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More blood on the hands of Pres Trump haters: 5 illegals MURDER 15 yr old Maryland boy


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it's going to be a national emergency with the open borders sick garbage. NO, woodpecker, they didn't come here to have a "better life".

more blood on your hands.



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Why anyone would support illegal immigration/invasion in the first place is beyond stupid.

Do these people feel that much better about themselves thinking they provided some type of humanitarian relief to these illegals? There was an old video on youtube about immigration gumballs from 1999. Let me grab link real quick...basically, there is so much poverty in the world that immigration is not the answer. You're not even helping those that come here illegally because if they're not exploited, they're probably not even lifting themselves up, they just suck off our resources and live as they did before.

I never understood why our borders aren't protected. This isn't about politics or being liberal or conservative and has zero to do with Trump other than he was at least willing to address the issue. This is about protecting our nation and it's citizens. The video talks about the need for a ton of new schools, roads and such but I always worried about the other affects. These people put a drain on our medical care, federal assistance, housing, social security, food supply and just an over all drain on all our resources. Now you can talk about the diseases they bring over, the gangs, violence, drugs, sexual assaults and a hatred for our country and it's people. These illegals even take away the funds and resources we use for our own homeless/mentally ill/jobless citizens that need it. They help divide a nation that's already being divided by politicians, media and activists.

Anyone that supports even legal immigration should study this video and understand every word.

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1 hour ago, Jax said:

Why anyone would support illegal immigration/invasion in the first place is beyond stupid.

Do these people feel that much better about themselves thinking they provided some type of humanitarian relief to these illegals? There was an old video on youtube about immigration gumballs from 1999. Let me grab link real quick...basically, there is so much poverty in the world that immigration is not the answer. You're not even helping those that come here illegally because if they're not exploited, they're probably not even lifting themselves up, they just suck off our resources and live as they did before.

I never understood why our borders aren't protected. This isn't about politics or being liberal or conservative and has zero to do with Trump other than he was at least willing to address the issue. This is about protecting our nation and it's citizens. The video talks about the need for a ton of new schools, roads and such but I always worried about the other affects. These people put a drain on our medical care, federal assistance, housing, social security, food supply and just an over all drain on all our resources. Now you can talk about the diseases they bring over, the gangs, violence, drugs, sexual assaults and a hatred for our country and it's people. These illegals even take away the funds and resources we use for our own homeless/mentally ill/jobless citizens that need it. They help divide a nation that's already being divided by politicians, media and activists.

Anyone that supports even legal immigration should study this video and understand every word.

Well for one thing it provides a larger democrat voting base.

Mind boggling I know, I can only think of one other explanation.

The simpleton liberal may believe letting illegals in is "right thing to do" in the name of humanitarian reasons, but there is the belief that the underlying reason led by globalists and progressives is the dream of one world government, or New World Order. The negatives you listed as a result of open borders is meaningless to them. 

Recall half of Europe opening its borders to Muslim refugees applauded by the likes of globalists George Soros and Obama, and the fierce opposition by the globalists to England leaving the European Union. Brexit.

The open borders agenda collaborates with the climate change agenda in achieving a one world government. As in climate change, the underlying and main objective is for the global redistribution of wealth.

This had been openly expressed by at least two IPCC officials:


The good thing is that a one world government won't happen in our lifetime, although in its infancy it still seems impossible to achieve anyway.






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inevitably, America is being railroaded into serious disaster.

Pushing our debt into disaster,

dramatic increase in violent crime - by illegals, of course.

and the cost of welfare for illegals (for their permanent dem votes) has


1 million illegals in 2021. way over ten million now???

the costs are enormous.

start carrying a ccw, folks - on vacation, fishing, hiking, picnicing, a lot of Americans will not

be safe at all.

yeah, woodpecker - those illegals who rape/torture/murder/etc are NOT HERE FOR A BETTER LIFE.

grow the hell up, wise the hell up. at least for one day - when you vote, if you actually do.


Skyrocketing Illegal Immigration Coupled With Gutting Interior Enforcement is a Recipe for Increased Crime


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