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HISTORIC 'TITLE' WAVE Biden admin's stark warning to Americans as elimination of migrant rule unleashes chaos


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only a matter of time before these dirtbags ban English, confiscate all small and large farms in America ...due to "global warming".....


The next rep president, if we are ever to have fair elections again, will have to create

a new dept - an anti-central american hispanic gang elimination force. 2024 may be too late.

And you should consider seriously getting some professional "gun control" training.

How to control using it or not in deadly situations, how to control the trigger, how to control carrying it and using it safety, how to

control who has access to your guns in your home and car. even you camper or your tent. that kind of control.

How to control keeping it concealed. How to control what you wear - (explanation, I never wear a pro-gun etc hat or shirt when carrying.)

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3 hours ago, FairHooker11 said:

food for thought - OH Bull$HIt

how do the resident commies feel about the hypocrisy here? 


everybody see now? they WANT us to be flooded with destitute illegals.

why? sure seems like they want all hell to break loose so they can declare a national emergency and bypass our Constitution/Bill of Rights to me.


simply have a few million welfare families on board to always vote for dems for their survival.

either way, we are being sold out.

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