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The J Stands for Jesus

MLD Woody

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On 4/24/2023 at 1:19 PM, MLD Woody said:

Yes, that we're making and marketing this for children. Marketing this as a JR-15, playing off of an AR 15, just seems dystopian. It's sad that our country has gotten to a point with guns that this is seen as a normal thing to do. 


Unless children are now on the front lines in conservative Americas never ending war with wild boars. 


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On 4/24/2023 at 10:42 AM, MLD Woody said:

The radicalization of political beliefs continues to cross over into things like guns.

You're talking to a group of people who ironically pride themselves in knowing "history"  but almost instantly forget the history of the AR-15 when you ask them is it an assault or millitary style weapon and say it's just a rifle.  Like because civilian AR-15 lacks select fire that it somehow magically transforms it into a water pistol. There is no reasoning with them on this.

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1 hour ago, Neo said:

You're talking to a group of people who ironically pride themselves in knowing "history"  but almost instantly forget the history of the AR-15 when you ask them is it an assault or millitary style weapon and say it's just a rifle.  Like because civilian AR-15 lacks select fire that it somehow magically transforms it into a water pistol. There is no reasoning with them on this.

functionally, it IS JUST A RIFLE. that it "looks scary" is also stupid. It is so popular because it is customizable for comfort and looks. Adjustable stock length. color. attachments like light, scope, tripod (helpful for long distance groundhog, coyote etc shooting), you can get a survival stock - you can put matches, compass, etc in it in case of an emergency in the woods,

you can get different triggers (which you can do for most rifles - some pull too hard, too soft) - it just shoots one shot at a time like every other rifle.

   The gaslighting on the subject is so disingenuous, it's sick.

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25 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

functionally, it IS JUST A RIFLE. that it "looks scary" is also stupid. It is so popular because it is customizable for comfort and looks. Adjustable stock length. color. attachments like light, scope, tripod (helpful for long distance groundhog, coyote etc shooting), you can get a survival stock - you can put matches, compass, etc in it in case of an emergency in the woods,

you can get different triggers (which you can do for most rifles - some pull too hard, too soft) - it just shoots one shot at a time like every other rifle.

   The gaslighting on the subject is so disingenuous, it's sick.

And once again ignoring the history. If you do a family tree of the original parent rifle the ArmaLite 15 and everything that was spawned from that, you can literally follow the lineage of the civilian AR-15 we know today back to the original gun. Same family , same rifle, just one is a different variant that does not have auto fire. 

So you're saying it's just a rifle so what is it? A musket?


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57 minutes ago, Neo said:

And once again ignoring the history. If you do a family tree of the original parent rifle the ArmaLite 15 and everything that was spawned from that, you can literally follow the lineage of the civilian AR-15 we know today back to the original gun. Same family , same rifle, just one is a different variant that does not have auto fire. 

So you're saying it's just a rifle so what is it? A musket?


quiver much in your emoting? ban the AR-15 because of it's history? That is like putting a toy soldier in battle and thinking it can win because of it's history?

egad. You and a few others need to sober up.

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26 minutes ago, calfoxwc said:

ban the AR-15 because of it's history?

Please highlight the part where I said ban it. I'm just pointing out that people can't even agree on as something as simple as calling the AR-15 what it really is. It's because you don't want the evil democrats to take your precious guns. But I am not advocating banning them, I just want you to acknowledge what they really are. And maybe if people can agree on something, maybe we can agree on a solution to curb gun violence.  Just a thought.

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7 hours ago, Neo said:

Please highlight the part where I said ban it. I'm just pointing out that people can't even agree on as something as simple as calling the AR-15 what it really is. It's because you don't want the evil democrats to take your precious guns. But I am not advocating banning them, I just want you to acknowledge what they really are. And maybe if people can agree on something, maybe we can agree on a solution to curb gun violence.  Just a thought.

because every time the nonsense comes up with "the ar-15 is an assault rifle/that is what "AR" stands for stupid"

crap - it is not true, but it is perpetuated by those who want some kind of fake justification for banning it.

   The AR-15 was designed for the military - it was a option that was rapid fire.

However, the design, the looks and functions of it, were common sense. The Variation of equipment that can be put on them made it versatile. Different scopes, lights, lasers, stocks - depending on various mission requirements.

   The CIVILIAN VERSION is also versatile as to comfort and functional customization. The versatile  customization made it great fun for gun owners. It is STILL ONLY A CIVILIAN SEMI-AUTO RIFLE LIKE EVERY OTHER SEMI-AUTO RIFLE.

   A lot of things have been developed for the military and eventually became civilian versions of the same kind of thing.

Like Hummer jeeps. Winter clothing. camo. the portable fire extinguisher.  epipens. drones.  GPS. Hemostatic bandages.

Duck tape. computers. One handed tourniquets. Microwaves. The internet. PTSD treatments. Disposable safety razors. Freeze drying. Jet engine. Digitital photography.

   So, why the hell should anyone listen to you whine about "it was a military origin history" ?

the civilian version is only applicable to civilian use. It's an asinine way to justify the attack on Real America gun culture.



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What makes it military grade are interchangeable parts. The select fire is actually the key difference, like it or not. Is it an effective firearm? Hell yeah.

Unfortunately there are sick people in the world for every reason under the sun. It's just not honest or helpful to blame the violence on a group of people, politics, religion or whatever category and especially not on an inanimate object. At least not directly, it's a combination.

This country was founded using the United States Constitution and that's how it became one of the greatest nations of all time. If we get back to that simple foundation, things could turn around. You don't have to believe in God, but you should strive for the same principles.

I fear we may be past that tipping point. Illegal immigration, subverting our schools, corrupt politicians, lobbying, damaged legal/court system and all media telling you how to think instead of simply providing evidenced backed facts.

So many things to dive into here, I haven't made up my mind on the root of all evil. Is it politicians or corporations that dictate laws and regulations?

Anyways, not to stray too far from guns, if you have a real understanding of what principles this country was founded on and made it great you would stop blaming guns, type of guns and start looking at the people behind it. We need to get back national pride and stop all this victim, excuse making bullshit. It won't stop though because then the corrupt politicians/media couldn't profit from it.


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