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Tucker out because he talked about importance of prayer....and the evilness besetting America


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Tucker Carlson ousted at Fox over speech stressing the importance of prayer and the evil nature of the forces besetting America, claims insider

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In the message, sent to one of his producers in the hours after violent Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Mr. Carlson described how he had recently watched a video of a group of men — Trump supporters, he said — violently attacking “an Antifa kid.”

It was “three against one, at least,” he wrote.

And then he expressed a sense of dismay that the attackers, like him, were white.

“Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously,” he wrote.

“It’s not how white men fight,” he said. But he said he found himself for a moment wanting the group to kill the person he had described as the Antifa kid.

Tucker Carlson’s Text That Alarmed Fox: ‘It’s Not How White Men Fight’ - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

#1 in cable "news" TV rating, until recently. Conservatives sure do love him. 

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These evil fucks are going out of their way to destroy anything and anyone who does not comply with their sick,evil agenda.. More and more it's looking like we have to "Take matters into our own hands" Because obviously the government on both sides hates us and yes I mean republicans as well.. I'm at the point I feel like a man without a party, I can trust.. The Repubs are disappointing because they are spineless wimps letting other spineless wimps (Dem asses) control the narrative. The feeling I get is they're both out to get Trump,Carlson or anyone else that disagrees with them.. But that said.. If Trump or DeSantis are the nominee... They are getting my vote... I will never vote Dem again unless they drop this"WOKE" agenda and ideology.. And go back to the More Kennedy type Dem I used to support. I don't think all Socialism is entirely bad.. At least some parts of it that could be mainstreamed to help those who really need the help..However... I'm a firm believer in capitalism.. You put in the work.. You keep what you earn...

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1 hour ago, nickers said:

These evil fucks are going out of their way to destroy anything and anyone who does not comply with their sick,evil agenda.. More and more it's looking like we have to "Take matters into our own hands" Because obviously the government on both sides hates us and yes I mean republicans as well.. I'm at the point I feel like a man without a party, I can trust.. The Repubs are disappointing because they are spineless wimps letting other spineless wimps (Dem asses) control the narrative. The feeling I get is they're both out to get Trump,Carlson or anyone else that disagrees with them.. But that said.. If Trump or DeSantis are the nominee... They are getting my vote... I will never vote Dem again unless they drop this"WOKE" agenda and ideology.. And go back to the More Kennedy type Dem I used to support. I don't think all Socialism is entirely bad.. At least some parts of it that could be mainstreamed to help those who really need the help..However... I'm a firm believer in capitalism.. You put in the work.. You keep what you earn...

Bahahahaha, Non Cheetos Jesus.

A guy gets caught saying something racists in his own text messages.

And how do the nut jobs respond? "They are out to get us!!! We are being persecuted!"

Well, if you are racists and/or sexists. You are right. Most people don't like you and will call out your racism and sexism. They will say you are a piece of shlt person, and you can go fuck yourself. Sorry the world is so woke. Well not really sorry, but I enjoy you crying about it.


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1 hour ago, cccjwh said:

Bahahahaha, Non Cheetos Jesus.

A guy gets caught saying something racists in his own text messages.

And how do the nut jobs respond? "They are out to get us!!! We are being persecuted!"

Well, if you are racists and/or sexists. You are right. Most people don't like you and will call out your racism and sexism. They will say you are a piece of shlt person, and you can go fuck yourself. Sorry the world is so woke. Well not really sorry, but I enjoy you crying about it.


Says the Meme terrorist... Go hug some groomers nuts you fool! As always.. You missed the entire point.. Go have another soy latte , Groomer...

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56 minutes ago, nickers said:

Says the Meme terrorist... Go hug some groomers nuts you fool! As always.. You missed the entire point.. Go have another soy latte , Groomer...

Maybe you can hit up a meeting with your other anti-woke snowflakes, maybe burn a cross of someone's lawn.


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12 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Maybe you can hit up a meeting with your other anti-woke snowflakes, maybe burn a cross of someone's lawn.


I'll be more than happy to burn YOUR lawn , Loser!

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4 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Bahahahaha, Non Cheetos Jesus.

A guy gets caught saying something racists in his own text messages.

And how do the nut jobs respond? "They are out to get us!!! We are being persecuted!"

Well, if you are racists and/or sexists. You are right. Most people don't like you and will call out your racism and sexism. They will say you are a piece of shlt person, and you can go fuck yourself. Sorry the world is so woke. Well not really sorry, but I enjoy you crying about it.


You sound even more hateful than an entire group of racist and you spend way too much energy on worrying about who a person likes or doesn't like.

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8 minutes ago, Jax said:

You sound even more hateful than an entire group of racist and you spend way too much energy on worrying about who a person likes or doesn't like.

TDS and being a Commie run deep in this one.. He has been conditioned and doesn't even know it.. How sad...

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8 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Bahahahaha, Non Cheetos Jesus.

A guy gets caught saying something racists in his own text messages.

And how do the nut jobs respond? "They are out to get us!!! We are being persecuted!"

Well, if you are racists and/or sexists. You are right. Most people don't like you and will call out your racism and sexism. They will say you are a piece of shlt person, and you can go fuck yourself. Sorry the world is so woke. Well not really sorry, but I enjoy you crying about it.


Cool story…now do Don Lemon.

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2 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Wearing white robes run deep in this board.

Take the pillow cover off your head Commie..

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3 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Nobody really gives a fuck about racism, not even you. You just like to scream it because you think somebody gives a fuck.


Yes, I know the racism is the foundation of MAGA. The white supremacy is not a bug, it is a feature. 

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3 minutes ago, cccjwh said:

Yes, I know the racism is the foundation of MAGA. The white supremacy is not a bug, it is a feature. 

Racism is the foundation of liberalism. You people think blacks are too stupid to know how to get a voter ID card.

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6 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Yes, I know the racism is the foundation of MAGA. The white supremacy is not a bug, it is a feature. 

Well of course that's bullshit and doesn't change my statement one way or the other. Nobody gives a fuck about racism the least of which you. Number two you can't tell me anything racist to Donald Trump has ever done. Number three how many people has the KKK killed over the last couple of decades? Compare that to the truckloads of corpses being hauled out of the ghetto every weekend in America. And finally:


Which is why the demented old fool got the nomination for VP in the first place.


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Anybody that heard the fight speech in context would have a better understanding. Not that most lefties care to have a better understanding. Also one of the religious persecutions Grossman spoke of was the fact that there was an inflatable Christmas tree in the studios around the season. Blow me Madam.


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2 hours ago, Westside Steve said:

Well of course that's bullshit and doesn't change my statement one way or the other. Nobody gives a fuck about racism the least of which you. Number two you can't tell me anything racist to Donald Trump has ever done. Number three how many people has the KKK killed over the last couple of decades? Compare that to the truckloads of corpses being hauled out of the ghetto every weekend in America. And finally:


Which is why the demented old fool got the nomination for VP in the first place.


It had occurred to me that he may be woke, so you never know.

That said, I bet even some of the woke crowd don't give a fuck about racism. They need a cause to fight for. It gives meaning to their meaningless lives.

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30 minutes ago, FY56 said:

It had occurred to me that he may be woke, so you never know.

That said, I bet even some of the woke crowd don't give a fuck about racism. They need a cause to fight for. It gives meaning to their meaningless lives.

Yes there's that. Also it's for purely political purposes, regardless of the alliteration, I think they get the false idea that people give a fuck because businesses so often run like pigs from a gun whenever you suggest they may be racist.

Also with the definition of racism is believing that there are differences in intelligence and abilities due to skin color and even given the broader definition of treating One race differently than another they are fucked on both counts. 


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19 hours ago, cccjwh said:

Wearing white robes run deep in this board.

Why? Because we see no color?

Judging a person not by his color but by his character is not good enough for you lefties anymore?

In this age of liberal lunacy if you don't see color, it means you are not woke, therefore you must be a racist and an oppressor... go fuck yourself libtard.


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1 hour ago, FY56 said:

Why? Because we see no color?

Judging a person not by his color but by his character is not good enough for you lefties anymore?

In this age of liberal lunacy if you don't see color, it means you are not woke, therefore you must be a racist and an oppressor... go fuck yourself libtard.


He needs a refill on YAZ and Zoloft

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And taken with the full content which of course CNN would never do this is perfectly true at a perfectly reasonable statement I've felt that way myself before and caught myself thinking it's an inhuman way to think. For instance watching a BLM antifa riot one almost gets the urge to wish that the cops would just opened fire on them but then I catch myself and think now I'm behaving as animalistic as they are. And as abhorrent as these people are that's not good.





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