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SO.....about "gun control"

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so, all week, I admit, I was nervous about my eye appt today. For some extremely tiny reason, I had to have an eye injection of medicine.

  It's actually common - but not to me - I was pretty apprehensive. That is a nice word for "extremely nervous". Truth is, they give you numbing drops of medicine in your eye, the dr came in and did something, I found out he gave me a novacaine shot in my eye, and then he came back in and my eye was painlessly harpooned with medication. I hardly knew he was doing it - a very, very slight weird feeling. a minuscule bit of faint pressure for about almost two seconds, done.

  So, I still have two eyeballs, a little sensitive when I open it.  My Wife took us out to our favorite steakhouse -we had ribeye. Me, with one eye. lol

  the political point you wonder ? 13,000 Americans died from heroin overdose in America.

  Did the needles do it? Should they ban all needles in our country? Has anyone seen a needle running about killing people?

NOPE. But the left sees only a political win with only using the same fake outrage again and again etc etc, about guns and mostly conservative gun owners.

Needles do so much wonderful good for all of us. But they are used by people - a minority of times- for illegal means.

   Heart-breaking as murders with guns are - the left only talks gun control for in-our-faces political attacks.

See, tragically and repulsively, via mass murders, 225 deaths have occurred, per this report -(it's CNN so lib haters can't change the subject to source hate) - and 725 have been injured.

  But the left ONLY pretends to care about the 225 victims who tragically lost their lives.

13,000 is so many more than 225.

Every heard any ONE of the fake gun control freaks demand that all needles be banned? or "only hypodermic needles" kill people?

That is my point.

Meanwhile, I fell asleep in two minutes in front of the TV, and am typing with one eye closed for comfort.

I need a Barq's or Frostie root  beer....



In 2020, heroin-involved overdose death rates decreased nearly 7% from 2019 to 2020. However, more than 13,000 people died from a drug overdose involving heroin in the United States, a rate of more than four deaths for every 100,000 Americans. The number of heroin-involved overdose deaths was nearly seven times higher in 2020 than in 1999.
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6 minutes ago, Neo said:

In the needles defense,  it doesn't fire 5.56 rounds.......

neither does a .22 AR-15. Neither does a 223 AR-15. Try to post a legit response.

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31 minutes ago, Axe said:

An AR does not dispense Heroin using your logic.


31 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

neither does a .22 AR-15. Neither does a 223 AR-15. Try to post a legit response.

If you want to talk about "gun control" then how about keeping the topic OF gun control about guns. How about we start with that? Not needles, not hammers, not knives.

The effective range of an Ar-15 is about 500 yards. Let me know when you can kill someone from 500 yards away with a hammer.

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On the air at the moment... be with ya in a minute..

Monday shows are a bitch..


Your words

"In the needles defense,  it doesn't fire 5.56 rounds....... "


In an AR's defense, it doesn't fire heroin.


Your misguided words again

"The effective range of an Ar-15 is about 500 yards. Let me know when you can kill someone from 500 yards away with a hammer."

The effective range of a syringe is.. well zero...


Ya catching on yet Gomer?


Probably not..


People that want to disarm societies should probably research societies that have been disarmed..




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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

neither does a .22 AR-15. Neither does a 223 AR-15. Try to post a legit response.

From what I can gather, the effective range of a 22LR is about 150 yards. Again, if you can kill someone standing 150 yards away with a needle or a knife, or have some evidence of someone throwing a hammer 150 yards and killing somebody,  let me know. I'll wait.

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1 hour ago, Neo said:

From what I can gather, the effective range of a 22LR is about 150 yards. Again, if you can kill someone standing 150 yards away with a needle or a knife, or have some evidence of someone throwing a hammer 150 yards and killing somebody,  let me know. I'll wait.

The attacks of September 11, 2001, changed America in fundamental and profound ways, President Joe Biden said at the Pentagon ceremony marking the attacks that killed 2,977 innocent men, women and children in New York City, Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon.Sep 11, 2022
Not one shot fired from an AR-15...

On the morning of April 19, 1995, an ex-Army soldier and security guard named Timothy McVeigh parked a rented Ryder truck in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City.

He was about to commit mass murder.

Inside the vehicle was a powerful bomb made out of a deadly cocktail of agricultural fertilizer, diesel fuel, and other chemicals. McVeigh got out, locked the door, and headed towards his getaway car. He ignited one timed fuse, then another.

At precisely 9:02 a.m., the bomb exploded.

Not one shot fired from an AR-15...


Apr 15, 2023Three people were killed and more than 260 were injured when two pressure-cooker bombs went off at the marathon finish line.

Not one shot fired from an AR-15...


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1 minute ago, Vambo said:
The attacks of September 11, 2001, changed America in fundamental and profound ways, President Joe Biden said at the Pentagon ceremony marking the attacks that killed 2,977 innocent men, women and children in New York City, Shanksville, Pennsylvania, and the Pentagon.Sep 11, 2022
Not one shot fired from an AR-15...

On the morning of April 19, 1995, an ex-Army soldier and security guard named Timothy McVeigh parked a rented Ryder truck in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City.

He was about to commit mass murder.

Inside the vehicle was a powerful bomb made out of a deadly cocktail of agricultural fertilizer, diesel fuel, and other chemicals. McVeigh got out, locked the door, and headed towards his getaway car. He ignited one timed fuse, then another.

At precisely 9:02 a.m., the bomb exploded.

Not one shot fired from an AR-15...


Apr 15, 2023Three people were killed and more than 260 were injured when two pressure-cooker bombs went off at the marathon finish line.

Not one shot fired from an AR-15...



No No No... We have to ban fertilizer and diesel fuel... Great post btw...

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I love how you guys want to talk about gun control but you start talking about bombs, forks, knives, needles, toothpicks. You also never suggest any solutions, you just have memes and jokes. I don't know why you even bring up gun control🤷‍♂️

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25 minutes ago, nickers said:

No No No... We have to ban fertilizer and diesel fuel... Great post btw...

Does every so called "conservative" on here have A.D.D.? I think Nickers already admitted to having brain damage.

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5 minutes ago, Neo said:

I love how you guys want to talk about gun control but you start talking about bombs, forks, knives, needles, toothpicks. You also never suggest any solutions, you just have memes and jokes. I don't know why you even bring up gun control🤷‍♂️

you happily miss the point. You don't give a damn about 13,000 deaths by injecting heroine, but you pretend to "care" only for "gotcha haha" political reasons - about mass murders.

   It's a farce how you arguers against our 2nd Amendment work.

Meanwhile, the dirty fbi withheld information about how many lives were saved USING GUNS.

Mar 20, 2023The FBI says the rate of active shooting incidents ended by good guys with guns is 4.4% over the years. Mr. Lott says it's 34.4%. The FBI's conclusions are widely cited, particularly as new shootings revive old debates about gun control and whether more access to weapons is safer or more dangerous.
Aug 10, 2022August 10, 2022 Instances in which armed civilians thwart active shooters are not nearly as rare as the FBI and news outlets that use their numbers suggest. Official FBI statistics report that only 4.5% of such incidents (11 of the 252) were stopped by armed civilians during the period
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7 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

you happily miss the point. You don't give a damn about 13,000 deaths by injecting heroine, but you pretend to "care


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3 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

so, all week, I admit, I was nervous about my eye appt today. For some extremely tiny reason, I had to have an eye injection of medicine.

  It's actually common - but not to me - I was pretty apprehensive. That is a nice word for "extremely nervous". Truth is, they give you numbing drops of medicine in your eye, the dr came in and did something, I found out he gave me a novacaine shot in my eye, and then he came back in and my eye was painlessly harpooned with medication. I hardly knew he was doing it - a very, very slight weird feeling. a minuscule bit of faint pressure for about almost two seconds, done.

  So, I still have two eyeballs, a little sensitive when I open it.  My Wife took us out to our favorite steakhouse -we had ribeye. Me, with one eye. lol

  the political point you wonder ? 13,000 Americans died from heroin overdose in America.

  Did the needles do it? Should they ban all needles in our country? Has anyone seen a needle running about killing people?

NOPE. But the left sees only a political win with only using the same fake outrage again and again etc etc, about guns and mostly conservative gun owners.

Needles do so much wonderful good for all of us. But they are used by people - a minority of times- for illegal means.

   Heart-breaking as murders with guns are - the left only talks gun control for in-our-faces political attacks.

See, tragically and repulsively, via mass murders, 225 deaths have occurred, per this report -(it's CNN so lib haters can't change the subject to source hate) - and 725 have been injured.

  But the left ONLY pretends to care about the 225 victims who tragically lost their lives.

13,000 is so many more than 225.

Every heard any ONE of the fake gun control freaks demand that all needles be banned? or "only hypodermic needles" kill people?

That is my point.

Meanwhile, I fell asleep in two minutes in front of the TV, and am typing with one eye closed for comfort.

I need a Barq's or Frostie root  beer....



In 2020, heroin-involved overdose death rates decreased nearly 7% from 2019 to 2020. However, more than 13,000 people died from a drug overdose involving heroin in the United States, a rate of more than four deaths for every 100,000 Americans. The number of heroin-involved overdose deaths was nearly seven times higher in 2020 than in 1999.


You're a fuckin' dork.

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Just now, Neo said:


No, I started a thread about the flagrant, doofus hypocrisy of you all, in whining, and bitching about the 235 tragically murdered people in mass shootings, but you couldn't care less about 13,000 dead because of heroin (injection) overdoses.

   "See the deaths? we have to DO SOMETHING (but only about guns in a political way).

man up and admit it - you feel 235 is more than 13000.

Or, quit trying to divert from the truth in the op with facetious successive fake bitchings.

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2 minutes ago, Neo said:

You're a fuckin' dork.

the truth isn't intended to make you call names - and be "triggered".

The truth is to sincerely show the sick political fake outrage over "gun control".

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4 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

so, all week, I admit, I was nervous about my eye appt today. For some extremely tiny reason, I had to have an eye injection of medicine.

  It's actually common - but not to me - I was pretty apprehensive. That is a nice word for "extremely nervous". Truth is, they give you numbing drops of medicine in your eye, the dr came in and did something, I found out he gave me a novacaine shot in my eye, and then he came back in and my eye was painlessly harpooned with medication. I hardly knew he was doing it - a very, very slight weird feeling. a minuscule bit of faint pressure for about almost two seconds, done.

  So, I still have two eyeballs, a little sensitive when I open it.  My Wife took us out to our favorite steakhouse -we had ribeye. Me, with one eye. lol

  the political point you wonder ? 13,000 Americans died from heroin overdose in America.

  Did the needles do it? Should they ban all needles in our country? Has anyone seen a needle running about killing people?

NOPE. But the left sees only a political win with only using the same fake outrage again and again etc etc, about guns and mostly conservative gun owners.

Needles do so much wonderful good for all of us. But they are used by people - a minority of times- for illegal means.

   Heart-breaking as murders with guns are - the left only talks gun control for in-our-faces political attacks.

See, tragically and repulsively, via mass murders, 225 deaths have occurred, per this report -(it's CNN so lib haters can't change the subject to source hate) - and 725 have been injured.

  But the left ONLY pretends to care about the 225 victims who tragically lost their lives.

13,000 is so many more than 225.

Every heard any ONE of the fake gun control freaks demand that all needles be banned? or "only hypodermic needles" kill people?

That is my point.

Meanwhile, I fell asleep in two minutes in front of the TV, and am typing with one eye closed for comfort.

I need a Barq's or Frostie root  beer....



In 2020, heroin-involved overdose death rates decreased nearly 7% from 2019 to 2020. However, more than 13,000 people died from a drug overdose involving heroin in the United States, a rate of more than four deaths for every 100,000 Americans. The number of heroin-involved overdose deaths was nearly seven times higher in 2020 than in 1999.

so, lest the op gets lost in attempts to divert attention away from the truth, here's my op.

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37 minutes ago, Neo said:

I love how you guys want to talk about gun control but you start talking about bombs, forks, knives, needles, toothpicks. You also never suggest any solutions, you just have memes and jokes. I don't know why you even bring up gun control🤷‍♂️

Enforce the laws already on the books and actually prosecute and jail the shooters...murder is already illegal, get rid of Soros corrupt DA s and Judges...doing this will probably cut gun deaths in half.

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7 hours ago, Neo said:

Does every so called "conservative" on here have A.D.D.? I think Nickers already admitted to having brain damage.

Let me know how you fair after having a stroke and your ass getting kicked by diabetes plus cancer everyday you nazi shmuck!... Now go fuck off!

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8 hours ago, Neo said:

Does every so called "conservative" on here have A.D.D.? I think Nickers already admitted to having brain damage.

so, ...name calling....personal insults, the woodpecker way.

you can't handle the truth...you can't handle knowing it's a valid point about the fake "gun control" hypocrisy that every one else can see.

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8 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

No, I started a thread about the flagrant, doofus hypocrisy of you all, in whining, and bitching about the 235 tragically murdered people in mass shootings, but you couldn't care less about 13,000 dead because of heroin (injection) overdoses.

   "See the deaths? we have to DO SOMETHING (but only about guns in a political way).

man up and admit it - you feel 235 is more than 13000.

Or, quit trying to divert from the truth in the op with facetious successive fake bitchings.

Clue this idiot in Cal.. Its Democrats that are DOING ALL OF THE KILLING! We should ban Democrats from owning guns...

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8 hours ago, calfoxwc said:

the truth isn't intended to make you call names - and be "triggered".

The truth is to sincerely show the sick political fake outrage over "gun control".

Hes doing the bullshit Judeo-Bolshevik name calling bit when he can't win the argument/debate...

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20 minutes ago, nickers said:

Hes doing the bullshit Judeo-Bolshevik name calling bit when he can't win the argument/debate...

YEP. It's sad - and it seems there are so many of them - all leftwing anti-everything just to get a good feeling about themselves.

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1 hour ago, calfoxwc said:

YEP. It's sad - and it seems there are so many of them - all leftwing anti-everything just to get a good feeling about themselves.

Sounds like an inner low self esteem issue lingering inside...

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3 hours ago, nickers said:

Sounds like an inner low self esteem issue lingering inside...

seems so, that is why I brought up "self-actualization" in the past....

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

The ignorance on this board continues to hit new levels. 

At this point I don't think one of your own loved ones dying to gun violence would change your mind. Sad. 

The ignorant calling others ignorant... Jesus... The dr who helped birth you must've dropped you head first after he swatted your bottom..

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