dry. Anyone that isn't completely politically blind can see it. 

You've obviously led a very sheltered life there pcker head.

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and, woodpecker - why would all your millions of folks on welfare need a holiday to vote, anyways? We've ALWAYS voted, and we were both well employed. I have NEVER known ANYONE who had trouble trying to vote.

   So, you lie like a bug under a rug. It's just another slur against people who aren't birdbrains - "hard to vote". If someone can't make it to a voting place, they can vote by remote ballot. How much easier can it get?

  I think "those (*&^(*& are trying to make it HARD for you black folks to vote" is just dishonestly manipulating the black community to come out and vote more as a group. So tired of the identity/racial antagonism by you, and the others...it's on social media, in the news like cnn and msnbc.....

The left wants no one to be responsible for taking care of themselves. Let the gov take care of you. "if you are poor, have more unwanted babies so we'll give you more money" ...how's that working about for the poorer subcultures in America?

  Legalize drugs, pot?

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