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After hearing the FACTS, Penny is a hero. Stop the political prosecution garbage.


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His lawyer was on tv this morning, explaining the FACTS. btw, the thug who died? has been violent in the past.

Several people on the train thanked Penny hugely for stopping the guy. Dirty corrupt political fake prosecutions are everywhere, and it seems they are originating nearly? every time - by the left.


'Mr. Penny is a hero': Kid Rock, Tim Pool, Vivek Ramaswamy top list of donors for former Marine Daniel Penny's legal defense against NYC manslaughter charge

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4 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Stopping him from doing what exactly?

well, antagonistic, ignorant birdboy - ( typical woodpecker - who never gives a damn about FACTS, and never LEARNS):

4 days agoIn February, Mr. Neely, who had been in jail on an assault charge for punching a 67-year-old woman and breaking several bones in her face, was released to a residential treatment program,...
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33 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

well, antagonistic, ignorant birdboy - ( typical woodpecker - who never gives a damn about FACTS, and never LEARNS):

4 days agoIn February, Mr. Neely, who had been in jail on an assault charge for punching a 67-year-old woman and breaking several bones in her face, was released to a residential treatment program,...

Don't exacerbate his brain with facts.... He'll go into and neuron and denndrite melt down...

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5 hours ago, Axe said:

Quit being so fucking ignorant..


1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

well, antagonistic, ignorant birdboy - ( typical woodpecker - who never gives a damn about FACTS, and never LEARNS):

4 days agoIn February, Mr. Neely, who had been in jail on an assault charge for punching a 67-year-old woman and breaking several bones in her face, was released to a residential treatment program,...

What was he doing to those people on the subway? What was the eminent threat?

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I get it though, this is the next culture war 15 minutes of game issue. 

Conservatives will rally around the white service man that "protected" folks from a black sub human. The media will spin this every which way and it'll be used as a campaign talking point (Desantis already in this... the man thinks he can win an election purely on culture war issues...)


You've been told what to think and that's that. There's no deciding otherwise. 


What a patriot! 

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11 minutes ago, Axe said:

If he were black, and the asshole were white. My response would be the same

Fuck off troll

The races of both parties definitely isn't hurting the output of the media machine



Again, what exactly was he doing that deserved the death penalty?

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

The races of both parties definitely isn't hurting the output of the media machine



Again, what exactly was he doing that deserved the death penalty?

The drivel you fabricate is erroneously ignorant.. You really believe your own made up bullshit... it's sad...

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12 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

The races of both parties definitely isn't hurting the output of the media machine



Again, what exactly was he doing that deserved the death penalty?

Actually, the media machine tried to paint him as some poor mentally ill guy that was down on his luck and only kindly asking for food. They tried to spin the truth so hard people like you can't keep up with the facts. He was terrorizing and threatening people on that train in which they couldn't even get away from him. At least 3 individuals felt the need to subdue him, one of them was black. Luckily no innocent person was harmed or killed while usually everyone just stands by.

No one served him a death penalty drama queen, though it didn't look good to go back and watch, it was an accident that he died. You go try and subdue a psycho who is threatening to kill people and let me know how easy it is. Even the charges they were forced to bring were manslaughter charges, not murder. Stop victimizing the criminals all the while blaming the true victims. Hard to do when all you want to do is prove how racist everything is no matter how baseless that is.

So again, if he wasn't behaving in a manner that was threatening, he wouldn't have brought this on himself.

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55 minutes ago, Jax said:

Actually, the media machine tried to paint him as some poor mentally ill guy that was down on his luck and only kindly asking for food. They tried to spin the truth so hard people like you can't keep up with the facts. He was terrorizing and threatening people on that train in which they couldn't even get away from him. At least 3 individuals felt the need to subdue him, one of them was black. Luckily no innocent person was harmed or killed while usually everyone just stands by.

No one served him a death penalty drama queen, though it didn't look good to go back and watch, it was an accident that he died. You go try and subdue a psycho who is threatening to kill people and let me know how easy it is. Even the charges they were forced to bring were manslaughter charges, not murder. Stop victimizing the criminals all the while blaming the true victims. Hard to do when all you want to do is prove how racist everything is no matter how baseless that is.

So again, if he wasn't behaving in a manner that was threatening, he wouldn't have brought this on himself.

Going through a mental health crisis and yelling about wanting food was threatening enough that him dying was justified? This guy accidentally held him in choke hold for 15 minutes? Give me a break. How does the trained Marine not know what he's doing here?


The spin clear, and it's not what you think it is. There are articles shared here where Neely's name isn't even mentioned. Just homeless, mentally ill, etc. 

It's easier to just blame every individual for homelessness and consider this death a justifiable way to take care of an inconvenience. Instead of instituting any systemic changes to actually address this issue. 


A mental episode with verbal threats justifies viking someone until they die because that someone is considered a sub class. Gotcha. 

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14 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

The races of both parties definitely isn't hurting the output of the media machine



Again, what exactly was he doing that deserved the death penalty?

Obviously something that caused not only the take down but two other people assisting.  It wasn't on the recording so only the witnesses know.

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Going through a mental health crisis and yelling about wanting food was threatening enough that him dying was justified? This guy accidentally held him in choke hold for 15 minutes? Give me a break. How does the trained Marine not know what he's doing here?


The spin clear, and it's not what you think it is. There are articles shared here where Neely's name isn't even mentioned. Just homeless, mentally ill, etc. 

It's easier to just blame every individual for homelessness and consider this death a justifiable way to take care of an inconvenience. Instead of instituting any systemic changes to actually address this issue. 


A mental episode with verbal threats justifies viking someone until they die because that someone is considered a sub class. Gotcha. 

God you are beyond help...

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

Going through a mental health crisis and yelling about wanting food was threatening enough that him dying was justified? This guy accidentally held him in choke hold for 15 minutes? Give me a break. How does the trained Marine not know what he's doing here?


The spin clear, and it's not what you think it is. There are articles shared here where Neely's name isn't even mentioned. Just homeless, mentally ill, etc. 

It's easier to just blame every individual for homelessness and consider this death a justifiable way to take care of an inconvenience. Instead of instituting any systemic changes to actually address this issue. 


A mental episode with verbal threats justifies viking someone until they die because that someone is considered a sub class. Gotcha. 

Marines arent given MMA training. They don't know anything about chokes and submissions. Trained marine is showing you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. 


Dude should have tapped. 

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3 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Going through a mental health crisis and yelling about wanting food was threatening enough that him dying was justified? This guy accidentally held him in choke hold for 15 minutes? Give me a break. How does the trained Marine not know what he's doing here?


The spin clear, and it's not what you think it is. There are articles shared here where Neely's name isn't even mentioned. Just homeless, mentally ill, etc. 

It's easier to just blame every individual for homelessness and consider this death a justifiable way to take care of an inconvenience. Instead of instituting any systemic changes to actually address this issue. 


A mental episode with verbal threats justifies viking someone until they die because that someone is considered a sub class. Gotcha. 

Again, he was threatening people, he wasn't merely asking for food as you've been lied to. Mental illness does not excuse being a threat. A real choke hold from someone trying to kill someone else takes less than a minute, not 15. That further proves he was just trying to control him, not hurt him.

You keep trying to twist this to fit a narrative that just isn't true. It's very tiring to quote everything made up detail you say. He's not a sub class, he's a violent piece of trash. The system you mention needing changed to address this issue is your liberal institute of slapping them on the wrists and turning them loose on an innocent society.

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2 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

Yep. It's pitiful. and very strange, birdwise.

I personally think he is a closet queer pedo...

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5 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

He wasn't "given the death penalty". He was subdued from terrorizing, threatening and harassing other passengers and was too dumb to know the universal sign for "ok I give up"


Or, you know, potentially having a mental health crisis...

Or has three dudes on top of him, getting choked out, unable to breathe, and panicking 

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5 hours ago, The Cysko Kid said:

Marines arent given MMA training. They don't know anything about chokes and submissions. Trained marine is showing you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. 


Dude should have tapped. 

The marine didn't know he was cutting off his air way and choking him?

My bad, I overestimated marine training then. 

The guy had stopped responding and the choke hold continued for minutes 

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3 hours ago, Jax said:

Again, he was threatening people, he wasn't merely asking for food as you've been lied to. Mental illness does not excuse being a threat. A real choke hold from someone trying to kill someone else takes less than a minute, not 15. That further proves he was just trying to control him, not hurt him.

You keep trying to twist this to fit a narrative that just isn't true. It's very tiring to quote everything made up detail you say. He's not a sub class, he's a violent piece of trash. The system you mention needing changed to address this issue is your liberal institute of slapping them on the wrists and turning them loose on an innocent society.

"He's not sub human, he's a violent piece of trash"

You made my point for me right there man


The systemic issue here isn't "liberals blah blah blah slap on the wrist". It isn't about locking up everyone forever that got driven to break some rule at some level. It's to address why they were at that point to begin with. Access to mental health. Our support system for those down on their luck. Our ability to provide shelter. Etc. 

I get that conservatives have a complete inability to think about issues through any other lens than how they directly affect them, but damn. 


At what point was his killing justified? Yelling threats? Is that when it's ok to hold someone in a chokehold for 15 minutes well passed the point when they've stopped responding? Just wondering here

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3 hours ago, nickers said:

I personally think he is a closet queer pedo...

I just want you to know, you are one of the most sad and pathetic elderly men I've ever heard of. Whatever happened to you in your life to lead to you being so incredibly ignorant and immature, even in your advanced age, I need to make sure I avoid. I mean, a lot of the guys on here are stupid, but you take it to a new level. Imagine being so pathetic and weak that you call someone a "queer pedo" because they disagree with you. And you're an "adult". You're single handedly holding back society. Congrats. I hope your kids didn't take after you at all. 

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woodpecker sissy bird:

   Instead of asking stupid questions, go research some FACTS for the first time since you have been flocking around on this forum.

    Have your nanny show you how to use your browser and do a search. Takes a few seconds.

My opinion is, you should be quarantined on this forum because you are always spewing crap out of your beak.

Oral bird flu I suppose.

Apr 10, 2023Avian influenza or bird flu refers to the disease caused by infection with avian (bird) influenza (flu) Type A viruses. These viruses naturally spread among wild aquatic birds worldwide and can infect domestic poultry and other bird and animal species. Bird flu viruses do not normally infect humans.
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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

I just want you to know, you are one of the most sad and pathetic elderly men I've ever heard of. Whatever happened to you in your life to lead to you being so incredibly ignorant and immature, even in your advanced age, I need to make sure I avoid. I mean, a lot of the guys on here are stupid, but you take it to a new level. Imagine being so pathetic and weak that you call someone a "queer pedo" because they disagree with you. And you're an "adult". You're single handedly holding back society. Congrats. I hope your kids didn't take after you at all. 

Awww cat got your tongue faggot? again... you resort to Judeo-Bolslshevik name calling..Prove me wrong commie?

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