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After hearing the FACTS, Penny is a hero. Stop the political prosecution garbage.


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2 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

"He's not sub human, he's a violent piece of trash"

You made my point for me right there man


The systemic issue here isn't "liberals blah blah blah slap on the wrist". It isn't about locking up everyone forever that got driven to break some rule at some level. It's to address why they were at that point to begin with. Access to mental health. Our support system for those down on their luck. Our ability to provide shelter. Etc. 

I get that conservatives have a complete inability to think about issues through any other lens than how they directly affect them, but damn. 


At what point was his killing justified? Yelling threats? Is that when it's ok to hold someone in a chokehold for 15 minutes well passed the point when they've stopped responding? Just wondering here

The second he put other innocent peoples lives in danger.

He should have been locked up for 20+ just for kidnapping a 7 yr old girl.

These aren't petty rules they are breaking, maybe you forget what makes a society civil, it's laws. You can't redefine laws by calling them rules. Punching an old woman in the face and breaking her face isn't against the rules, it's against the law. That's not down on your luck, that's criminal. Don't try to mix actual help we try to provide for people who need it to people who are flat out criminals.

You didn't catch me in a glorified Woody gotcha moment, he's a piece of trash that violently assaults and kidnaps people. Let's lock him in a room with your kids and see if your sympathy changes. There's no help for these people and it's more humane to protect the people they victimize.

Liberal blah blah all you want but it's the truth, these liberal judges and DAs are setting criminals free to the point where more and more people get hurt. We need stricter punishment. If there's nothing in place to stop them from going down that road then so be it, but the answer is not to let them to continue hurting others.


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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Or, you know, potentially having a mental health crisis...

Or has three dudes on top of him, getting choked out, unable to breathe, and panicking 

How did the little 7 year old girl feel when he forcefully grabbed her and dragged her down a street to do who knows what to?

He's had plenty of victims and would have had plenty more, I feel bad the marine was left to defend everyone in such a way.

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59 minutes ago, Jax said:

The second he put other innocent peoples lives in danger.

He should have been locked up for 20+ just for kidnapping a 7 yr old girl.

These aren't petty rules they are breaking, maybe you forget what makes a society civil, it's laws. You can't redefine laws by calling them rules. Punching an old woman in the face and breaking her face isn't against the rules, it's against the law. That's not down on your luck, that's criminal. Don't try to mix actual help we try to provide for people who need it to people who are flat out criminals.

You didn't catch me in a glorified Woody gotcha moment, he's a piece of trash that violently assaults and kidnaps people. Let's lock him in a room with your kids and see if your sympathy changes. There's no help for these people and it's more humane to protect the people they victimize.

Liberal blah blah all you want but it's the truth, these liberal judges and DAs are setting criminals free to the point where more and more people get hurt. We need stricter punishment. If there's nothing in place to stop them from going down that road then so be it, but the answer is not to let them to continue hurting others.


He's a fuckin pedo and I stand by it..he has no moral compass,....

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On 5/17/2023 at 9:10 PM, MLD Woody said:

The races of both parties definitely isn't hurting the output of the media machine



Again, what exactly was he doing that deserved the death penalty?


Yelling and scaring people is a death sentence now. Southpark called it a long time ago. 

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22 hours ago, Jax said:

The second he put other innocent peoples lives in danger.

He should have been locked up for 20+ just for kidnapping a 7 yr old girl.

These aren't petty rules they are breaking, maybe you forget what makes a society civil, it's laws. You can't redefine laws by calling them rules. Punching an old woman in the face and breaking her face isn't against the rules, it's against the law. That's not down on your luck, that's criminal. Don't try to mix actual help we try to provide for people who need it to people who are flat out criminals.

You didn't catch me in a glorified Woody gotcha moment, he's a piece of trash that violently assaults and kidnaps people. Let's lock him in a room with your kids and see if your sympathy changes. There's no help for these people and it's more humane to protect the people they victimize.

Liberal blah blah all you want but it's the truth, these liberal judges and DAs are setting criminals free to the point where more and more people get hurt. We need stricter punishment. If there's nothing in place to stop them from going down that road then so be it, but the answer is not to let them to continue hurting others.


No no no, good to know when a lethal chokehold is allowed.

Gonna be a bloodbath at NFL games this year

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21 hours ago, nickers said:

He's a fuckin pedo and I stand by it..he has no moral compass,....

You know, there's an awful lot of projection coming from you about this pedo thing....


... it's sounding more and more like you're trying to cover something up

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41 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

You know, there's an awful lot of projection coming from you about this pedo thing....


... it's sounding more and more like you're trying to cover something up

I have nothing to cover or hide.. You on the other hand have some serious mental baggage.. here... I bequeath this to you!...




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53 minutes ago, nickers said:

I have nothing to cover or hide.. You on the other hand have some serious mental baggage.. here... I bequeath this to you!...




Yeah man, it's getting more obvious. 


Where did you first meet him? Church? T ball practice? Your grandkids school?

Kinda fucked up man

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1 hour ago, Jax said:

Yes, that's exactly how an intelligent person equates things.

There will be angry fans yelling threats at other fans. That's grounds to choke them out for 15 minutes, long after they stop moving. 

I'm just following your logic here 

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Just now, MLD Woody said:

Yeah man, it's getting more obvious. 


Where did you first meet him? Church? T ball practice? Your grandkids school?

Kinda fucked up man

You have issues soy boi... Seek professional help...

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6 minutes ago, nickers said:

You have issues soy boi... Seek professional help...

Look, man, you bring this up so often, in so many threads, I can only assume you're projecting. It's clear you've done something, and your conscience isn't clear. 


Idk if it was a family member or not, maybe just some random kid, but that's not ok. 

You really should get help. Turn yourself in. 

All of the anger in your posts, it really makes sense. You're angry at yourself. You know you're a pedophile and you hate that. 

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3 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

Look, man, you bring this up so often, in so many threads, I can only assume you're projecting. It's clear you've done something, and your conscience isn't clear. 


Idk if it was a family member or not, maybe just some random kid, but that's not ok. 

You really should get help. Turn yourself in. 

All of the anger in your posts, it really makes sense. You're angry at yourself. You know you're a pedophile and you hate that. 

Look in the mirror junior... You are a sick diseased lib.. You get so easily triggered... It's beyond hilarious.. You are free entertainment for the rest of us... We love watching you squirm... Go have a Bud Light on Dylan Mulvaney and chill bruh!

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14 hours ago, nickers said:

Look in the mirror junior... You are a sick diseased lib.. You get so easily triggered... It's beyond hilarious.. You are free entertainment for the rest of us... We love watching you squirm... Go have a Bud Light on Dylan Mulvaney and chill bruh!

I can't imagine someone has as little self awareness as you do. Or maybe you just have the memory of a goldfish? Or maybe you just really are THAT stupid. It truly is like you have no memory or understanding of what you post on here. I'm not sure how you dress yourself each day...

Either way, whatever kid you touched, I hope they get therapy and live a successful life. And if you're related to that kid, I hope they don't have to ever see you again. 

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12 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

and another thread gets screwed up with a leftie starting their garbage.

I know, I respond to it here and there, too.

Oh hey look, the other moron. Want to look back through these posts and see who took it off topic, champ?

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24 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

I can't imagine someone has as little self awareness as you do. Or maybe you just have the memory of a goldfish? Or maybe you just really are THAT stupid. It truly is like you have no memory or understanding of what you post on here. I'm not sure how you dress yourself each day...

Either way, whatever kid you touched, I hope they get therapy and live a successful life. And if you're related to that kid, I hope they don't have to ever see you again. 

Typical Lib never taking responsibility and always deflecting... You must be the one with something dark to hide... Your trying awfully hard at this... I know how to push your buttons.. I obviously struck a nerve or you wouldn't be trying so hard to deflect... First off.. I would NEVER touch another child... I have No Interest in them.. I like ADULT strong willed women who are independent and think on their own... Unlike you... Willing to pass the buck at every turn.. Grow up Jr and listen.. You might just learn something from us old dogs who have been there.. Your the one supporting Pedophelia..  And creepy Joe...

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

 Want to look back through these posts and see who took it off topic, champ?

YOU DID. I started a legit thread, on the second post, by you, you asked a typical stupid ass question without thinking to research yourself. It's how you try to change the subject.

and on the 7th post, YOUR POST, you completed the deflection:

"I get it though, this is the next culture war 15 minutes of game issue. Conservatives will rally around the white service man that "protected" folks from a black sub human. The media will spin this every which way and it'll be used as a campaign talking point (Desantis already in this... the man thinks he can win an election purely on culture war issues...)You've been told what to think and that's that. There's no deciding otherwise. What a patriot! "

so, shove it up your stupid beak.

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17 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

There will be angry fans yelling threats at other fans. That's grounds to choke them out for 15 minutes, long after they stop moving. 

I'm just following your logic here 

The fans will be angry? Ooh, way to make it sound scary. And threats? That's definitely grounds, you got me. Great analogy.

Totally the same thing. Not my logic or logic at all, but we'll go with it.


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On 5/20/2023 at 1:04 PM, nickers said:

Typical Lib never taking responsibility and always deflecting... You must be the one with something dark to hide... Your trying awfully hard at this... I know how to push your buttons.. I obviously struck a nerve or you wouldn't be trying so hard to deflect... First off.. I would NEVER touch another child... I have No Interest in them.. I like ADULT strong willed women who are independent and think on their own... Unlike you... Willing to pass the buck at every turn.. Grow up Jr and listen.. You might just learn something from us old dogs who have been there.. Your the one supporting Pedophelia..  And creepy Joe...

Yeah, calling me a pedo unprompted

Responding with these long defenses

Telling me you like women




You definitely touched kids. Sick 

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21 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

YOU DID. I started a legit thread, on the second post, by you, you asked a typical stupid ass question without thinking to research yourself. It's how you try to change the subject.

and on the 7th post, YOUR POST, you completed the deflection:

"I get it though, this is the next culture war 15 minutes of game issue. Conservatives will rally around the white service man that "protected" folks from a black sub human. The media will spin this every which way and it'll be used as a campaign talking point (Desantis already in this... the man thinks he can win an election purely on culture war issues...)You've been told what to think and that's that. There's no deciding otherwise. What a patriot! "

so, shove it up your stupid beak.

Aawweee poor baby read a post that he didn't agree with. 

I'm sorry I took you out of your safe space


And you think you're in the "strong men" grouping... Hahahaha

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Yeah, calling me a pedo unprompted

Responding with these long defenses

Telling me you like women




You definitely touched kids. Sick 

Keep trying hard snowflake...

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so, woodpecker, as usual you just want to fight people by quibbling over diversions.

your "takes" are just emotional contrarian bs.

have you EVER searched the internet for information on your stupid questions and "takes" ?

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