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Biden admin preparing major crackdown on power plants that fuel nation's grid


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but why?

only end result that they desire....

is to create a national emergency so they can bypass our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Wide open borders, ev car problems, outlawing gas engines, trying to control farms and ag lands,

declaring war on coal, and gas, and refrigerators, stoves, etc etc, defunding the police, trying to federalize

everything they can, using the fbi/social media/cia to hide information to manipulate our federal elections,

leaving all that equipment behind to terrorists in Afghanistan, refusing to take out a suicide bomber and got 13? of our servicemen murdered, left behind about 123 AMERICANS there, inviting fentanyl and drug cartels to get into our cities, trying to create racial hatred and fake blame all over America, undermining young Americah children's morals and love of country, going to "war" against parents who simply call it out, declaring "war" on Christian churches and Christians, demoralizing our military, making billions of dollars for communist china who have bribed and bought U.S. companies, farmland, and intel......., using our American justice system and the IRS and FBI as a deep state weapon to crush any and all significant political opposition, lies, lies and more serious lies....

turning Real America upside down, inside out and bass ackwards intentally.....

doesn't take much skill at math to see how it can add up to big, serious trouble.

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