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'TRANSABLED' People are choosing to identify as handicapped in troubling societal trend


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9 hours ago, nickers said:

We need them now , more than ever!

they will be more likely to be filled up with the illegals mexico is dumping on us to pay to take care of.

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22 hours ago, Vambo said:

so what is helping spawn this mentally ill subculture?

it seems that so many of the warped identity problems result from FEELING left out - not getting attention that social media provides.

so they will do anything to get it. It's sick.

seems to be a breakdown in the family and anti-scoial behavior for whatever sick reasons.

I suppose some of the mentally ill desire to be famout for shooting up a group of inncent people - and some want to be famous for scaring a bunch of people.

   Worshipping emotions like a "god" is messed up.


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7 hours ago, Vambo said:


This Dr. is spot on.. I've been legally blind in my left eye since I was 3, and profoundly hearing impaired most of my life... I never asked for or wanted special treatment from anybody.. I never asked for free shit... I always worked hard and never cheated on the job using drugs or drinking while on the clock.. I always kept my personal recreational activities at home.. Yes I'm a pot smoker because its the only thing that helps me deal with chronic migraines and constant nausea brought on by diabetes and seizures... Kudos to this Dr. for telling it like it is.. She said exactly what I think and how I feel... You free shit loving Dem-ASSES can go pound salt!!.. Your voting democrat is killing your American Brothers and Sisters... You have blood on your hands... Fuck all of you ass kissing Dem-ASSES!

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