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The J Stands for Jesus

MLD Woody

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This is insane. The radicalization of political beliefs continues to cross over into things like guns. Your politics are no longer your opinions, they're who you are. And you nuts aren't going to change who you are. 

A child can't know that gay people exist, but they can get a fucking JR 15. Sounds like grooming to me. 


Not even sure that this is the typical right wing grifter (the easiest way to make money on morons). This is literally just gun nuts being insane. 

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well, I had a .22 I was allowed to carry with me on my many hours exploring our 147 acre farm. Fifth grade. In the sixth grade, I got my first 12 gauge shotgun for Christmas, still cherish it.

  What you dishonestly omit from your hostile crap - is that the jr-15 is just a .22. It looks like an AR-15?

I personally object to that, but one company pushing the limits of common sense doesn't give you legit basis to do your typical woodpecker crap - throwing into the forum and slurring a few hundred million? gun owners who probably think it was a bad idea on that decision.

    Where are the FACTS? oh yeah, you think your fake arrogant feelings are facts.

thay are not.  Personally, given the fake hostility of the times, I don't aporove on the jr-15 even if it was only a toy.

so take your fake in-other-peoples-faces offense up your beak.

again, btw, you are misusing the word "grooming", apparently redefining it to coincide with your feelings.

neurotic much? overcompensate much?

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16 minutes ago, VaporTrail said:

What exactly are you upset about? That there are rifles made for children? 

Yes, that we're making and marketing this for children. Marketing this as a JR-15, playing off of an AR 15, just seems dystopian. It's sad that our country has gotten to a point with guns that this is seen as a normal thing to do. 


Unless children are now on the front lines in conservative Americas never ending war with wild boars. 

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6 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

Yes, that we're making and marketing this for children. Marketing this as a JR-15, playing off of an AR 15, just seems dystopian. It's sad that our country has gotten to a point with guns that this is seen as a normal thing to do. 


Unless children are now on the front lines in conservative Americas never ending war with wild boars. 

Just be sure to keep those young’uns away from those nasty filthy Dr Suess books!

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16 hours ago, MLD Woody said:

A child can't know that gay people exist, but they can get a fucking JR 15. Sounds like grooming to me. 


Not even sure that this is the typical right wing grifter (the easiest way to make money on morons). This is literally just gun nuts being insane. 

Are you for real, or just reaching with this one?

Kids have been shooting guns since guns were invented you knucklehead. lol

Grooming to become what?

And when you take into account the latest call by Trannies to arm themselves, I'd be more concerned about those sissy ass freaks possessing guns than kids.

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Junior Shooting Sports


The American Legion Junior Shooting Sports Program is a gun safety education and marksmanship program that encompasses the basic elements of safety, education, enjoyment and competition.


Who Can Participate?

In shooting sports, you don’t have to sit on the sidelines: Anyone under 18 (or high school seniors no older than 20) can participate. Physical ability and size are no match for mental toughness and discipline in this co-ed skill sport.

Why Shooting Sports?

After demonstrating knowledge of safety techniques, you will join the centuries of Americans who have mastered marksmanship for survival and sport. But the appeal doesn’t stop at our nation’s borders — the best marksmen from around the globe vie for Olympic gold. In fact, 2002 American Legion Three-Position National Champion Jamie Corkish won a gold medal at the 2012 Olympics. As you become a better marksman, you’ll gain responsibility, confidence and self-reliance. To hit your mark, you will also have to improve your ability to concentrate. Plus, you’ll develop a skill you can enjoy and hone throughout your life.

What Will We Do?

You’ll practice and study with your Legion affiliated club, but get to compete as an individual.

Beginner: Safety First

All participants start with rifle safety and fundamentals. The Legion prides itself on safety. There has never been a rifle-related injury in Junior Shooting Sports Program history. You’ll learn the right way to handle, load, aim and fire a rifle.

Intermediate: Build Skills

Once you have mastered the basics, you can take air rifle courses from the National Rifle Association or the Civilian Marksmanship Program through your club. These will help you develop your skills, set personal goals and work to achieve established performance standards.

Advanced: Compete With Others

Your club may hold competitions among its own members, or it may host or attend regional matches. The two basic kinds of competitions are postal and shoulder-to-shoulder. In a postal match, you and fellow participants shoot at targets and then mail them off to be scored. Shoulder-to-shoulder matches are in-person and scored in real-time. The American Legion Junior Three-Position Air Rifle Tournament begins with postal matches. The best 30 junior marksmen from across the country earn an expense paid opportunity to contend for the National Championship in Colorado Springs, Colo. In the same facility where Olympians train, those junior marksmen will compete in a shoulder-to-shoulder match for the title.

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On 4/24/2023 at 10:42 AM, MLD Woody said:



This is insane. The radicalization of political beliefs continues to cross over into things like guns. Your politics are no longer your opinions, they're who you are. And you nuts aren't going to change who you are. 

A child can't know that gay people exist, but they can get a fucking JR 15. Sounds like grooming to me. 


Not even sure that this is the typical right wing grifter (the easiest way to make money on morons). This is literally just gun nuts being insane. 

You could have been more creative with the J for Jesus, but liberals having no sense of humor prohibits that.

If I was one of you people I would have said that JR stood for Junior Republican!  ...or Jesus Rules!


Bet you like those huh? lol

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21 hours ago, VaporTrail said:

You do realize that shooting is a hobby and that some kids are interested in it? 

The original marketing was two child skulls with pacifiers

Do you really think this is an appropriate gun for children to learn to shoot with? Given everything going on with gun violence in our country today. 

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1 minute ago, FY56 said:

You could have been more creative with the J for Jesus, but liberals having no sense of humor prohibits that.

If I was one of you people I would have said that JR stood for Junior Republican!  ...or Jesus Rules!


Bet you like those huh? lol

The J for Jesus is ironic because conservatives are often Christian and yet they go against Jesus' teachings at almost every turn.

But don't worry, they'll find some obscure passage to explain why Jesus actually wanted everyone to have a gun and open carry, or why you should hate those that are different than you, or why you shouldn't help the poor, or why you should close your borders, etc etc 


It's an additional level of irony. 

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Again, gun culture is becoming politicized and therefore radicalized. 

Show this JR 15 and accompanying advertising to any other developed nation and they'll tell you that's why we have a gun problem. 


The NRA and others have been so successful on turning this hobby into the core being of who individuals are that instead of doing literally anything to help prevent gun violence we've increased the spread of guns. Amazing. Awful. Sad.

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36 minutes ago, MLD Woody said:

The original marketing was two child skulls with pacifiers

Do you really think this is an appropriate gun for children to learn to shoot with? Given everything going on with gun violence in our country today. 

I don't think a skull decal determines whether or not a gun is appropriate for a child to learn with. 

Are you upset because the gun looks like an AR-15? Do you realize that the round that it fires is a .22LR? Which is an appropriate caliber to teach to a child. If the gun looked like the pic below, would that be more acceptable to you? 

CZ 452 SCOUT .22 LONG RIFLE - NEW! for saleCZ 452 SCOUT .22 LONG RIFLE - NEW! for saleimage.png.0c8677749a35134c463bcaac3a2b512c.png

You're clearly not interested in guns as a hobby. But your obsession with them is out of proportion to 1 - the danger they pose to the country/society and 2 - your understanding of them. 

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

The original marketing was two child skulls with pacifiers

Do you really think this is an appropriate gun for children to learn to shoot with? Given everything going on with gun violence in our country today. 

Maybe we can enlist some drag queens to teach gun safety to kids?

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1 hour ago, MLD Woody said:

The NRA and others have been so successful on turning this hobby into the core being of who individuals are that instead of doing literally anything to help prevent gun violence we've increased the spread of guns. Amazing. Awful. Sad.

Bonus question - why is the rise of gun ownership awful?

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so, woodpecker - do you want trans to not be allowed to own a gun?

wouldn't that save lives, according to your warped "feelings" ?

don't you want to DO SOMETHING???

no, you don't.

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On 4/24/2023 at 9:42 AM, MLD Woody said:



This is insane. The radicalization of political beliefs continues to cross over into things like guns. Your politics are no longer your opinions, they're who you are. And you nuts aren't going to change who you are. 

A child can't know that gay people exist, but they can get a fucking JR 15. Sounds like grooming to me. 


Not even sure that this is the typical right wing grifter (the easiest way to make money on morons). This is literally just gun nuts being insane. 

You shouldn't be surprises. Guns are everything to the nut jobs.


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Each summer, the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) sponsors a popular series of Junior Rifle Camps and Clinics to teach intermediate and advanced rifle marksmanship skills to junior shooters and their adult leaders. Camps are open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender). All camps are one week long, with the exception of the Outreach Clinics and the Advanced Standing Camps. CMP offers camps for both Smallbore and Air Rifle.

For questions, please contact Ryan Hinson, CMP Junior Rifle Camp Coordinator at 419-635-2141 ext. 707, or rhinson@thecmp.org, or Alana Kelly, CMP Junior Rifle Camp Registrations, at 419-635-2141 ext. 751, or akelly@thecmp.org.


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9 minutes ago, syd said:

different story but do you remember when they made candy cigars and cigarettes ? 

I do, loved them.. the cigarettes were pure sugar and the cigars were chewing gum (pure sugar) but I don't smoke..

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On 4/24/2023 at 10:42 AM, MLD Woody said:



This is insane. The radicalization of political beliefs continues to cross over into things like guns. Your politics are no longer your opinions, they're who you are. And you nuts aren't going to change who you are. 

A child can't know that gay people exist, but they can get a fucking JR 15. Sounds like grooming to me. 


Not even sure that this is the typical right wing grifter (the easiest way to make money on morons). This is literally just gun nuts being insane. 


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