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Trump EVISCERATES nasty CNN Host Kaitlan Collins. Entire crowd laughs at her during live broadcast!!!

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

Sure, but what about Biden? I'm not talking about Biden, so don't try and change the subject. You don't swim in De-Nile, but you sure swim in some alternate reality.   

sad. you hit the booze on Memorial Day, I guess. You changed the subject badly. Did mjp run to you and cry because he said Pres Trump lied about Jan 6th, and he ran and hid? He can't back up what he said, he won't admit it. Like you can't admit you lost when I posted all the GOOD/GREAT things Pres Trump accomplished FOR AMERICA, and I challenged you to make a list of the good/great things your obaMao commie and bimbo biden have ever done for America.

  All your gaslighting bitching isn't entertaining. It's ignorant. You LOST that challenge and you are angry. I sneeze in your direction.

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1 hour ago, hoorta said:

And you can't deprogram cultists who populate this forum either FY. 

Haha. Same tired old "cultists" rhetoric, what a shocker. No cultists here. Using "cultists' to mask your TDS. .You are persistent in telling yourself we are cultists because it helps you to either deny or validate your TDS. I know how you people think.



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On 5/22/2023 at 8:35 PM, nickers said:

Stay brainwashed Commie

That dose of reality hurt your feelings Nickers?  DJT owes Carrol $5 million. Boo-hoo.  With more coming. Carrol may, or may not have that dress, but maybe you should get it through your thick skull Trump didn't want to produce a DNA sample, which pretty much would have nailed him as guilty. 

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20 minutes ago, hoorta said:

That dose of reality hurt your feelings Nickers?  DJT owes Carrol $5 million. Boo-hoo.  With more coming. Carrol may, or may not have that dress, but maybe you should get it through your thick skull Trump didn't want to produce a DNA sample, which pretty much would have nailed him as guilty. 

Carrol was a paid actor... Jesus Christ look at her Lar??.. They twisted and bent rules and she gave false testimony... Why did the Ccunt wait 30 fucking years?... Not buying your garbage Larry.. She lied... She's gonna owe Trump in the end... Just watch... You must be hitting the sauce extra hard lol... Look how Stormy Daniels turned out... Shes gotta pay Trump.. E.Jean coon head will follow suit... Mark my words... The piece of garbage said "Rape is Sexy" And she "Liked the apprentice"... Her own words... She belongs in a mental ward..

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On 5/25/2023 at 5:11 AM, Westside Steve said:

Actually Larry the country got lucky. Our luck ran out where the Chinese fucked something up and foisted a pandemic upon the world. Then then you liberals took the opportunity to crush the economy by overreaction.

And that was a watershed for a downturn and so much of what we considered American society. But when you sober up dry consider that that's the important thing. Whether Donald Trump is burned at the stake, Joe Biden is crowd emperor or the United States falls under one party rule or whatever you're asking for. I would say every one of the conservatives on this board would prefer someone else than Donald Trump. The fact that you and the other liberals can't grasp that truth is the reason, or at least one of them, the things are more fucked up today and they were 5 years ago. And unfortunately there's no indication for an upturn. Just unacceptance of the misery we've become accustomed to


Gee thanks Steve, you'd have a hard time making me believe that's 100% true.  However- there's still a few cultists hanging around who would rather have a malignant narcissist pathological lying goober who thinks he can declassify documents just by thinking about it as a better choice than a senile old guy. And I don't know how many times I have to say it, I'm not on the Biden train, but I'd vote for Joe the trash collector before I'd vote for Trump.  

Pandemic did you say? Like swill bleach, shove a UV light up your ass, or try horse dewormer? Gonna be gone by Easter. Mr. Dunning Krueger on full display. Blame Fauci too you cultists.

I really hope you've come to the realization that 1\6 was a riot instigated by DJT in an attempt to stop the certification of electoral votes. While he sat on his fat ass watching on tv chaos he instigated for three hours- while friends and family begged him to call off the cult.  BTW his cultist minions are heading to the federal slammer by boatloads, in case you missed that little detail. 

Steve, Steve, Steve. It's not a question of if, just a question of when- Jack's going to bring a truckload of charges against the Mango Messiah for illegal possession of classified material. Shit, Donnie can't even keep his fat mouth shut and even admits he had them. then obstructs an investigation on top of it. Oh, his "not so" perfect phone call to Brad is going to get a few charges levelled down Georgia way before football season starts. Care to bet me against that? 

So how are things more fucked up Steve? Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? The Chinese tried that 1,000 years ago, and it doesn't work. Throw ropes over it, tunnel under it, or blow a hole through it with a truckload of ammonium nitrate. Or how about his great I'm going to replace Obamacare with something better? Or his great infrastructure plan?

You don't get something for nothing- and cutting taxes = infrastructure is going to go to hell.   


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22 minutes ago, nickers said:

Carrol was a paid actor... Jesus Christ look at her Lar??.. They twisted and bent rules and she gave false testimony... Why did the Ccunt wait 30 fucking years?... Not buying your garbage Larry.. She lied... She's gonna owe Trump in the end... Just watch... You must be hitting the sauce extra hard lol... Look how Stormy Daniels turned out... Shes gotta pay Trump.. E.Jean coon head will follow suit... Mark my words... The piece of garbage said "Rape is Sexy" And she "Liked the apprentice"... Her own words... She belongs in a mental ward..

I'll grant you that one... Can we talk about Trump U, or a few other things?  

False testimony? Apparently a jury believed her.... and if you you think DJT hanging with Epstein was all just ogling's, (or a 1\6 dozen other women saying he's a sexual predator) get a grip. Trump's going to owe a lot of folks a lot of money- assuming he's not in jail, or more likely permanent house arrest. No golf for you pal. 

You want this guy as the next president? Yes or no? 

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8 hours ago, FY56 said:

Haha. Same tired old "cultists" rhetoric, what a shocker. No cultists here. Using "cultists' to mask your TDS. .You are persistent in telling yourself we are cultists because it helps you to either deny or validate your TDS. I know how you people think.


Dream on FY- and I know how you people think. Plenty of Red State, Newsmax, Epoch Times and other crap to fill your brains with conspiracy garbage. I just like to keep tabs on a certified loony who's living in some alternate reality. FYI, that's not TDS. Yep, Trump is deranged fer certain, and getting more deranged by the week, knowing his bullshit isn't flying anymore with federal investigators. Sort of amusing, if it wasn't so f**king dangerous for the future of democracy in America. Shit, that certified loony is still claiming the 2020 election was rigged. :( 

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16 minutes ago, hoorta said:

Dream on FY- and I know how you people think. Plenty of Red State, Newsmax, Epoch Times and other crap to fill your brains with conspiracy garbage. I just like to keep tabs on a certified loony who's living in some alternate reality. FYI, that's not TDS. Yep, Trump is deranged fer certain, and getting more deranged by the week, knowing his bullshit isn't flying anymore with federal investigators. Sort of amusing, if it wasn't so f**king dangerous for the future of democracy in America. Shit, that certified loony is still claiming the 2020 election was rigged. :( 

Dream? One does not dream about those sorts of things. Your TDS is real. You just proved it again. You fill your head with your own garbage.

No "cultist" rhetoric this time"?

Woody thinks DeSantis is worse than Trump. What do you think?

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56 minutes ago, hoorta said:

I'll grant you that one... Can we talk about Trump U, or a few other things?  

False testimony? Apparently a jury believed her.... and if you you think DJT hanging with Epstein was all just ogling's, (or a 1\6 dozen other women saying he's a sexual predator) get a grip. Trump's going to owe a lot of folks a lot of money- assuming he's not in jail, or more likely permanent house arrest. No golf for you pal. 

You want this guy as the next president? Yes or no? 

HAHA. Wants to regurgitate Trump U again.

If Trump is the nominee yes of course. There is no other choice, his opponent will be a demonrat.

Your TDS obstructs your ability to reason. Did Trump ever engage in sexual misconduct as president? Yes or no?

Ok then, he's good for another 4.

But you'd rather vote for a complete asshole demonrat. Hasn't Biden done enough damage for you?

Unlike Trump, Biden engaged in sexual misconduct as a public servant, but you never heard of these cases because the media from where you get your garbage won't touch it.

All the Times Biden Was Accused of Behaving Inappropriately With Women (businessinsider.com)


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5 hours ago, hoorta said:

Gee thanks Steve, you'd have a hard time making me believe that's 100% true.  However- there's still a few cultists hanging around who would rather have a malignant narcissist pathological lying goober who thinks he can declassify documents just by thinking about it as a better choice than a senile old guy. And I don't know how many times I have to say it, I'm not on the Biden train, but I'd vote for Joe the trash collector before I'd vote for Trump.  

Pandemic did you say? Like swill bleach, shove a UV light up your ass, or try horse dewormer? Gonna be gone by Easter. Mr. Dunning Krueger on full display. Blame Fauci too you cultists.

I really hope you've come to the realization that 1\6 was a riot instigated by DJT in an attempt to stop the certification of electoral votes. While he sat on his fat ass watching on tv chaos he instigated for three hours- while friends and family begged him to call off the cult.  BTW his cultist minions are heading to the federal slammer by boatloads, in case you missed that little detail. 

Steve, Steve, Steve. It's not a question of if, just a question of when- Jack's going to bring a truckload of charges against the Mango Messiah for illegal possession of classified material. Shit, Donnie can't even keep his fat mouth shut and even admits he had them. then obstructs an investigation on top of it. Oh, his "not so" perfect phone call to Brad is going to get a few charges levelled down Georgia way before football season starts. Care to bet me against that? 

So how are things more fucked up Steve? Build a wall and have Mexico pay for it? The Chinese tried that 1,000 years ago, and it doesn't work. Throw ropes over it, tunnel under it, or blow a hole through it with a truckload of ammonium nitrate. Or how about his great I'm going to replace Obamacare with something better? Or his great infrastructure plan?

You don't get something for nothing- and cutting taxes = infrastructure is going to go to hell.   


The cult here is a hatred of ex-president Trump. It is absolutely the most ridiculous cult present on this board. Nobody here loves Donald Trump more than you hate him. Nobody here is willing to sacrifice the good of the country in order to support him. We see what's happened under the guy you selected. We've also seen your ridiculous support of an actual brain damaged idiot in John Fetterman because his eminently more qualified and smarter opponent was supported by Donald trump. That in itself is crazy. But as far as the economy no, your guy is not solely responsible for inflation but he deserves a big chunk of it. I know you have tunnel vision but remember when President Trump wanted to give more money as a stimulus I was against that. So are the Democrats at the time until it was time for Joe Biden to start bribing people. As far as the infrastructure every party wants infrastructure and the other party doesn't want them to achieve it. By the way the plan that Biden got is obviously a slush fund. Look at it again and pretend it was Trump's bill. Then they switch hats after the election. It's not that hard to follow and it's not that hard to understand. Kind of like military and border issues. Those change depending on who's sitting in the oval office.

And I'm perfectly able to rationally discuss any promises or claims that didn't come true. No we didn't build the border wall. You guys opposed it tooth and nail the entire way but even so I never thought that it was the best way to control the border. Is it better than your solution? Absolutely. I doubt his favorite book is the bible. But those are after the fact bullshit.

As far as the documents don't be ridiculous. You can call it what aboutism but it is completely obvious that every president has done the same thing and it really is a meaningless charge. No other president had their home rated. They should have. If Trump should have. Simple persecution and it's disgusting that you supported. It's disgusting that you support the lies and the malfeasance of the FBI. They really are supposed to be looking out for us not a political tool of the Democrat party. But we all know that. You know that. Not only the FBI but the CIA the justice department and the entire American justice system which has been corrupted and turned into a political weapon. No idea who will read or understand or care because it's obvious that you people are more interested in ridiculous things like mango Messiah or Screaming Cheetos or Screaming Maga is all you have and you're unable of rational thought when it comes to the problems that face the United States of America. But feel free to squander your political discussion Time by obsessing over trump. Some guys do it over Obama.


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6 hours ago, hoorta said:

I'll grant you that one... Can we talk about Trump U, or a few other things?  

False testimony? Apparently a jury believed her.... and if you you think DJT hanging with Epstein was all just ogling's, (or a 1\6 dozen other women saying he's a sexual predator) get a grip. Trump's going to owe a lot of folks a lot of money- assuming he's not in jail, or more likely permanent house arrest. No golf for you pal. 

You want this guy as the next president? Yes or no? 

Hell yeah... The clown who was installed in 2020 is being told what to do by King Barry.. the DeFacto President.. The race baitor,Liar and Pedophile in chief...

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10 hours ago, hoorta said:

Pandemic did you say?

Great talking point Larry, let’s discuss the Pandemic.

Under Trump, there were 400,000 Covid related deaths while he was President.

Now let’s take a look at the body count of your sane yet Senile choice for Prez.

That’s nearly double the death toll Larry, and that count was last updated in January 2023.

Maybe if your choice for President was more focused on helping the American public, instead of being preoccupied on hiring non Caucasian and non dick bearing individuals for government positions, maybe he could’ve improved on those numbers? 🤔



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